
Reincarnated as a raven in Teen Titans

"Damn." Anya, a young woman reincarnated as a raven in the Teen Titans superhero group, found herself in this form just as Azarath was destroyed by Trigon. How does she overcome this?

Rachel_2019768 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Divergent Hopes

I don't remember my name in my previous life. I spent my childhood with toxic parents, where my father often beat my mother and I was treated almost the same way.

When I was beaten by my father, instead of getting protection or a look of guilt from my mother, what I saw was that she was happy because she wasn't the one my father was targeting.

When I was around 10 years old or less I was dragged by my father and sexually assaulted because he lost gambling at a casino and he was ignored by a waiter there.

Not long after that incident, my father went bankrupt and owed a lot of money to the collector's department. To be able to pay that debt, my father sold me to a criminal organization, even though I cried and begged not to be sold, all I got was another beating.

After entering the organization, I found out that it was not just an ordinary criminal organization, it was an international assassin organization. They were collecting children like me to be trained and raised to become elite assassins loyal to them.

With harsh and merciless training, many children died during the training and there were also those who died from malnutrition because they had almost the same fate as me. I was lucky enough there or perhaps unlucky, I was able to cover my shortcomings with my intelligence instead of focusing on my poor physique. I studied poison and killing tactics and finally I became the successful one of the few children who survived.

Growing up to become an assassin, I carried out all the missions given by the organization with 99.9% success. For my good contribution to the organization, I started to be paid from this fee and my loyalty to the organization increased.

In the organization I started to feel like this was my family, I had comrades in arms, and a boss who was fierce but kind like my own parents more than my biological parents. But as I got older I started to realize I couldn't keep living like this forever. I also want to live a normal life, have a normal family and normal friends like most other normal people. With that thought I conveyed it to my boss who I consider like my parents and he agreed easily with joy. I started planning my retirement from the world of assassins, I started buying a house and other normal life necessities but that only became wishful thinking because one night when I was enjoying my normal life in my new house my life ended with a gunshot right in the back of my head.


Grool or what can be called "dark mobs" occupy the world under his control, and enforce his orders to provide sacrifices to him.

Currently, Grool is heading to the room where his god's daughter lives to convey a message from his god to his daughter.

Arriving at the god's daughter's room, Grool saw scattered books and human bodies lying in each magic circle that formed a pattern like a net, which were connected to each other. and at the center of it all, a woman sat in the middle of the dim room, absorbing the deep silence. His eyes closed gently, showing the inner depth that was occupying his mind. His body was in a meditative position, legs crossed and hands resting on his thighs gently.

"All gods of light and darkness, hear my prayer.

--And give us the strength to accomplish the impossible task before us...

And finally--by fate--"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Raven, I didn't mean to disturb you"


"Of course you did, otherwise why would you disturb my reverie?"

"Your father asks that you join him on the banks of the bloody river"

"Is it time yet?"

"Master Trigon moved faster than I expected"


"Take me to see him"

"Ready ma'am"


Walking down the hall of the palace of hell, Raven walked and was followed by Grool who was a little behind him.

While walking, Raven stretched out one of his hands along the road to absorb negative emotions from the palace walls to be converted into magic energy, he could do that. because what is called the palace of hell is made from the flesh and blood of humans or intelligent life who enter hell, they are shaped and disguised with magic to resemble a palace.

When he first came to hell and arrived at the palace, he immediately felt nauseous and finally vomited because he couldn't resist the influence of the negative emotions radiating from the people who had been transformed into the palace.

Meanwhile, Trigon, who had reduced himself to human size, smiled at him with an amused look, seeing his condition at that time.

"Enjoy my daughter, because from now on this is your home" (trigon).

"Madam..., we have arrived"

Waking up from his reverie he saw a pool of blood which showed a view of the room but it was very dark.

"Is he on earth?"

"Yes Madam, master is giving his blessings to the lowly mortals on earth"

*Float* the raven approached the blood pool and dived into it.

"Grool, your blood is red?"

"??? "

Disappearing into the pool, Grool was confused by the last words left by his master's daughter.



