
Uproar at Water 7

' Congrulations host for signing in on Long Ring Long İsland. C Grade: Arena Emblem(X1) Awarded.'

' Arena Emblem. Allows the host to enter into an otherwordly arena with someone he chose. Host and the target will be isolated from world for 10 minutes. To exit the arena either host or the target has to die. İf no one dies after 10 minutes, both host and the target will die. This emblem can only be used once.'

Abel frowned as he read the description.

' A double edged sword.'

Abel went back to the ship without wasting time. Foxy and his crew was not here in this time, so there wasn't much to do here. Bonney glared at Abel as she complained.

'' Why must we stop at every island!?''

'' I like sightseeing. Don't complain.'' Bonney was still furious about being forcefully recruited. Abel also forced her to train with the rest of the crew but she wasn't very obedient.

' Well, whatever. I will fix it with time.'

A total of 4 days after leabing Mock Town, Abel could finally see the city of Water 7. İt was as stunning as it was in the canon. That was just the outside of it though. As Abel went closer he could see the difference. Once bustling street that welcomed tourists was empty. Abel got out of the ship and took a deep breath.

' Give me something good!'

' Sign in!'

'Congrulations host for signing in on Water 7. Calculating the history and importance... Calculation completed. Grade B: Spatial Pill rewarded.'

'Spatial Pill: Allows the user to teleport for a short distance.'

Abel looked at the description annoyedly.

'That's not very useful, system!'


Abel still hasn't used the epic grade training set he got in Alabasta. The reason was, Abel was not in a safe situation. Abel sent his reply to the government but didn't know if he would succeed. Abel was in a hurry to reach Skypiea, that way he would be isolated from the world for a while. He would have ample time to use his training enhancing pills and train intensely. He could also teach his crew at that time. As Abel was deep in thoughts he heard shoutings from afar.




Abel saw a huge crowd at the sea-train station protesting. All sea trains except for the one that goes to Enies Lobby, which was used by government officals was blockated by the government. Abel also saw Franky family among the crowd. They were the most furious since Franky was framed at some point. Paulie was at the back of the crowd speaking with some journalists. Abel ignored the protests for time being and went next to the journalist with his mask on.

'' Hello. Are you interested from a special interview from me? You are very lucky! Not everyone has this chance!''

The journaler turnead around with a frown but a second later his eyes glinted when he saw the familiar masked figure with white hair.

'' Are you Abel from Dark Moon,sir? Please tell me your thoughts about the situation of Water-7.''

Abel sighed deeply.

'' İt is such a pain to see Water-7 in trouble because of a simple misunderstanding. I'm sure the government is keeping İceberg safe as they claimed. But I, Abel from Dark Moon can't bear to see this situation escalate anymore. I have decided to supply the city of Water-7 with food and resources until the bans are over and the misunderstanding is solved.''

Everyone in the plaza stopped for a moment looking at Abel incredulously then thunderous cheers erupted from every side of the city. Some common folk had tears of relief on their faces. They were worried their children will die from hunger if that went on. After Abel declared his intent he bullshitted shortly until the journaler stopped the broadcasting den den mushi. He then turned to the journaler with a smile.

'' Connect me to Big News Morgans. I have big news for him.''

The journaler's eyes widened. ' What can be bigger than Dark Moon publicly supporting Water-7. Are they trying to go against the government?'

Just as Abel managed to get a way to connect with Morgans his den den mushi rang. Abel opened it with a light smile.

'' So... you are really going to do it?'' Dragon's deep voice was heard.

'' There is no other way to confirm. This will also help you to reassure Franky. You just don't forget-''

'' Yeah. I will owe you one if you manage to complete the plan succesfully. I will also let you contact with Franky.''

'' Good. I will visit your branch after this is over.''

Abel smiled as he closed the call. ' You want me to force a side? I will use you as a stepping stone to raise my influence higher... Without choosing your side.'

' I can also farm relationships with Franky and Dragon... I need to win this gamble though.'

[Mock Town]

A familiar masked man with giant sword stood in front of Heisuke who was bitterly crying.

'' I... I really don't know where that Abel is... Please, spare me.''

This masked man was cp-9's ex leader that failed at Alabasta. His name was Akira. As for why he was chasing after Abel... After learning the information that a marine undercover happened to see Abel using Aranruth, he instantly realised that sword was the same one as the 'pink ghost'. Pink Ghost and Abel could both manipulate weather. Akira was sure that there was a connection between that Pink Ghost and Abel. However he actually didn't care much about the failed mission anymore. He didn't care about Nico Robin nor Abel. Akira smiled under his mask with sorrow.

' I just what to see Aranruth, once again. That sword I heard so much... yet only seen once. Why did it choose you?'

[Navy Hq]

Sengoku was furious behind his desk as he slammed his fist onto the desk.

'' This letter is utter bullshit! He just tries to gain time, isn't he!?''

A marine vice-admiral sighed as he voiced his opinion.

'' I think... the contents of the letter makes sense. As for the Water-7 situation he mentioned... Wouldn't it be better to wait and see what he is planning, now? İf he is trying to trick us, we can always go after him. İf he could solve one of our problems on his own it would be a greaat help for the government and navy.''

Sengoku took a deep breath to calm himself. Sengoku also knew the letter's contents made sense and he had no solution to force Abel to work for him. Abel was not a criminal nor he broke any rules as far as known. But Sengoku had a strange feeling. He felt that if he didn't take control of this unknown nuisance, he would bitterly regret in the future. Sengoku forcefully calmed himself as he ordered.

