
Recovering Oblivion

Dio Aethereus: The Memories Of The Forgotten Mage An empty state. A point where feelings become void, and memories are consumed by it. Would it be too much to expect some sort of clarity? Some sort of mercy? Dio Aethereus was, and will forever be my name. This is the journey of how I lose everything. This is the journey of how I unveil my true identity to myself.....this is the journey of how I learn who I am. This....is the journey...of Recovering Oblivion.

Myth_7754 · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

1)The Worldu?

My name is Barry Alle- no I'm kidding, I'm Dio Aethereus. No, I do not have the ability to stop time…..well actually, I do but that has nothing to do with my name. Maybe. Anyway, this is a story of how I, Dio Aethereus, the greatest mage to ever exist, the Sorcerer Supreme, the Wizard King, the Ruler of the Kings, and anything else that's famous amongst novels, was killed. But I wouldn't be here if that was the end, yes?

Now, before you jump to any conclusions, I'll have you know, my death was unique, novel, something that never happened before. On a random day, a giant tower appeared out of nowhere, surprising everyone around, and from it monsters constantly flowed out. Due to the number of lives it had taken…the tower was given the name…"Truck-kun"- None of that actually happened, I kinda just wanted to say that. Don't question me. Don't.

Let's back up a little. When I was just 9 years old, I single-handedly took down a Wyvern. Impressed? Wait until I talk about how I look. I lived in a world full of magic and swords, well mostly magic but you get me. I was a pioneer, even for my age. I joined the best academy and focused on magic. As I got older, my magic grew stronger, until one day I discovered the horrors of the world. That's right, to become a full-fledged mage, one would need to study. Like actually sit in front of a book and read for hours and hours together.

No, I wasn't a genius who could just cast spells but I'll tell you what kind of genius I was. It turns out I was the "impeccable memory" kind, I had a perfect memory. Meaning, learning spells was easy for me, I could analyze and remember the structure of spells that took dozens upon dozens of days, in a single hour.

Anyway, moving on to more important details:

I was absolutely beautiful, the finest piece of artwork. With my messy golden hair and uniquely celestial-orange eyes, paired with my star forged body. Abs that even the toughest of steel couldn't compare to. I was simply ethereal. It was a little tiring to look that sharp all the time, my chiseled jaw that could cut through reality itself and my perfectly highlighted cheekbones that featured in gossip more often than not. I was quite heavenly.

Modesty? Sure I had that too, whatever that meant.

Slowly as the time passed, I found myself sitting on a throne, strange yes?

"What kind of a throne was it, Dio?" you may ask.

It was the ruler of the whole world kind of a throne. I was the strongest mage to ever exist, I could literally stop time. Some would argue that it was only for a few seconds but they're all dead. Weirdly enough all these haters just dropped dead, and it had nothing to do with me, I swear it. Okay, it did, maybe a little?

Anyway back to me, as it should be. I was the ruler of everything. The entire world was in my hands. Literally sometimes. It was complicated space magic, let's not go there. What I didn't understand or predict was my death. Clearly, I wasn't the strongest, I didn't even get a chance to sneak a peek at who killed me. I just woke up sitting on my throne, and the next second, BOOM, I'm dead. (Yes, I enjoyed sleeping on my throne, felt quite fitting)

The issue here is that I've somehow managed to reincarnate but by the looks of it, I'm in another world….and...my….head….h-...hur...hurts....?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Free real estate)

I'm Barry Allen, and no I am not the fastest man alive but you know what I am?.... I don't actually remember….but that's not the point, or actually, it is….I was born with an illness that made it impossible for me to retain memories, and to make it worse, even if I did retain a few, I had no choice over which ones.

Whatever, let's forget about that, not like I have any issue there am I right? haha.

Ahem, okay, so....one random day I found myself sitting on this chair, what kind of chair you ask? The loser-student-who-needs-help-and-friends-if-possible kind of chair.

