
Reincarnated As An Anomaly

"What is life like after being reincarnated into another world for me? No memories of the past, naur do I know where I came from or how I came to be dead. I simply was reincarnated into a world I was not mean't to be in, some may refer to me as an Anomaly. Some may believe that life as a reincarnated is like a ray of sunshine but that only lasts for a brief moment before it fades away. Not everyone is blessed with great fortune or extraordinary abilities from the start. Some people may be born into difficult circumstances and have to struggle to make ends meet. I had no magical power when I was born, in a world where it was common, so I was granted a special skill called Negation. This ability is what has kept me alive, as it can cancel out any magical attack. I have encountered people who were close to me, only to witness their eventual demise right before my eyes. I have endured the loss of so many people that it has caused me to become emotionally disconnected. What is the purpose of forming relationships if the person is destined to die anyway? The road I go is too dangerous for any weak person both physically and mentally to ally with. That is the harsh reality of Reincarnating for me. But I still do not lose hope. No matter how many times I question myself, I will prevail. There must be a reason to why I was sent here and I must find out. Doesn't matter how many times I fall or how many circumstances I've endured pain like no other. Atleast during those times I had peacefull times aswell with both friends and family, so watch out world. I, Tomo Yutura, am determined to survive until the end."

Majinlovescakes · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter 5: A Dragon?!

Though hesitant, I ended up joining the group of bandits called Yoru. Aiden appeared to be very keen on having me as part of his crew, claiming that he could tell through my eyes that I had a lot of potential.

Despite his odd behavior and whatever his motives were, I guess I should just accept this group for now until I can find a better situation. Once I do, I'll just move on.

Eventually after introducing myself, we began walking towards a carriage, or at least that's what Aiden called it. I followed right after Aiden, walking alongside his subordinates, with Jack intermittently shooting me disapproving looks. But I paid it no mind since I didn't plan on sticking around for very long.

"Aiden exclaimed, "We're here" after only a short walk.

My eyes widened in amazement as I beheld the incredible sight before me. Far from the usual carriages pulled by horses, cows, or donkeys, this one was powered by a snoozing dragon! "Dragon," I cried out.

The hard leather that covered its body and its deep purple hue gave it a spiky, intimidating look. Its two legs were thick and muscular and ended in curved, razor-sharp claws. It's Wings were broad and large. Its eyes were a piercing yellow, and its long snout was filled with sharp teeth that seemed to glint in the light.

My mother had only recounted brief stories about these mythical beasts. It is said that dragons possess immense power, able to wreak havoc on kingdoms with their might and blazing fire. Dragons are said to be so rare that sightings of them are few and far between.

I shouted out in vexation, asking myself how a lowly thief had managed to stumble across and even manage to tame this thing?!

Aiden exclaimed, "That was offly rude, don't you think?" He then continued, "And it's not a dragon, she's actually a wyvern and she's still a young one with emotions, you know." As he stroked the sleeping wyvern's back.

Jack said in a tone that was both reverent and proud, "This is nothing to be overly concerned about; it's just a regular occurrence for our leader!" "I agree that this is the most normal thing Aiden has in store," responded Chloe. Noah gave a nod of approval, likely feeling proud to have Aiden as his leader.

I uttered in dismay, "It seems like all of you become more and more peculiar, don't you?" Aiden laughed and said, "Yes, I suppose we do. But that's what makes us so interesting, isn't it?"

"Hey Aiden!" "Welcome back," said two children who were seated on oak logs. They seemed to be the same age as me and came running towards Aiden. "We've been waiting for you! What took you so long?"

"Stella and Sin, it appears you spotted us before we had the chance to spot you!" Excalmied Aiden.

A boy with light blonde curls and the most peculiar brilliant red eyes, almost like gazing into a Blood moon. A girl who was strikingly pretty with long, abundant, raven-black hair and thick, luscious eyelashes framing her big, adorable eyes. The two children shouted joyfully as they embraced Aiden.

Aiden spoke sincerely as he declared, "Our mission is accomplished, so there's no need to linger in this spooky woods any longer."

The boy, Sin peered at me to the side of his shoulder while he gestured in my direction. He had a quizzical look on his face and asked, "Who is that?" Aiden replied, "Ah, that's Tomo. We encountered him on our way back here."

Sin commented with a chuckle, "I wouldn't have guessed it just by looking at him - he has such a feminine appearance and long hair!" Aiden flicked his forehead and sternly stated, "Be nice Sin!"

"Tomo is a new member of Yoru and is to be treated like family from this day onward," declared Aiden. "That's included with you as well, Jack. I saw those nasty glances you gave Tomo during our walk here."

Jack paused momentarily, then jumped in surprise when he was suddenly caught. "Yes, sir!" he exclaimed, lowering his head in respect.

(Fun Fact! A wyvern is a type of dragon with two legs, two wings, and often a pointed tail which is said to be a venomous stinger)