
Tutoring Session

"I'm sorry, Tiffania. Could you repeat what you just said to me?" Alexander said, taken aback by the wish her sister wanted him to do.

"I told you, I want you to tutor me about engineering, preferably everything you know about the subject," Tiffania repeated in a soft tone of voice. 

So she's not really joking, she wanted him to become her tutor. Alexander hummed as he pondered about it. Well, if Tiffania wanted to, who is he to refuse? In fact, this is a good chance for them to bond together as brother and sister. But before he does so, he has to ask one important thing to her.

"Tiffania, I thought your specialty is in social studies? Social studies and Engineering is a completely different fields. What changed your mind?" 

"Well, brother, I just think studying engineering is cooler than social studies as you can contribute more to the country. Didn't I tell you before, I was inspired to study engineering because of you."

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