
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 20

The archaeologist headed to the parking area for taking the car. She was walking forward and forward until she reach. Then, she found her car and use the key to open the door. At the same time, someone was patting her shoulder and she almost fall her car key. Then, that person was trying to catch the key. She also bow to front and try to catch the key. Her head was hitting with other's head at the right timing. They both said, "Ouch". After that, she held her head and said, "Who are you?". Then, she saw the familiar person. That person also looked at her and greet, "Good evening, Mrs. Hemsworth". She said, "Good evening, Rachel". Rachel said, "I heard you found the coins of viking treasure". She said, "Yeah, I can't say more things but I need to do research to know". Rachel said, "If you need help, I have some collections of books". She said, "Thanks, I will call you later". Rachel said, "Okay, pleasure to meet you here". And then, she suddenly felt pain inside her lower abdomen. Rachel looked at her face and said, "What was wrong". She said, "I am fine". Rachel said, "You should go to hospital before you go back to archaeology site". She said, "Thank you for worrying me, I will". Then, she opened the door and get into the car. Rachel was standing there and watch her leave.

After his wife told him about their baby and the strange amulet, he went to his classes. When he got a free time, he go to the library for finding more about the amulet and viking king Ragnar Rok. He was finding the book, research, report and online documents. He didn't realize the time pass too fast. When he noticed, he look at watch and said, "I must go now". He was copying the online documents in the USB drive and also take the books and files to the librarian and rent. After that, he headed out from library and go to the parking area. But he saw the shadows move around the bushes. He thought it just cause by wind. Then, he looked at the the tree branches and leaf. There had no movements there. He told himself, "It look strange, I must get in the car now". He was quickly opening the door and get inside the car. When he started the engine, it can not produce the perfect sound. He said, "What is happening here?". He was trying again and again. After ward, he felt froze. The frozen winds reach his back, ears, neck and face from the back seat. He knew it's impossible. But he remembered the scenes in horror movies. So, he was frightening to turn around and look at there. The car steering wheel have also frozen by the wind and he feel stuck at there. He knew it is not normal and he need to stop this somehow. In his mind, he prey to god. Finally, there had no froze inside his car and he can start the engine. He was setting off from university parking area and drive to home.

Demon Zaphyrs was going back to hell for asking Lucifer about the mission and the reason to send his daughter. When he got back there, the guards are watching his steps. And then, some demons diverted his directions from Lucifer's hall. But he was not following their attraction. He skipped them and head to meet Lucifer. He was turning straight to reach the end of the hallway. There had many guards who protect the door. The door of Lucifer was closing every time. If Lucifer did not want to see them, the demons, evils and devils can not meet him. There had some special chances to meet Lucifer. Those were being the attractive girls. Lucifer liked to spend the time with girls and drinking delicious wines. While he was thinking, he move forward to the guards. Then, the guard leader came to the front. He said, "Move away, I must get in there and ask him a question". The guard leader said, "We can not let you pass the door". He said, "Why?". The guard leader said, "This is master's rest time". He said, "I don't care". The guard leader said, "We don't want to fight you". He said, "Me neither". Finally, the guard came up to the guard leader and they talk themselves. He was waiting at there until they finish. A minute later, they let him pass. He went in there when the door open. He saw the master on his throne. The master Lucifer was lying on the throne and play the wine glass in his hand. He was walking forward to get closer to master. But master Lucifer was not allowing him to get four or fight feet closer. However, he accepted this and start asking his question. He asked, "Tell me why you send my daughter to human world with mission". Lucifer said, "I think I tell you already". He said, "Not that reason, I want to listen the truth behind your mission". Lucifer said, "I am giving a chance to your daughter because I save her broken souls back together". He said, "I know you are saving my daughter at old days and I work for you for paying the debt". Lucifer said, "I lost the precious power orbs to put her broken parts back again". He said, "Tell me the reason now". Lucifer was standing up and spread his wings and head towards him. Zaphyrs was not stepping back. So, Lucifer was laughing and said, "You pretend to be a good father". Zaphyrs said, "I should do this for my daughter". Lucifer said, "She is the prison evil spirit before she get chosen to be your daughter". Zaphyrs said, "I know she fail the mission once". Lucifer said, "If she lose again, I will really destroy her". Zaphyrs said, "I decide to help her so please let me know the hidden truth of mission". Lucifer said, "Every one grown up like this at the real world". Zaphyrs said, "Don't try to change the topic". Lucifer was grabbing his neck and lift him up above. Zaphyrs said, "I know you will get angry on me". Lucifer said, "No one tell me like this". Zaphyrs said, "I just ask you a question and you are getting angry on me". Then, Lucifer was throwing him to the fireplace.