
Reincarnated as a scape goat on a bl novel.

Suddenly waking up on another world to save the world from destruction with all of his memory sealed. Li weiyu need to alter both his and all the characters fate. Li weiyu wake up as a scape goat and who will die after being used. Along side of his gathered ally, he has to fight the fate of this world and unfold his own identify.

yu_meixi · LGBT+
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18 Chs

chapter 4: the decision of the scape goat

[ Would you or would you not kill Zhen zoya?] I think about what system#17 said.

' What the hell! I just got here and I already have to make a big decision?!' I thought to myself.

"system#17 tell me what's the relationship of me..no, the original Li weiyu and Zhen zoya?" I ask. I have to know first about the connection between Li weiyu and the original villain.

[Li weiyu is the personal servant of Zhen zoya. At the age of 10, Li weiyu was appointed to serve the 6th young master of the Zhen family, Zhen zoya. ]

[Unlike all his half-sibling and cousins, Zhen zoya wasn't born with inner qi and has a weak body so the family Zhen treated him like an eyesore and a parasite to the family since the Zhen family is known for their martial arts abilities. Everyone in the capital knew about the black sheep of the family Zhen. ] system#17 said then a picture of the family Zhen show up.

Zhen zoya is born on the 3rd concubine of the family head. His mother's name is wu xìn xīn who was the 2nd daughter of the wu family. He had one brother with the same mother and has 8 half- brothers and 7 half-sisters.His father has 2 wives and 5 concubine. The family head's first wife has 2 daughters and 1 son. The second has 2 sons and 2 daughters. The first concubine has 1 son. The second has 1 daughter and 2 son. The 4th concubine has 3 son. and the last concubine 2 daughters.

His mother's family was one of the vassal of the Zhen family so she was favored the most among the concubine. Wu xìn xīn was also considered a beauty. Wu xìn xīn was used on living an luxurious and extravagant lifestyle. But all of it disappears when Zhen zoya was born.

All of the newborns were examine if they have strong or weak inner qi right after they were born. Inner qi is very important in this world. Martial artist were all in the top of the food chain. Having no inner qi was just like being crippled.

Once the family head heard that Zhen zoya has no inner qi, his favor towards wu xìn xīn quickly turns to disappointment.

It was the same as the wu family. When they heard that the 2nd daughter of their family gave birth to a crippled child, they quickly turned they're back at wu xìn xīn.

Because of the sudden turns of her life, wu xìn xīn develop hatred to her own child and sees him as a curse. She take her life when Zhen zoya was only 5 months old.

Everyone in the capital was aware of the events and rumors started circling about Zhen zoya being crippled and cursed.

[Because of this no servant see Zhen zoya as a young master. Li weiyu is no different. Even through he didn't show it by words, his actions toward him was no different on how other servant in the family treat Zhen zoya.] system#17 said.

[When Zhen zoya turned 16, the 4th and the 5th young master will try poison him. This will triggered the dark qi that Zhen zoya bear inside him. He will kill all of his half-siblings along with their mothers. All the elder along side of the family head try to stop Zhen zoya's rampage but they all failed and die on his hands. ]

"Does anyone in the Zhen family survive?" I ask.

[Only the youngest son, Zhen bai-liu. He is the main protagonist of this world.] system#17 said.

"what about me? What happened to the original Li weiyu?" I ask.

[Li weiyu is a person full of greed. Zhen zoya was aware of it. Zhen zoya kept Li weiyu at his side and at the battle between him and the heavenly alliance, Li weiyu was used as a scape goat for him to be able to escape after receiving a fatal attack from Zhen bai-liu.]

"wait a scape goat? I'm gonna be a scape goat?" I said with a hysterical voice.

'does that mean I'm going to die?'

[yes, host.] system#17 said and walked towards me. [That is why you need to decide if you'll kill Zhen zoya while he was still weak or will you keep him by your side as one of your ally and guide him to a brighter path.]

"what am I supposed to do to make him my ally?"

[you will have to gain his trust and affection for him to be able to accept you.] system#17 said.

"Affection? why do I need to gain his affection? Isn't gaining his trust is enough make him my ally?" I asked.

[ Yes, but affection is fundamental to creating connection between two people. High affection rate also have an affect on your ATR and skills.] system#17 said. [ So, what is your decision?]

"Isn't the main villain was one of the strongest in this world?" I muttered and pushed my hair back in frustration.

[I supposed so, since the original Zhen zoya has been able to kill thousands of martial artist and been able to rose to the top by himself.] System#17 said.

'if I succeed on bringing him on my side wouldn't it make it easier to save this world from destruction since the main villain is already on the good side?'

"system#17 I already made my decision." I said facing the white cat in front of me.

[ What is your decision, host?]

" I will make Zhen zoya my ally."