
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 33

Little Selena was going to Iceland with her mother. This was the first time ever. So, she was finding it interesting on her way to the airport. Her mother Lidia was leading the way and she follow. Most of the time, she made thousands of mistakes because of her curious mind. Her mother said, "Don't touchy and don't run please get in touch with me by holding my hand". Selena said, "I don't want to harm you". Her mother said, "I don't want to lose you in this crowded place so please listen to mommy". Selena said, "Yes, mommy". When her mother told her to wait in the passenger seat, she greet the boy sitting next to her. That boy said hi back to her. Then, she greeted him by telling him her name. That boy told his name is Albert and he go to meet his parents. Selena looked around and asked, "Are you coming here alone?". He said, "No, my grandparents take me to the airport and leave me here". Selena said, "Are you okay with a trip alone by plane?". He said, "It's my first trip without my parents but I am okay". Selena said, "You are braver than me". He said, "Why are you saying that?". Selena pointed to the lady wearing khaki pants and a black shirt with yellow stripes. He asked, "Are you with her?". Selena said, "Yeah, she is my mother and this is our first trip". He said, "Cool". At that time, her mother headed back to Selena. And then, Selena said, "Oh, we should break our conversation". He said, "Okay, nice to know you, Selena". Selena said, "You too". Then, her mother was taking the bag beside her and said, "I see you two are talking while you look at me". Selena said, "Nothing, he looks alone so I talk to him". Julie was saying, "It's great, sweetie but we must go now". Selena said, "Go where". Julie said, "To board the plane". Selena said, "Okay". When she left, that boy is sitting there and waved up to her. Selena was waving up to him. Julie was opening the tv screen to let her spend the time but Selena said, "Mommy, I want to go to the toilet". Julie said, "Not now sweetie". Selena said, "I can't hold it". Julie said, "Jesus, why don't you tell me before". Selena said, "How would I know?". Julie was taking off the safety belt and said, "Let's go". When they stood up, the air hostess is coming to them. The air hostess told them to sit back down and put on the seat belt. Julie told her that her daughter need to go to the toilet. The air hostess said, "The airplane will take off soon". Julie said, "It's a rush". Then, the air hostess allowed them to go to the toilet. Julie was taking her child to the toilet and then she is waiting outside. Her daughter was not doing quick so the aircrew call her to come and sit next to them. They all sat down on their seats and put the safety belt on. In a second, the plane took off. All of sudden, her daughter opened the door. Julie shouts up to Selena to stay in there. Selena was collapsing while she open the door. Julie couldn't stay there. So, Julie ran up there to hold her daughter's head to avoid knocking by meeting the basin. Selena's head closed to the basin. Julie was hitting her kneel to the floor when she save her daughter. The air host and hostess ran up to them and said, "Are you okay?". Julie said, "Yeah, I am fine". Then, Julie took her daughter to the nearest seat where the aircrew sit. Selena didn't know what does she wrong here. Julie was not saying any word until the plane landing. Selena looked at her mother's face all the time. When they saw the stranger in front of the gate, her mother start saying a word. Selena looked at her mother that guy. At last, Selena noticed that guy is coming here to take her mother and her to the place they must stay.

Godfrey and his company started getting a good image among humans. Everyone trusted their treatment because the people can get a chance to live more than their limit. Godfrey was finding the perfectness for himself and his family. They made the experiments over those years. They haven't found the right treatment for changing them back into humans. Godfrey wanted human life than immortal life. Being immortal without having a loved one beside him is just the pain. He was spending most of his time in the lab but his men are worrying him. There had the great finding from human blood. The finding was helping to create man-made blood. They could create man-made blood to help the people who need blood in an emergency. Their man-made blood could change the human cells so that people can feel strength and power. The patient who came to their hospital in the compound feels better. One patient took many patients to their hospital and their image raise up in speed. Even the mayor and other political people came to their hospital for taking medical check-ups and treatment. One day after having an interview, Godfrey head back to his apartment. He could live under the sun and doesn't feel thirsty for blood after taking various treatments. He needed to drink the man-made blood to hold his beauty. He went into the room and take a shower. After that, he drank a cup of wine and go to sleep. He fell into a deep sleep and have a dream of Amelia. Amelia was looking at him from the dark forest. He saw clearly and know it was her. He tried to move up to her but she disappear in the fog. There had a waterfall behind the forest. He thought much familiar with this scene. Then, he woke up in his bed and sweat a lot. The midnight sun was rising still. So, he dragged the curtain to stop the sun rays get into his room. Later, he stepped forward to his desk and open the computer. He was searching for the waterfall and the place he see in the dream via the browser and search engine. At last, he found the place. So, he told himself, "Did you wait for me there?". He felt that way because she looks at him with sad eyes. She seemed like she is missing him much. He decided to go there for checking the area well. If he told his team, they will not allow him. He had an important meeting tomorrow. Now, he had to break all the schedules over a week.