
Reincarnated as a Living Enchantment

What if you could be anything? Take control of anything, living, non-living, or even in between? All that matters is your power. This is the situation Jack Sutton finds himself in. Reborn into a new world as a living enchantment, able to take over and control anything, even the planet itself. (As long as he has the power) Jack is thrown into this new world, on the hip of a lowly adventurer, enchanted onto his small dagger. What will he do?

Jacob_Wall_7304 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

A Painful Start

I look around seeing my surroundings, I see them in a weird 360-degree view, but there is something I don't see. ME! I don't see me, I Just see a tall scrawny looking man with graying brown hair and tan leather armour, with a sword on his hip. I try to move I try to scream, nothing works. All I can do is look on, as this man slowly creeps down what looks to be a cave, with jagged stones on all sides and glowing moss growing on the ceiling. As this man continues to walk down deeper into the cave I begin to wonder, am I dreaming. If so I would love to wake up, just looking at this dude is pretty boring.


A screech resonates throughout the cave as two bipedal hyenas come running down, with crude stone weapons drawn. Scraps of leather haphazardly draped over their bodies, in an attempt to protect their vitals.

Excited that something is happening I watch on as the scrawny man draws his sword, preparing for battle. One of the bipedal hyenas swings down with his stone axe aiming for the man's head, but the man raises his sword and deflects the blow.


What the hell! Why did it feel like I just got hit? Also, you're not supposed to feel pain in dreams. So wait, am I not in a dream?

Again and again, every time the man deflects one of the Hyenas weapons I feel pain. What's going on, where am I to be feeling all this pain?

A cracking sound is heard as the man's sword splits down the middle, pieces falling to the ground. I internally scream in pain, feeling as if I've just been blown apart. The pain is too much, I feel my self losing consciousness, the last thought going through my head before giving in to the darkness.

Was I the sword?

[Pain Resistance skill gained]

I wake up, still in the cave. On the ground is a deep scarlet bloodstain going deeper down the jagged tunnel. Most likely from the Hyenas dragging their kill back to where ever they live. I see the shattered sword lying in a pile on the ground, I move. Wait I move?

Yes, I can finally move again. I take in everything as I bask in the glory of movement. Noticing too things.

One. It appears I am some kind of wisp of energy floating about three inches off the ground.

Two. In the corner of my vision, I see some kind of notification.

[Pain Resistance skill gained]

I gained a skill? What is this a video game? If I think status will a menu pop up?


Name: Jack Sutton

Species: Artifact - Living Enchantment

Class: None

Level: 1

Grade: F

Attribute Points: 0

Health: 100

Mana: 500


Strength: 0

Vitality: 10

Dexterity: 0

Intelligence: 100

Agility: 0

Dexterity: 0

Defence: 0


Species Skills:

Mana Sight - Allows the user to see using the ambient Mana in the atmosphere. In places of low Mana, it is required for the user to release mana to see. The range is decided by intelligence.

Mana Sense - Able to sense Mana, and gage the amount of Mana inside of living creatures. The range is decided by intelligence.

Mana Control - Able to control Mana in the surrounding area, also able to take control of the Mana inside living creatures if your intelligence is higher by a factor of 10. The range is decided by intelligence.

Mana Body - Your body is completely comprised of Mana, physical attacks have no effect on your true body. Well not enchanted to something you will lose 10 Mana per minute to sustain your Body.

Enchant - Able to take control of anything one level below your grade within your sight. You will then be able to control them to a degree dictated by your intelligence, as well as be able to look at there status. (Current control grade F-)(Current number of Enchantments 0/1)

Enhance - Upgrades qualities of the host

-Sharpness(Minor) Enhances Cutting and Penetrating power of things on the host's body like claws, teeth, or blades. (If the host is wielding a weapon the effect will not carry over)

-Physical Enhancement(Minor) Adds a plus 10 to Defence Strength, and Agility(If the host is a weapon adds plus 10 to Defence and plus 20 to Damage).


Class Skills:



Normal Skills:

Pain Resistance(LVL 1) - Gives a 10% reduction in pain



Oh shit, it worked! But I'm so weak, zero strength. What the hell am I supposed to do?

[The user's body will disappear in 5 minutes]

That's just great I've got five minutes to live.

Wait what five minutes to live!

This is my first time writing, I hope you like it. I will try to post a chapter every one to two days.

Jacob_Wall_7304creators' thoughts