

With his remaining tail, he summoned the last vestiges of his power—the Sands of Time.

As the strangers plotted to use their newfound power to bring further harm, Kiyoshi unleashed the Sands of Time upon the village.

In an instant, the once-thriving village was transformed. The destructive flames were quenched, and the marauding strangers were engulfed by the swirling sands.

Time itself seemed to rewind, and the village was reborn, not as wood and stone but as endless dunes of white sands that stretched through vast lands.

The strangers, their wicked intentions thwarted, were forever lost in the sands of time, their existence erased from the world.

The villagers, though displaced from their original homes, found solace in this new landscape, knowing that Kiyoshi's sacrifice had protected them from further harm.

Kiyoshi, his power exhausted, had given his all to safeguard the village and its people. He may have lost his tails, but he had his existence as a sacrifice to preserve the stitches in time that truly mattered.

As the villagers looked upon the endless dunes, they saw the legacy of their guardian cat, a reminder that it was not a guardian but a spirit of destruction.


The next book from the shelve read "—the soul reaper".

In the vast expanse of the afterlife, there existed a realm known as the "Ethereal Abyss." Within this realm, among the silent shades of the departed, lived a soul reaper named Sera.

She was unlike any other, blessed with a voice that transcended beauty, a voice that could soothe the most tormented of spirits and guide them to their eternal rest.

Sera's celestial voice echoed through the Ethereal Abyss, bringing solace and peace to countless souls who had found themselves adrift in the eternal void.

Her ethereal melodies wrapped around them like a comforting shroud, guiding them to the tranquil embrace of the afterlife.

However, Sera's extraordinary gift held a terrible curse.

When her voice ventured into the realm of the living, it became an unwitting harbinger of doom.

The very beauty that brought solace to the departed became a deadly curse among the living.

Those who heard her haunting melodies fell victim to an irreversible fate—death.

The weight of this curse haunted Sera. She wept for those who had unknowingly fallen to her song, victims of a gift that had become an affliction.

To protect the living from her tragic power, Seraphina made a solemn vow.

She sealed her voice away, never to let it escape into the realm of the living again.

As the centuries passed, the curse that had once plagued the realm of the living grew stronger within the Ethereal Abyss. It was as if the malevolence of her silenced voice had taken on a life of its own.

The other soul reapers, her kin and comrades, were not immune to its sinister grasp.

One by one, the other soul reapers fell victim to the growing curse, their voices silenced forever until she became the last of her kind, grieved for her brethren, powerless to stop the malevolence she had unwittingly unleashed.

Haunted by her fearsome curse, Sera retreated deep within the Ethereal Abyss, sealing herself away from both the realm of the living and the afterlife.

She became a solitary wraith, a phantom adrift in the boundless void, a lost soul in search of redemption.

Her magnificent voice, once a beacon of salvation for the departed, was now forever silenced.

She wept for the lives lost to her unwitting curse, and she wept for the loneliness that consumed her in her self-imposed exile. Her heart ached with a profound sorrow, and her tears flowed eternally, lost in the vastness of the Ethereal Abyss.

In the end, Sera remained a beautiful but tragic enigma, forever separated from the two worlds she had known.

Her story was one of immense sorrow and irrevocable loss, a tale of a soul reaper whose gift had become a curse, and whose voice, once a source of solace, had been silenced for all eternity.


"— the star constellation".

In the vast expanse of the night sky, a single star existed, lonely and yearning.

This solitary celestial being gazed down upon the world below, desiring nothing more than to be seen by the humans who dwelled there.

Night after night, the star would shimmer brightly, hoping that someone would cast their eyes upward and notice its faint twinkle.

Yet, the world remained oblivious to its presence, for there were countless other stars that adorned the heavens.

Desperation gnawed at the lonely star's heart, and in a moment of profound yearning, it summoned its cosmic power to create another star, one just like itself.

The celestial siblings shone together, their combined brilliance creating a spectacle in the night sky that caught the attention of the people below.

The humans marveled at the two stars that now danced above them, and stories were woven about their radiance.

The lonely star, basking in the newfound admiration, found solace in the companionship of its sibling. For a while, it was content.

But as time passed, the humans began to pay more attention to the second star, who seemed to shine even brighter and more brilliantly. The original star watched with envy as the world below marveled at its cosmic creation. The adoration it had sought for so long still eluded it.

Driven by jealousy and a desire to regain the spotlight, the lonely star forged more companions in the night sky. It summoned countless other stars into existence, and the once-empty heavens became a tapestry of celestial luminance. The world gazed in awe at this new constellation, and the humans praised the lonely star for its boundless generosity.

However, the original star's actions had unintended consequences.

As the night sky grew increasingly crowded with stars, the humans no longer distinguished between them. They admired the brilliance of the celestial multitude without recognizing the lonely star that had started it all.

Bitterness and resentment consumed the lonely star.

Consumed by a voracious hunger for attention, it began to consume the very stars it had created.

One by one, the celestial siblings were devoured, their lights extinguished by the insatiable jealousy of their creator.