In a place where ordinary people don't know, there is a group where people worship a devil, there they say prayers and praises to the devil, they are called the blood temple, a group of a heretical religion that worships a devil called Trigon and every night their blood moon will appear. offering a sacrifice in the form of a woman to become Trigon's bride.

In a room, a woman and a man embrace each other on the bed, the man touches the woman's face and then kisses her.


The man kissed the woman from her lips down her neck and down her chest, seeing her pink nipple he bit it.

"Ah..." The woman's voice couldn't help but moan because she was stimulated by the man. At the same time, the man's hand moved down to touch the woman's vagina, which turned out to be wet.

And meanwhile in a dark corner of the room that the woman didn't know about. Raven looked at the scene with disgust, seeing the sexual intercourse between a man and a woman which finally resulted in the man inserting his penis into the woman. And it continued like that, Raven watched the two of them have sex for 2 hours with the feeling of wanting to burn them with hellfire.

After their sex had finished, the raven finally showed himself from the darkness.

"Are you finished, father?" Raven asked with a straight face.

"Oh.., my daughter, when are you coming?"

"Daddy knows I've been here for 2 hours watching your disgusting activities, right?"

"Ho..*smiles* raven..of course I know"

"Tsk" clicked his tongue with a flat expression, the raven walked over to the woman who was asleep due to exhaustion. Placing his hand on the woman's stomach, Raven channeled his strength carefully to check something.

"This woman is barren"

"Really? Just kill him then"

"Can I take it"

"Why, do you need it"

"Yes, I ran out of my black magic experiment materials"

"Of course my daughter, whatever you want, what's not for you!?"

"*doubt* Really!"

"Of course,*confident* whatever my daughter"

"How about...don't bother me!?"

"Ha? Hahahaha"

While laughing, Trigon approached Raven with both arms outstretched, having no other choice, Raven entered his father's arms. In his arms, Trigon began to stroke the raven's head.

"That's impossible, my daughter, because teasing you is my father's hobby, and it is common knowledge that parents always like to prank their children, especially girls."

"*sarcastic* I'm teasing you...!!"

(I don't think that counts as bullying by standards, it can't possibly be by devil standards) Thinking like that, Raven started to remember the beginning of living with Trigon.


[Hell(early period of arrival)]

When Raven first started living in hell with Trigon.

*open the door*

"This is your room, from now on raven"

Seeing Raven's bedroom, I didn't expect it to be normal, even better than his bedroom on earth, there were tables, chairs and other supporting furniture with lots of unknown books and books from Azarath along with candles as lighting tools which was quite strange because the fire was purple. black, quite disturbing but as time goes by he will get used to it, there is also a bed which when he touches it turns out to be smooth, when he tries to sit on it.


"You like it?"


"*smile*Good thing you like it!"

(It turns out he's not that bad!? Why do ravens in the comics hate Trigon so much? Ah...it's true he killed his mother, but there are other comics that seem to say Trigon didn't kill his mother, well never mind, if I knew this I would have read all those DC collector comics instead of letting my colleague burn it to eliminate traces). Back when raven was still working for the organization he had a mission to kill a rich collector. There, after successfully killing Raven, he was attracted by his target's collection, namely DC comics which were neatly stored in the cupboard. His eyes immediately fell on the comic that told about Raven. He read it, but before he had finished he was called by his colleague.

"Hey what are you doing Anya?"

Closing the comic book he turned to face his partner.

"Can you stop calling me by that name"

"*smile*Why Anya?" In a teasing tone her colleague called her again.

"Isn't that the name you chose yourself, Anya?"

*creases eyebrows*

"How did I know that the name was from a Japanese anime character, because at that time I thought the name was better than being called by a number?"

"Yes, yes, Anya, you are always right, Anya, okay, Anya, let's get rid of any evidence that Miss Anya has."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" *Screams in frustration*

With that, they finally set fire to the victim and his entire house and all the belongings in it, not to mention the comic book, were also burned.

(Never mind, what happened has happened, no need to regret it)

"Then I'll go, I have business I need to take care of"

"Okay *doubtful* thank you"

Standing in front of the door, Trigon looked at Raven while holding out both hands.

"What?! "

"No hugs"


"I heard that in the mortal world they hug to express affection?! Am I wrong?"


