Sniff Sniff!
'What is that disgustingly sour smell?' Leo thought as he slowly opened his eyes. The dim light of the room seemed somewhat unfamiliar but he could care less. Yawning, he closed his eyes again, but the smell continued to assault him.
After sniffing again, he finally realized it was lemon!
'Damned lemon! Disturbing my sleep!' he inwardly cursed. Ever since childhood, he had been allergic to sour fruits and smells. With his extraordinarily sensitive sense of smell and taste, it was worse.
'Sis, take away the lemon!' he shouted as he turned around on his bed, scratching his chest, as was his habit.
'Why can't I speak?' he frowned in displeasure. This morning was not a good one!
Leo tried to shout out but in vain! He could not even speak out, let alone shout. His thoughts remained confined inside his brain without getting any outlet.
'Once more, let's try it one more time,' he gave imaginary pats to himself. This time, surprisingly he managed to break the constraints inside his throat. His voice that was stuck inside managed to finally gain freedom!!
'Weird!' he thought but quickly tossed the weird feeling at the back of his head. He proceeded to call his elder sister.
Instead of his usual deep voice, a sign of him ripening towards adulthood, he heard a soft meowing.
That was his first thought. As someone who had been scratched by a fat tabby cat when he was young, he was EXTREMELY afraid of cats!
He jumped up from his bed at the speed of light and landed on the floor with a light thud.
"Sis! There is a cat here!" Leo shouted out in panic, but all that came were angry meowing.
Meowww, meowww, meoww~~
The deep voice that could send chills down the spine of every classmate of his was long gone. Poof!! It had disappeared without leaving behind a trace. All that left was the meowing and…meowing.
"I am the one meowing?" he shuddered as he came to a realization. He could try and deny it but he could not lie to himself. The one meowing is indeed him, a full-fledged grown-up man of society.
He could not see his body, but he knew his body no longer had the majestic build he had worked so hard to make.
Not only his voice, but even his body had changed to resemble that of a cat!
Alone inside a dim room, Leo trembled a bit as a splitting headache assaulted him all of sudden. Weird images from his childhood replayed in his head in a reel.
All of his memories replayed in his head, from his embarrassing first date to the engagement of his sister; the only beautiful memory he had in the 18 years of his life.
The memory ended with a bright light shining on his face while he held a black cat protectively in his arms.
There was a loud screech as the light closed on to him.
After that everything went black as he stared at the red sky.
"Ah, now I remember," he whimpered as he tried to come to terms with what had happened.
He was returning from the arcade when he saw a limping cat crossing the road. He was about to ignore it but a truck was racing towards it. He looked around for help but everyone walked past him without giving a fuck about what was about to happen to some stray cat.
'The cat is too small, the driver probably did not see him,' he thought as he went to pick the cat as fast as his legs could take him.
Swallowing the fear down his throat he picked it up but the truck did not stop nor did he manage to walk away.
"And so, I died," he said as he sat down on the soft cotton carpet. "But since I am still alive, it means I am reincarnated."
A sad purr left his mouth as he looked at the two paws in front of him. In the dim light, they appeared dull and nothing interesting.
He slapped himself.The pain confirmed his guess. He had been reincarnated…as a cat.
A Cat?! Nevermind, it was better than being anything shady…
He thought about the manga he read before; Reincarnated as a Pussy…but in sus way.
He vigorously shook his head to wave away the cursed image in his head.
He jerked his tiny cat body upwards. A satisfied yawn left his mouth as he stretched his hind legs.
'This body is not that bad,' Leo thought as he came to terms with his new body.
"Although I am dead, my sister has her fiancée to take care of her," he thought as he raised his paw to rub his whiskers.
"She will be sad for a few days but brother-in-law is a good man, I am sure he will take good care of her."
"Hmm, I have returned all the adult movies to Roy, made sure to clear away the dustbin before going to hang out with him…" his thought trailed off as he made sure he erased all the shreds of evidence of his sinful acts.
Involuntarily he jumped up startled when the lock of the door of the room he was in produced a clicking sound. Someone was outside and was trying to open the door.
He watched in horror as the large door trembled and shook. He had just accepted his fate, he was not ready to face his new life…yet!
"No, no, no!" Scared shitless, he made a sign of the cross with his paws. He did not know how effective it was, but it was worth the try. After all, it always worked in Hollywood movies.
The old wooden door finally budged from its place. Producing a creaking sound, the door opened slowly. A bright light spilled inside the room from the gradually enlarging opening.
"Too bright!" Leo subconsciously closed his eyes. It put too much strain on his just-woken-up eyes.
"LEO!! Oh my god, you are finally awake!!" A rich and mature voice cried out, accompanied by the sound of a basket falling on the ground.
"Hu-" before he could react to the excited voice, he was picked up from the chair he was on and taken into a tight embrace.
"Meow!" Leo cried out in protest when he was suddenly confined in a warm hug.
'Hey lady, wai-t, you are suffocating me,' he wanted to cry out but with his face between two big soft and warm mounds, he could not say anything.
"Leo, I am so glad," an emotional female voice echoed in the room. She continued rubbing the soft furs on his back. "I…I thought you were going to die."
Leo could hear the deep attachment in the voice but he knew it was not meant for him. It was meant for the real *Leo*, the cat who shared the same name with him.
'I did die though,' he thought as he surrendered himself to the doting and petting of this strange lady whose face he had not seen.
Suddenly, he felt wet patches on his back.
'Damn, this lady must have really loved her cat,' he thought as he shook the teardrops from his fur. She was weeping for him. It made him think about his sister, who by now had seen his dead body.
She must be a crying mess now. He smiled bitterly, his heart finally hurting. He missed his sister, but felt more sorry towards her.
He was the only family member she had and now, he too was gone.
"Sis, forgive your stupid brother," he trembled as he finally cried. He was just a young man of 18 years old; this pain was too unbearable for him.
The lady who was holding him showered him with wet kisses as she cried in relief. Sad crying filled the room as Leo and the lady cried in each other's embrace. After crying for what seemed like half an hour, both of them finally calmed down.
"I will not forgive that bitch!" she suddenly snarled as she tightened her hold on Leo.
'Who bitch?' Leo was curious with the sudden enmity in her voice. It sounded like this *bitch* tried something really funny with the *Leo* cat.
"Meow~" he raised his head from her bosom and looked up at her. This angle was definitely not the best one to see her face. He could only make out the structure of her face. It only worsened when he saw a large purple hat on her head that seemed to narrow as it went up, forming a cone.
"Don't worry sweetie, your momma is not strong but she will make sure to make that bitch pay for hurting you!" she smiled as she looked down at his round eyes. She melted at the sight of those eyes.
"The audacity of that bitch!" enraged she cried out. Suddenly, Leo felt something he had never felt. An invisible pressure surrounded him from all sides, making every hair on his body stand up in fear.
The pressure finally subsided only to be replaced by another wave, much more powerful and visible!
He stared with his jaw-dropping down, at the golden hue that had engulfed the lady and him. However, the pressure rush was too strong. The hat of the lady toppled down, revealing her long brown hair that was tied in a braid.
"That bitch made an enemy out of the witch from The Enchanted Forest! She will pay for it!" she gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with malicious killing intent.
Leo's eyes twitched in confusion and realization alike.
His thoughts still in a turmoil, Leo blackened out due to the sudden pressure that surrounded him.
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