
Pink Clouds

RAFS Chapter 18




The next moment Sakura appeared in her room in the shrine without any clothes.

<Your clothes have been stored in the inventory Space, master. As per your order, illusionary world has already terminated.>

However, Sakura kept sitting on the tatami matt while hugging her legs and a gloominess on her face.

"I freaked out." She admitted.

< it's okay, master. That world would been terminated anyway. >

"But I couldn't say goodbye to them."

< As I said before, master. They are not real people. >

"Ugh, I'm so lost. I don't know how to deal with this."

<You should let it go, master.>

"I suppose." Sakura got up slowly, thinking of going to sleep.

< I don't think you need to go to sleep tonight, master. You will be going to hibernation tonight. >

"Oh, yes. I forgot about that." Sakura sat down again. She just remembered this was her last day this year.

"I wonder, when will I be able to get back home." She started to ponder.

< I think you should worry less about that and focus more on this world, master. This world is as big as your previous world, and there are a lot of wonderful things to see. >

"Is that so?"

< I think you should put going back as your second priority and venture this world a little. >

"Sigh, you have a point. I guess."


She lay there quietly for a few minutes before remembering something.

"Oh, yeah. That explosion. It was bigger than before."

Previously when Sakura fired that fireball it was just a single shot. Although it was enough to blow off a mountain, Sakura felt that the power of that spell was still too high.

< It's probably due to Masters' high stats. >

"Hm? Oh yeah, that? How much even Is it?"

"Status." She called out.


>> Status

 < Name: Sakura

Age: 0 bloom cycles

Race: Infant Sakura Consciousness (B)

Level: 9

HP: 900000000/900000000

MP: ∞/∞

VIT: 90000000/90000000

STR: 90000000/90000000

INT: ∞

AGI: 90000000/90000000

DEF: 90000000/90000000

Skills: [ Tap to Expand. ]


"Holy mother of cow! That's a lot of zeros."

Sakura knew that the buff from her Full bloom skill was huge, but it still looked astonishing to see it in person. Not to mention she couldn't fathom how much is an infinite mana.

"Anyway." She closed the system window.

"How much time do I have left?" She asked.

< About two hours. >

"Then we wait, I guess."






In a certain part of the forest Venion and his party were sitting on a rocky clearing.

Lilia and Melissa had just met up with them and explained everything that they had experienced.

Venion and the other three men were confused a little about the sudden earthquake and their return to the forest.

"It could be related to that Sakura girl."

"Yes, it might be also connected to the quest we came here for."

I think we should go back and report this to the kingdom. This is something we probably can't handle." Venion said.

"Well, you are the leader." Everyone agreed to Venion's proposal, except Jack and Jakir.

"Then what about our village?" Jack asked in an anxious tone.

Venion looked at him with an apologetic tone.

"I am sorry. But I think your village has to migrate somewhere else."

"But…" Jack wanted to retort but Jakir stopped him.

"Forget it. it's not their fault. They themselves are helpless." Jakir said with a heavy tone.

Venion had an apologetic expression. The atmosphere soon became heavy.

"Okay, then let's set camp for the night," Melissa said in an attempt to lighten up the mood. But the gloominess is still preserved.






"Game Over."

"Uh! I suck at this game."

<I think it's more about practice rather than talent, master.>

Sakura put down the Sony-DX to the side while lying down.

"Weren't my stats super high? Then how the duck am I so bad at it?" Sakura complained.

<The game fps cap makes your reflexes useless. Also, these old games were hard in the first place. I think you have made good progress.>

"But I want to beat them. Do you have any solution?" Sakura asked eagerly.

< I would say you buy a better device but modern devices rely too much on the internet. So, it would be a waste of EP.>

"I guess you are quite right. Speaking of, how much EP do I have?"

< Currently, 6.25 EP. >

"Uuu… I am dirt poor again."

<Would you like me to farm EP while are gone, master?>

"You can do that?" Sakura was surprised by this revelation.

<Yes, I can. If you give me the order.>

"Okay then. please farm as much as you can."

<As you wish, master.>

Sakura then started to play the game trying to clear the level.


After a few minutes had passed Astra called out to her.

<Master, it's time.>

"Time for what?>

<The start of your hibernation.>

"Oh, yeah. That."

She put her game player in the inventory and sat down.

She looked left and right but couldn't spot any differences.

Noticing Sakuras' confusion Astra relied again,

< It has already started. Please wait patiently, master.>

Sakura was about to ask something but she suddenly felt lightheaded.

"Status." She bought out her status board to see if anything was wrong.


>> Status

 < Name: Sakura

Age: 0 bloom cycles

Race: Infant Sakura Consciousness (B)

Level: 9

HP: 60,000/900000000

MP: ∞/∞

VIT: 90000000/90000000

STR: 90000000/90000000

INT: ∞

AGI: 90000000/90000000

DEF: 90000000/90000000

Skills: [ Tap to Expand. ]


"Huh? Why is my hp dropping?" She was a little taken aback by the fact that her hp was steadily declining.

<It's okay master. This is a part of the hibernation process.> Astra reassured.

"Okay, then." Sakura sat still and anxiously looked at her status board as her hp bar steadily declined.

Soon her body started to glow an ethereal pink glow and started to dematerialize into glowing particles.

HP: 100/900000000

HP: 50/900000000

HP: 0/900000000

As soon as her hp reached zero she completely dematerialized and lost her consciousness.





"Everyone take defensive stances," Venoion ordered.

They couldn't fathom why but the trees in the forest started to glow. And soon the little flowers on the trees started to detach from the tree branches. But astoundingly the flowers didn't fall to the ground but instead, they started to fly towards the sky.

Millions of flowers started a parade towards the starry sky. The scene looked so beautiful that the group unknowingly let their guards down.

It was not just them. Every people of living in the equator region near the forest witnessed this parade of flowers. People wore many expressions of fear, curiosity, etc.

Later this event was named the "Appearance of the Pink Clouds"



(The next morning)

 no sign of the beautiful land of Sakura flowers remained. The land that was previously filled with beauty now stands empty. A peculiar black fog shrouded the environment bringing a gloomy atmosphere. The Sakura trees that were previously vibrant with life had lost their color. Now features a blackish tree trunk without any leaves or any flowers.

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