'' Read the letter again.''

Vice-admiral nodded as he started reading.

'' I am grateful that the government recognizes Dark Moon as a force to be reckoned with... However, it is a very shameful thing to ask us, heroic people to take part in a 'pirate' organization. We Dark Moon are a group that follow the laws closely and don't commit piracy. We also don't need government to give us 'legal raiding' rights. We, Dark Moon never raid common people! Please understand that accepting the position will only stain Dark Moon's good reputation. We refuse to take part in a group filled with criminals. However, to show our sincerity, we decided to help government with the crisis in Water-7. Please don't act rashly and let us deal with the situation. İf we can't solve the crisis in 15 days, I, Abel promise to accept any condition set by the government. İf it is succesful, I hope the government will invest in the city more and enlarge the train routes and the prosperity of the city. The letter ends here, sir.''

Sengoku took a deep breath and went into deep thoughts when he heard a laughter inside the room.

'' BWAHAHAHA, what a prideful person. Sengoku, just let the kid hunt pirates in peace!'' Garp lazily told him as he ate his rice crackers. Sengoku's face flushed red as he shouted.

'' GARP! This is not a simple thing! He wants us to leave the crisis of Water-7 at his hands. He also alwyas wears a mask. I have a bad feeling about this... Not to mention he uses Aranruth.''

Garp had finally stopped laughing and a thoughtful look appeared on his face as he spoke with a low voice.

'' Aranruth... I thought the report was fake. That sword actually, exists, huh.''

Sengoku nerveously hit the table with his fingers and finally made his choice.

' We can't leave the Water-7 situation to the hands of a kid. Even though we are in a terrible situation...'

Just as Sengoku opened his mouth to declare his decision a panicked marine rushed into the room.

'' Fleet Admiral, sir! İt is big news! Abel publicly supplied Water-7 with food and money. Do we do anything against him?''

Sengoku's face turned pale immediately. Refusing Abel at that time and going against him right now was completely different. Abel made the first move. Now he was the one forcing Sengoku to choose. Sengoku could imagine Abel laughing at him from afar.

' Will you go against the saviour of Alabasta who is helping the common folk, in front of the world? Or will you let me do whatever I want with the Water-7 situation?'

Sengoku gritted his teeth as he slammed his fist to the table. The table crumbled into dust while Sengoku's whole body shook from anger.

' Going against Abel without any justification now, would damage the government's reputation even more. Even Alabasta or other countries might protest us. Not to mention the crisis in East Blue is still at freezing point.'

Sengoku's eyes turned cold as he ordered in resignation.

'' Don't do anything. İf Abel can't solve the issue in Water-7 satisfactorily declare him a criminal for helping a rebel city state. This is all because of that Spandam bastard! İf he didn't torture İceberg we could at least show his face to the city to soften the situation, damn it!''

Sengoku sat down in tiredness.

' Boy... İf you can't solve the situation, both you and Water-7 is done.'

Meanwhile a 50+ looking old man with grayish beard was sitting on top of a moving sea train. The wind blew his beard and hair as old man played around with his beard. Of course there was only 1 route that sea train goes, right now. Enies Lobby.

As for who this old man is...


Name: Abel

Age: 57

Race: Half-Lunarian

Strength: 123

Agility: 108 (130)( Due to imperial flame passive)

Endurance: 144

Stamina: 160

Observation Haki: 35(İntermediate)

Armament Haki: 30(İntermediate)

Sword Mastery: 50(intermediate grade) (First Sword skill unlocked.)

Status Effects:

Moon Lord( All stats +%10)

İmperial Flame Passive State( Agility +%20)

Old Age(All stats -%10)

Abel stood up on top of the train with a hearty smile.

'Let's play around, world government!'

Abel took out his wine cup and drank as he unhurriedly walked to the Vagon at the front. While walking Abel dripped wine on top of all the vagons behind. Abel raised his hand as white flames flew out of it.

All previous Vagons were burnt to ashes in several seconds. Abel could hear some ruffled screams but no one was able to react.

'' WHAT İS GOİNG ON!?'' Abel heard a shout right under him. This was obviously the rider of the train. Abel went inside the vagon and the den den mushi driver took out just now was killed. The driver looked at the old man with a pale face but then gulped as he felt Aranruth on his neck.

'' Keep driving.''

The driver gulped and obeyed while Abel took out Bloody Tears with his left hand. A woman's voice rang out Abel's head.

'Mortal... You are finally going to feed me!? I am hungry...'

Abel just commanded simply.



The driver felt an ominous sensation but didn't dare to look back as he kept driving anxiously. The ashes on the sea floor shook as if something was being forcefully ejected out of them. Bloody Tears shone purple for a few seconds before regaining it's usual colour.

' A bunch of weaklings. İs this considered food? Just one of you crewmate's soul is more nutritous than hundred of them! Give me-'

Abel cut the book of annoyedly.

' Which grade of curses can you do now?'

' Not even Supreme. İf you want me to improve let me feed on quality people'

Abel nodded thoughtfully and then closed the book.

' Wait for next time.'

Abel looked at the full moon as he kept Aranruth at the driver's neck while his other hand was used to drinking wine.

Hope you like it :d

ZhaoYuzherucreators' thoughts
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