

Vergil was a seemingly well off boy. He had a loving family, great friends, and even a girlfriend. Many didn't know this but Vergil was an anime/manga fanatic! So much so that he even bought real-life swords from his favorite animes that he would hang up on his wall and even use sometimes.

Life was seemingly going at a steady pace and Vergil didn't mind flowing along with it. This seemingly steady flow ended very abruptly though. It was summer and Vergil was testing out one of the swords he had recently gotten in the mail.

The sword he had gotten was a standard katana with a customized handle resembling that of the sword known as Ryujin Jakka in the bleach anime. As if propelled by fate, Vergil decided that it would be cool to make the sword light afire like in the actual anime and activate its "Shikai form". Vergil grabbed some matches and some oil before pouring a substantial amount of oil on the sword and lighting it afire with the matches.

Not to anyone's surprise though, that while Vergil was pouring massive amounts of oil on the sword he had also dropped a large amount of it on the ground below him. So, as soon as the lit matches were placed on the sword, the ground beneath him was also set ablaze. Vergil was slowly engulfed by the flames as it started with his shoes but slowly spread up to his whole body. He tried desperately to put out the flames but to no avail, as the amount of oil was too much.

So, on that seemingly fateful summer day Vergil died, burnt to a crisp by his actions.

"What a dumb boy." The beautiful goddess was standing before a burnt Vergil, the smell of burning flesh still fresh." Even if you were that interested in anime and manga I don't see why you would see the need to pour oil all around you without taking precautions."

Now as if seemingly annoyed by his actions the goddess shook her head and begun to wake the sleeping boy. Vergil felt a warmth inside of his body not only from the fire but from some seemingly outside force. He woke with a jolt as he slowly opened his eyes to see a truly stunning sight.

The woman before him was like nothing he had ever seen before. She was wearing a fully white dress as if ready to marry someone. Her white hair flowed down to her waist seemingly camouflaging with her white dress. Vergil seemingly unaware that he was gawking at the goddess was disturbed by a sudden but loud cough, "Ahem, Vergil was it?"

Vergil nodded his head before slowly turning his gaze down. In his old world, Vergil was a big wimp especially when it came to talking to women of astounding beauty. The only reason as to why he had even gotten a girlfriend is because after working his courage for over 5 years, Vergil decided to ask his childhood friend out. Feeling bad for Vergil, she had agreed but it never progressed to anything besides having the title of being Vergil's girlfriend.

Now standing before a world-class beauty, Vergil almost passed out from the amount of blood that was flowing throughout his face. Without paying attention to Vergil's change in gaze though, the goddess continued now with a calmer tone. "This is the afterworld, Once you die you are brought here where you are allowed to wish for 1 thing or none depending on what you were like in your previous life."

As if becoming determined by the sudden thought of getting granted a wish, Vergil immediately cheered up, a noticeable smile on his face. one wish could do a lot for him, he could wish to be extremely handsome or extremely strong in his next life. The thought of this only propelled Vergil's desires as Vergil stared at the immaculate beauty before him.

Almost as if forgetting what she had said earlier, the goddess smiled at the boy and with a soothing tone said, "So what will it be Vergil, based on what you've done in your previous life you are free to wish for anything as you have one wish available to you!"

Vergil looked at the goddess, all sorts of thoughts coming to him as he thought of the endless possibilities. He thought of all the different anime and manga he had seen before, he could wish to become one of the characters and inherit their powers or wish to have infinite potential and become a legend on his own.

Eventually, though Vergil concluded and with a loud remark simply stated, "I want an ultimate weapon!" Seemingly confused by the boy's remark she thought for a minute before saying, "An ultimate weapon...what might you mean by that Vergil?" Vergil thought for a minute before he said, "I want a weapon that combines all sorts of weapons and powers from different manga and anime into it!"

