
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 48

Selena was trying to break the tie. The witch was using the golden string to tie her to the chair. The big room was becoming smaller than before. The witch was doing all the things when she leave. Selena was biting her lips when she break her shoulder to get out. At that time, Selena heard a strange sound from the door. But that voice was calling the other name. So, Selena was not answering back. Then, it kept calling the name. This time, Selena replied to that voice. The voice owner seemed to worry her. Therefore, Selena told him, "I am okay still but the golden strings are tying my hands, legs, and body". After that, she could not hear the voice again. She thought that person leave. But the door was moving and she see the light behind the door. She said, "Can you open that door?". That person said, "Just relax and try to close your eyes". She said, "What to do next?". That person said, "Try to think the string is released and you try to get out from those slowly". She said, "I will try". Then, she concentrated well on the string and try thinking to release the tie. And then, she tried to move her hand out. That person must wait to hear it work. So, she held her breath and try to move forward. And then, she said, "I did it". That person said, "Good, now I will help you out of this room". She said, "Who are you?". That person said, "I am the only one who knows the way out and wakes you up". She said, "I am inside my mind so how can you get here". That person said, "You don't have much time left". She said, "Much time for what". That person said, "You meet her and she locks you up here right". She said, "Right". That person told her, "If the witch wakes up with your body, you will never see your family and friends again". She asked, "Is that horrible?". That person said, "The witch can do more than I tell you". She said, "What should I do now?". That person said, "Stand on the center of the eye carpet and I will come to you". She said, "Okay, I will go up there". She looked at the creepy carpet on the floor but she have to stand there. The spiral circle around the eye looked weird. Therefore, she stopped looking there and slowly stepped onto the carpet, and take two steps forward to reach the center. When she stopped upon the eye, the door opened and the person come into the room. She looked there and said, "You are". Then, she blacked out immediately. She knew what she sees at there. At last, she woke up in the hospital room. She looked around and see the white ceiling. Then, she closed her eyes because the bright light attack her vision. At that time, someone came into the room by sliding the door. She thought the voice is familiar. So, she opened her eyes again and look at there. And then, she saw him standing beside her father. Her father was looking at her and dropping tears from her eyes. She was raising her hands up to her father and wiping the tears. Her father said, "What takes you too long to wake up?". She said, "What is happening to me?". Her father said, "You jump from the balcony and broke some of your chest bones". She said, "I am opening the door to get out of the room but you haven't heard my call".

In Cairo, Egypt, the archaeologist Julie, and her team were finding the secret of the tomb. She was going there with the video team for live streaming and recording videos for the channel. Over those years, she got a job offer from the discovery and the history channel. But she was not working with those channels. She chose only the NatGeo channel. First, the archaeologists did not like to show it in public and shoot videos. Later, they knew it was helpful for finding ancient secrets and raising funds. The archaeologist team needed support from sponsors to end the project completely. Without support, they ended up digging the secret in the middle. On every trip she went, she meet the new adventurer and explorers who join in the team and show their findings to the world. She was concentrating on work and doesn't think of her family much. This time, she must leave the job because of her family. She thought the child grew up and she don't need to look after the child anymore. But now, she knew it was wrong. She was worried about the other thing too. If the child was frightened of the exams, she needs to do something to help her child. She was waiting for her On her way back home, she met the explorer Damian and his team. The explorer was greeting her politely. She was greeting him back appropriately. Damian was just arriving there so he ask. She said, "I am working with professor Guiver's team and now I have to go home". Damian said, "What happened?". She said, "My little girl is in hospital so I must check her there". Damian said, "Is that so, you should go and stay beside her". She said, "Where are you guys heading to?". Damian said, "We are going to Nairobi". She said, "Is there something?". Damian said, "We are going there to explore whether the myth is true or not". She said, "Oh! good luck". Then, she was taking the flight back home.

The witch's soul was locked inside the body. The witch thought she can take this body. But now she was looking at the strange guy standing in front of her. That guy was locking all her power and putting her in the trap. She asked, "Who are you?". That guy said, "You are the young witch who wants to take my powers". She said, "What are you related to the girl?". That guy said, "You are breaking the seals of this body to mess my business". She said, "Wait a minute, are you protecting her for your benefit". That guy said, "You don't need to know my name just stay here until I let you go". She said, "It is not possible".