"I don't know, I don't know either, I've never done it."

"Then..., from now on, let's do this 'hugging' as an expression of affection in this new family"

"Starting with you and me raven, come here"

With slow steps the raven approached the trigon, the closer the raven was to the trigon. His steps became heavier when he and Trigon were one step apart. Raven looked at Trigon's smiling face even though his face looked scary with red skin and four eyes along with horns on top of his head. What he saw was the father he wanted the most, that's why he didn't dare to come closer. because he was afraid it was just his imagination and his feelings would be hurt again a third time.

Before she was about to turn around because of hesitation her body seemed to be attracted by something and without realizing it she was already in his arms.

" *smile* Have raven nightmares! "

He didn't know whether it was a congratulation in the sense of being good in hell but right now he only felt comfort in Trigon's arms.

Letting go of his hug, Trigon left while saying goodbye.

"See you tomorrow raven!"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow"

When Trigon was far enough away Raven said the last sentence "father" which would be the sentence he was most annoyed with besides his past name that he made up.

After Trigon left, Raven started to go to the cupboard where there were many books in it, taking one of them he began to understand that these books were books about magic, why did he know because since he started waking up in this body he started to have memories of the original Raven? I don't know why but those memories naturally merge with him as if they were his and he just forgot.

Putting that aside he started reading those books to speed up his memory recovery and also to gain new knowledge from magic books other than those from Azarath. Because he thought it would definitely be useful one day, because he didn't know what future would await him in the future, what's more, he wasn't a real raven, even though he gradually gained raven memories, but when he tried to use his powers he always failed. For example, right now he is trying to move the chair in front of him with raven.sekal's Telekinesis power

"Didn't budge at all, even with me imitating the raven's way of doing it"

With that, Raven walked to the table and started sitting on the chair and started reading the books all day long.

"*yawn* hahhm, that's enough for today"

Walking towards the bed, lying there the raven started to sleep. When he started sleeping, the raven started dreaming, not beautiful dreams but bad dreams, very bad dreams.

In that dream he was skinned, cooked, cut, chased by strange creatures and finally eaten alive, all these dreams came together, he tried to wake up but no matter how hard he tried it was as if someone was holding him back from waking up.

When morning came, he could only wake up, with dryness pouring out and raven's trembling body embracing his knees, the sensation he felt in his dream was still clear in his memory, even his body felt convulsed as if it were really happening to him.

Immersed in the sensation, Raven heard a knock behind the door.




"Raven, your father is awake, hm!?"

"I'm coming in then!"

Opening the door, Trigon entered and saw Raven hugging his knees. Walking towards the raven he sat next to him and started hugging him.

"Calm down Raven, you'll get used to it"

While stroking his head, Trigon calmed the raven in his arms.

Raven finally calmed down and started to relax again.

Seeing the books piled up on the floor, Trigon thought of something interesting.

"Raven, would you like me to teach you magic personally"

"*dazed* huh!?"

"Instead of studying yourself, being taught by me might be more effective, how about it!?"

" *hesitant* "

"If you don't want to, that's okay"

"Okay, I want to"

"*smile* then Let's start today, deal?"


With that the Trigon magic class began. Raven started to be taught the magic in books but he also explained the theories behind it and its application in real life which could be very different depending on how and who the user was. Like that day after day Raven learned many things from Trigon and he enjoyed it but his nightmares never went away. Even worse, mentally every time he woke up he felt like a dead person who was forced to live. But he tried to survive, he didn't want to disappoint his new father.

And continued like that for 1 year, he finally mastered almost all the magic books in hell, instead of being happy, Raven was actually afraid because in learning magic he also learned magic related to nightmares or what is usually called black magic {Somniummalum} which gives his victims The nightmare lasted for 8 hours and the magic could only be applied if the user had physical contact with the target. To confirm his doubts, during a lesson with Trigon. Raven dared to ask her father.



"Do you *doubt* whether father bewitched me with the {Somniummalum} spell?"

"Yes, I did"

Hearing this Raven felt something break inside him, with a heavy breath Raven asked.


"Of course it's fun"


Looking up to see Trigon's face, Raven finally saw her father's true face, the illusion of her loving father overlapping with her real face, the face of a devil, truly a devil.