Not surprised by the boy's remark as she had seen the boys past before he arrived here. The beautiful goddess used some sort of spell and before Vergil could say anything a seemingly wooden staff appeared out of nowhere.

Vergil upon seeing the staff immediately recognized it as the staff wielded by none other than the captain of the 13 court guard squads, Ryujin Jakka! The ultimate zanpakuto in terms of firepower in all of soul society, all who faced it would be burnt to a crisp before realizing what was going on.

Vergil was easily able to identify the staff due to the unique swirling pattern on it. He also knew that Yamamoto, the previous owner of the staff, usually kept Ryujin Jakka in this form before unsheathing it into the glorious flaming sword. Vergil proceeded to gulp loudly before looking at the goddess with eyes of admiration.

The goddess ignoring the sight proceeded to explain, "The way you died was quite foolish but due to this I've determined that your starting weapon will be the very thing you were trying to imitate. And due to your previous request, this "weapon" contains multiple other forms from all sorts of anime and manga, some of which you may of never even heard of." The goddess nodded slightly before reaching to grab the staff.

Vergil was unaware as to what the goddess was doing but his confusion was soon propelled into excitement as the goddess started speaking, "I have also seen how you enjoyed video games in the past and have decided to grant you a "system" based on those experiences." The goddess started chanting some unknown words while keeping her eyes closed before a bright flash was brought upon Vergil's eyes. A few seconds later the goddess reopened her eyes and tossed the staff to him. Vergil's eyes almost exploded out of their sockets when he saw the new system interface before him.


[Ryujin Jakka, Staff Form]

[Special Abilities: Ultimate Weapon, Sealed Potential, Spear like properties.]

Base stats:


Durability: Inf

Grade: Godly

Additional effects:






[Ultimate Weapon: This along with many other weapons all belong to a distinct line of powerful wielders. Along with having infinite durability these weapons can not be taken away from the user and will automatically come back to the user if the user wills so.]

[Sealed Potential: This weapon has still not reached its full potential and has many other properties waiting to be discovered.]

[Spear like properties: This weapon can be used as a sort of spear against enemies and can be equipped with spear skills.]

Remarks: The ultimate zanpakuto in terms of firepower, now in staff form! Used as a sort of spear that thrusts into enemies, this staff was formidable in its own way.


Vergil almost passed out on the spot. All those video games he had played that had those slick UI designs had not become a waste of time! He now had a system of his own that could grant him limitless power! Before he could check out the full working of his system though, the goddess interrupted him.

"Due to the properties of your system and the properties of that sword, I will place you in a world where things such as magic and magical beings exist, free of charge. As much as I know you would love to be placed in the very world where this staff came from that would be very dangerous as people would question why you would have the staff of the late Yamamoto. Placing you in a world with magic would not only keep you safe from this danger but also stop any other questioning as people would just brush it off as "magic being magic"."

As much as Vergil would have wanted to go to the bleach universe and meet up with Ichigo and his friends, he knew that if they ever went to soul society, he would probably be questioned or worse yet killed off as people would regard him as dangerous for possessing the sword of another soul reaper.

The goddess stared at him for a bit before finally saying, "Alright, I have granted you the wish of the Ultimate Weapon and also granted you two "wishes" free of charge. Based on your other actions in your previous life, I'll grant you one more wish free of charge. This last wish can't be over the top though, as you've already gotten three very powerful "things"."

Vergil thought for a moment before he finally thought of the perfect thing to "wish" for. Since it was almost as if he was playing an MMORPG, Vergil could only think one thing to accommodate all the previous things the goddess had granted him. "A character customization screen!" Vergil said with delight as the goddess stared at him with intrigue evident in her eyes.

----- END (Hope you guys liked the story so far, and yes I already have some of the other weapons planned out in my head but if you guys have any suggestions for things I should add or change then I'll be more than willing to hear feedback!)

I think I'm going to keep chapters short for right now but that may change as time progresses.

Xelospherecreators' thoughts
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