
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 57

Saint Michael dragged his brother Lucifer back to hell. Before they go to hell, the heavenly father came to meet Lucifer. While they had a private conversation, Michael is waiting at the three or four feet far place. After they finished, Michael come back to do his duty. The heavenly father was locking Lucifer's power so Lucifer is rolling on the ground with anger. And then, Michael dragged him to hell. In hell, the three wives of Lucifer were waiting for Lucifer. So, Michael put him to prison and free them up. After that, he go to the palace of hell king to greet him. By order of the heavenly father, the king of hell became the king of the underworld. After setting up, Michael go back to heaven for sending full reports to the god of heaven and other high gods.

On earth, Selena woke up and go to Godfrey. Godfrey was lying on the ground still. The werewolves ran up to them when they see the portal disappear. Selena was shaking his body to wake him up. But he was still out of concentration. Selena was putting her ear on his chest and hear the rhythm of heart. Then, she heard his breath. So, she was stepping back and wait. A few second later, he opened his eyes. She said, "You become human now Godfrey". He was looking at her and said, "Am I?". She was holding his hand and put it on his chest. He was closing his eyes back again and sit up immediately. She said, "Honey, you wish come true". He said, "Back pain and every parts of my body is hurt". She said, "That's how human feel". Then, they looked at the others and see their reactions. Godfrey said, "Hey, what about them". Selena said, "Let's go to them". When he tried to stand up, his legs are unstable. So, she was helping him. After that, he took her hand and put it on the chest. Selena was touching his chest without shirt. He was looking at her by saying, "I can feel your warmness and glad to see you again". All of sudden, they heard the familiar voice from the back. That person was Damian. Damian was running up to her and stop immediately. Godfrey said, "Are you trying to take her away from me?". Damian said, "No". Godfrey was still holding her hand and said, "we are breathing together now". Damian said, "What do you mean?". Then, Godfrey's families ran up to them and screaming out loud, "At last, we feel the fresh air and coldness". After that, the first snow were falling upon them and they are running around the fountain.

At the Saljalandfoss, the dwarfs and trolls were still waiting for their demon king Zaphyrs. But they haven't forgotten their duties to keep their place safe. They ever made a special barrier to protect this place away from humans. Over those years, Saljalandfoss was starting popular among visitors because of beautiful scenery. In the travel blogger's blog, everyone was stunned to see the double rainbows and crystal clear water. There had another popular reason. The reason was connecting to hell. The travel blogger and hiker gave it the name Hella. So, the dwarfs and trolls faced trouble hiding themselves from people. They could not live with humans because of their smells. If they lived close, humans can figure out soon.

After Selena fully recovered, the couple move to mount Halti to hold the wedding ceremony. Godfrey's family was arranging the private wedding ceremony at their mansion. The werewolf leaders and the goddesses were attending their wedding ceremony. On the wedding day, Selena got the dress from witch Angela and witch Selsa. They were making a special bridal gown with one big rose during those days. Selena was looking at the dress and said, "It's marvelous thank you both". They told her, "We must do it for you". The lady showed her face to Selena. Selena said, "I haven't seen you before". The lady said, "I am your father's old friend from Thule". Selena said, "Are you the grandma with pot who live at Gullfoss waterfall?". The lady said, "Right". There was someone who want to meet you. Selena asked, "Please, come in". And then, the witch Selsa was greeting, "Zelga how long it has been". The witch Zelga who protect Selena secretly was showing up at last. They all were good witches who stand by her side fight all the bad witches and demons. Selena accepted their gifts and say thanks to them. At the same time, they all heard foot steps from the hallway. Selena said, "I must go now". Then, the bride maid appeared and Selena go to the hallway along with the bride maid. In the hallway, the handsome groom was standing alone waiting for his bride. When the bride showed up, his face turn bright. Everyone looked at the door and see the bride wearing a red bridal gown and hiding her face under the red lace veil. The bride slowly moved forward to reach the stage. At the end of the path, there is the stage under the flower-decorated gazebo. Selena was walking slowly and steadily by watching her steps. The groom was standing there without moving a bit. Both of their hearts were beating too fast. Suddenly, Selena felt heavy in her heart and also get the familiar scent. So, she was looking around to find that person. But she hasn't seen him. Therefore, Selena focused on her road.

Finally, Godfrey and Selena's wedding end without any problems. The werewolves were sending the bride and groom to the airport after the wedding ceremony. Selena was taking the luggage along with her after getting out of the car. When she arrived at the departure area, her husband Godfrey is still outside. Selena was waiting for him by sitting on the bench in front of the counters. An hour later, Godfrey ran towards her. Selena said, "What is he telling you?". Her husband Godfrey looked at the board above the counters and said, "We must move now". And then, they were heading to the plane bypassing the gate and hallways to reach the airplane.

Everyone went back to the places where they belong to. But the werewolf guy could not leave her alone. Selena was not knowing yet. A few days later, Damian arrived at Reykjavik (RKV) Airport. The resident was coming to pick him up. The resident drove him to the hotel. Damian was asking about the trail to reach the Seljalandfoss waterfall. The residents gave him complete answers with the map. They stopped their car in front of the hotel and tell him not to go there alone. Damian said thanks to them and head inside. When he reached the receptionist counter, the bellboy come up to him. Everything goes well and he reaches the hotel room. After the bellboy left, he spent time alone in the hotel room lying on the bed. Damian was holding the flower petals which he catch from Selena's wedding ceremony. That flower petal flew up to him when she walk gracefully on the virgin road. Damian was closing his eyes and take the petal out from the coin purse and put it near his nose. Then, the tears were dropping continuously. Damian could not able to let her go. But he decided to pay respect to her own decision. While he was taking the smell of flower petals, he fall asleep.

On the other hand, Godfrey and Selena were enjoying the scenes together by traveling around Hveragerdi town. They planned to go to Seljalandfoss waterfall when the weather is fine. The resident warned them to not go there if raining. Since they arrived, heavy rains are falling continuously. So, they had no choice but to go out today. Godfrey was finding a place to stay. When they stopped by the local hotel, Selena said, "Why are you choosing this place?". Godfrey said, "We don't have a choice, honey". Selena said, "I have a strange feeling". Godfrey said, "Don't be, I am here with you". Godfrey told her by kissing her cheek. Selena's face turned red and push him away. Godfrey said, "What was wrong?". Selena said, "Why are you doing this?". Godfrey was poking her cheek by saying, "We already married honey". Selena said, "Yes, we are but we can not do it in public". Godfrey said, "Okay, I will kiss your hand only". Then, they headed toward the hotel and leave their car. They stopped in front of the portico and shout, "Anybody here?". At that time, the old lady opened the door and look at them. Godfrey said, "Can we get a room?". The old lady looked at his wife without answering anything. So, Godfrey held Selena's hand and cover her with his body. At that time, the old lady looked away and answer him, "All the rooms are full and you can get one room in the basement". Godfrey said, "We will take it". Selena was pinching his hand by saying, "What are you talking about?". Godfrey said, "We can not rest outside". Selena was pouting her lips while he say that. Later, they headed inside and that old lady let them wait in the common room near the entrance door.