With this incident, Raven managed to solve the mystery of Raven's nightmare. Starting from that day Raven tried to stay away from Trigon but somehow he would always end up with Trigon.



Remembering that again made him want to go back to the past and slap himself. Because he fell into Trigon's game, but because of that he began to understand Raven's hatred for Trigon. You could say that the original Raven and I were almost the same, we were less fortunate in terms of parent-child relationships.

But he also couldn't deny that his way of teaching trigon was very effective even though it was extreme and inhumane.

(Well...what do I expect from the devil, at least it makes me aware and gives me a goal to do, therefore I work hard to master and develop my strength to be able to fight Trigon's mischief)

"Grool said, we will carry out your plan."

"Yeah right"

"So which planet will you conquer?"

*smile* Trigon looked at Raven deeply and sentimentally.

"*suspicious* Why is dad looking at me like that?" While pushing the trigon out of his arms, Raven asked suspiciously.

"It turns out daddy's little devil has grown up, oh time flies quickly"

"What nonsense are you talking about"

"Okay, okay, Raven, I'll show you something"

While holding Raven's shoulder, Trigon turned his body to face a mirror that Trigon had conjured up with his magic.

"You saw it"

In front of the mirror Raven saw the image of a beautiful purple haired woman with purplish red pupils with skin that was strikingly red and standing next to her her father reflected in her demon form.

"Yes I see my reflection and the shadow of daddy's gigolo"

"No, come on raven"

Rolling her eyes in annoyance Raven began to imbue her eyes with magic power, and suddenly the view in the mirror changed to show an ice cream seller on the side of the capital's road.

"Very funny, I just saw an ice cream seller"

"You don't remember that person, look again"

(When I look at it, I feel like I've seen it somewhere)

"*stunned* Ah"

"It's true that he was the boy selling ice cream that you met when you first managed to create a portal to earth. Isn't he a good boy? Now he's an adult, shouldn't we repay his kindness, by taking over his world and enslaving his race for this great Trigon, that's it. will be a blessing for them, hahahahahaha"


"Hahaha, what's more this is your home planet, I have to give them a gift. Don't you Raven!!"

"Yes, yes, you're right, father. You're always right," Raven replied flatly.

"Can we postpone it?"

"Why? *suspicious* "

Turning to Raven's trigon gave her reason.

"I want to finish my magic experiment first, just a few parts left and the magic will be finished"

"How long?"

"10 minutes earth time"

"That means 10 years of underworld time"


"Well well, 10 years is a short time"

When Trigon agreed to Raven's proposal, Raven herself didn't really care about Trigon's agreement, instead she walked over to the woman who had been sleeping with Trigon, with her hand touching the woman's head, Raven bewitched her.

"Enter the abyss of dreams forever{Aeternus Immortalis}"

Cn: Aeternus Immortalis = eternal sleep

After that, Raven put the woman into his shadow which also functions as a storage dimension.

"Then I'll go back first"

"Yes, okay, I still have a little business here."

Shadows began to envelop the raven, as he was almost completely enveloped in the summoning trigon.



"Daddy's proud of you"


"You really have become the devil that father hoped for"

"*looks* at me half"

"No, you are a demon, this has been proven by you no longer using your human form"

"It's just because the climate of hell is not suitable for my human form." Leaving those words, Raven finally disappeared into the shadows.



Coming out of the shadow vortex, Raven arrived at her room.

From a dark corner of the room a person appeared.


"We only have 10 years"

"T-ten is too short, I-I can't finish in that short time!!"

"Don't worry, I will help too!"

"W-what about Trigon, if he's found out?"

"He won't know because I will create another new clone to replace me on the surface, to pretend to study black magic."

"O-okay then" With that he went back into the shadows.

Alone, Raven took something out of her hands, a small astral body that had the same face as the woman Trigon slept with.

"{O anima miser obliviscere omnium dolorum tuorum. Renasceris et vivas melius}"

Cn:"{O poor soul, forget all your suffering. Get up again and live your life better}"

Chanting his magic spell, the astral body disappeared from the raven's hands.

"Sorry dad, but things won't go according to your wishes anymore."

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