"A little….more…" I struggled to reach the chair that I would later die on. It was funny, I had a vague feeling that I would die, and yet I moved towards the corner seat. The second I crashed onto it, my head very lightly banged against the window, and before I knew it….I was no more….

Rather abrupt no? Just like that, I was saved from my miserable life of endless suffering. The worst part is, I almost forgot about that, I couldn't even catch how it happened. The issue here is that I think I'm alive again, or well I've been given birth to. How's that an issue, Barry? Well maybe because I've gone from a world where science was the leading belief and magic and religion was clown talk, to a world where, right in front of my newborn eyes, the doctor who helped deliver me, uttered a few words that entirely covered me in a warm green light.

It was absurd! How could magic exist? Did that mean this world did not rely on technology? Well not like it matters, all I remember from my past life is my name and a few other things.

My mother, or would it be more accurate to say, my new mother? Regardless, she had kind green eyes and a beautiful face, she looked soft and gentle, enough to make my heartache for putting her through the pain of giving birth. Her hazel hair and her pleasant and forgiving aura went perfectly together, and by the sound of it, she was called Luna. Thankfully, though weird, I could understand the language without any issues.

My father, on the other hand, Drake, had jet black hair, and sharp eyes, his hands were calloused and rough, probably from swinging the sword? Or from work. No matter how rough his hands were, his touch was caring, when he held me I could feel myself drown in comfort.

'Is this what having loving parents feels like? Actually, is this what having parents feels like?'

"It's a boy…a cute little boy," the doctor muttered as she took me from my mother's embrace and stared deep into my eyes. "Gah, a naughty one as well, peeing all over me!"

"Haha...sounds just like you Drake," a voice said, it belonged to Drake's father, my grandfather, Theo, "he looks a lot like Luna, actually he looks exactly like you Luna. Congratulations!"

"Father" Drake said as he hugged Theo, "come on now don't embarrass me in front of my child.."

"Put me back you miserable wench! I demand to be back with my mother! You stupid cow-looking witch, curse you!" I screamed at the doctor, at least that's what I intended to tell her. It was amusing considering there was no way for me to know those words, just what gave me the sudden personality change? Not to mention the ability to utter such curses.


"Woah, isn't he a wild one," Drake replied as he took me away from the cow-like doctor. Immediately after he took me, I calmed down, considering my main aim was to get away from the wench.

"Aren't you a cutie, yess you are, oh yes you are," Drake whispered as he swayed slowly.

'Well this is better than the doctor so I guess I won't say anything,' I thought.

While my father, Drake, slowly calmed me down, I managed to gain some new information regarding this world. it wasn't enough for any normal person, but for a baby who was not even one day old, it was plenty.

For example, the city we currently lived in was called Bloom. It was a pleasant and lively city. However, it was small enough to be considered a town. From everything I gathered, Bloom was the place where my parents had met. They were both adventurers, though I couldn't fully comprehend what rank they were.

"We thank you, madam doctor. If you may please, we would like to talk," Theo gestured.

"Why, of course! I owe quite a lot to you and your family!" she said as she walked out.

"Veil" Drake muttered, instantly a translucent sheet-like substance covered the entire room, probably so that nobody but the people in the room could hear what was being talked about.

'What strange creatures my family members are, must be something top secret, I better listen carefully,' I thought as my father walked towards my mother, Luna.

That was the last thought I had before I was returned to my mother's embrace. As soon as she hugged me, I could feel a familiar green light cover me, the soothing and calming feeling, slowly but surely enveloped my entire body causing me to fall asleep. It was still absurd! Magic that can put people to sleep? Magic should be banned, it's too dangerous! At least, that's what I thought as a baby, it was only after a few years did I realize that I have perfect memory, which made learning magic like breathing for me.

Oh! And my loving parents gave me a precious name, one that I would cherish forever. Apparently, it was the name of some Legendary magician that lived in this world. Anyway, I'm Dio Aethereus, and I give you the highest honor of tagging along and witnessing the magnificent journey I'm soon to take.

Calm down, it'll make sense once you read till chapter 5

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