
Record of Time

Kim Han-wool, a genius and a champion in the sports chess dies in a car accident and finds himself inside a novel he had just read. The body he reincarnated as is a cannon fodder who had the same name and surname as him. Knowing the fate of the original owner who will die a miserable death Han-wool decided to change his fate by avoiding the main characters. Little did he know that maybe it might be because of his past life or because of his hobby he suddenly becomes teacher of the main characters…

Ayis002 · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 24

Infront of me there are explosions aswell as the sound of weapons clashing

This is-!

Seeing the surrounding's appearance I suddenly thought of the war between humans and demons and suddenly thought 'Could it be- the time when the war started?'

It was the middle part of the book when Choi Kwan went on a war against the demons and this looks exactly the same just as how it was described in the book!

No way!


Then does that mean in this world the original Kim Han-wool already pushed Choi Kwan off to the tide of monsters and was killed?!

[No. Kim Han-wool in this world does not exist]

Oh, then that's good

Wait then doesn't that mean they'll be suspicious of my identity?

Well, it's better than being the original Kim Han-wool where he pushed Choi Kwan to his death (Although did not die because he's the protagonist)

Just as I was sighing my heart thumped and I sensed danger

Sweat poured down my forehead and I turned my head stiffly to see the exact same demon who I just fought in the previous world!

Fuck! Am I going to die again? This will be my third death! Third! That means I died two times already!

I refuse to die!

The demon flapped it's bat like wings and rushed towards me

I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath as I calmed down and looked around with my eyes

Looking around I was able in an open field in a forest and I was able to tell how far I can and the demon go

The demon's status is higher than me and I could only win because of my ability

Although I used the holy sword i wouldn't be able to get near the demon without my ability

Wait, that's right! Cronus shared his powers with me if I recalled it correctly!

I could use this chance although I wouldn't be able to stop time I will still be able to slow it down in 3 seconds!

But I'll have to be fast and precise

Just as the demon was closing up I opened my eyes slowly as I said "System"


The holy sword once again appeared in my hand and just as the demon was about to slash me with it's claws I muttered "Cronus Gift: Slow!"

Suddenly everything seemed to be in slow motion and I was the only one who can move freely

Just as the claws were about to reach me I pushed it off and used my other hand to pierce the demon with the holy sword

The reason why I didn't used it before in the previous world is because the time wasn't enough, what's more it only slows down the enemy and the enemy would've probably slashed my head before I'm able to use it

But now it seems my status has upgraded thanks to my death somehow and I was able to use it now

Suddenly time came back to normal and the demon was strucked as it choked but used it's last strength to try and slash me with it's claws

Just as I was about to avoid it it's hand was suddenly cut off in a blink of an eye!

What the-

Suddenly I just saw the demon's head aswell fell off from it's neck and blood spluttered everywhere!


I shoved off the demon with my sword as I backed away

Just as I was confuse a sword was aimed at my neck and I heard a somewhat familiar voice

"Who are you and how did you got that sword?"

Stiffly I turned my head around and I widened my eyes

It is you who slashed the demon's head and hand!

Jeong Ji-ho!