
Reborn Legacy: Final Fantasy 16

Reborn Legacy: Final Fantasy 16 follows the extraordinary journey of Clive Rosfield, a gamer who finds himself dissatisfied with the ending of Final Fantasy 16. When he is given a chance to be reincarnated as Clive Rosfield, the protagonist of the game, he embraces his newfound destiny. There Will be spoilers for Final Fantasy 16.

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Chapter 4: A Mother's Anguish

Chapter 4: A Mother's Anguish

3rd person POV

The morning sun cast a gentle glow upon the Rosfield estate, illuminating the corridors and filling the air with a sense of renewed hope. Clive, still unconscious and recovering from the previous day's ordeal, lay in his chamber, his small form tucked beneath the soft covers. Anabella, his mother, sat by his side, her gaze fixed upon his peaceful face.

As the minutes turned into hours, the weight of disappointment and anger simmered within her. Anabella's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions—love, concern, and an unyielding disappointment that threatened to consume her. She had married Elwin, the head of the Rosfield family, to secure the future of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria. The union had been a political arrangement, devoid of the passion and love she had hoped to find.

Her love for Clive, her precious baby, surpassed anything she had ever known. Every beat of her heart, every breath she took, revolved around him. He was her world, the embodiment of her hopes and dreams. The attack on their home had shaken her to the core, shattering the illusion of safety she had carefully cultivated.

Elwin, the man she had partnered with to ensure the stability of their land, bore the brunt of her anger. In the privacy of their chambers, away from prying eyes, Anabella confronted him with a fire in her eyes and a trembling voice.

"Elwin," she began, her words laced with a mixture of disappointment and fury, "how could this happen? How could you allow such a breach in our home, in our son's sanctuary? He is the next arch Duke of Rosaria, the future of our land, and you failed in your responsibility to protect him."

Elwin met her gaze, the weight of her words sinking deep into his conscience. The lines etched upon his face reflected the burden he carried, the realization of his own shortcomings. He had failed, not only in his duty to safeguard their family but also in his duty to Anabella as her husband.

"I know, Anabella," he replied, his voice heavy with remorse. "I cannot express how deeply sorry I am for what happened. I promise you, with every fibre of my being, that I will make amends. I will ensure that nothing like this ever happens again. Our son's safety is paramount, and I vow to protect him with my life."

Anabella's anger remained unabated, her disappointment seeping into her words. "Words are not enough, Elwin. Our son deserves more than empty promises. He deserves a safe and secure environment. We cannot afford any more lapses in our defences, in your leadership."

Elwin's gaze fell to the ground, his hands clenching into fists. He understood the weight of her words, the gravity of his failures. He had vowed to be a strong leader, a protector, but he had faltered, allowing darkness to infiltrate their haven.

"I will do whatever it takes, Anabella," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I will strengthen our defenses, root out the source of this threat, and ensure that our home remains impervious to such attacks. I swear to you, I will make things right."

Anabella's eyes softened, a mixture of love and concern shimmering within them. She knew that beneath Elwin's shortcomings lay a man burdened by his responsibilities, a man who truly loved their son. Though her disappointment still lingered, she found solace in the knowledge that he, too, felt the weight of his failures.

"You must, Elwin," she said, her voice now tinged with a trace of vulnerability. "Our son means the world to me. He is our legacy, the hope of our people. We cannot afford to let anything harm him. I implore you, for the sake of our family and the future of Rosaria, ensure his safety."

Elwin nodded, his gaze meeting hers with renewed determination. "I will not rest until our son is protected, until our home is secure. I will make amends, Anabella. I swear it."

With a heavy sigh, Anabella reached out and gently touched Clive's cheek, her annoyance only, but she must pretend for now.

In that moment, Anabella's love for Clive burned brighter than ever, overshadowing her disappointment in Elwin. She vowed to remain vigilant, to ensure that their son would grow up in a world where his safety was never compromised. Their journey had taken an unexpected turn, but she was resolved to navigate it with unwavering determination.

Together, they would face the trials that awaited, for the love she possessed for her son transcended any measure of reason. It was a bond forged in the depths of her heart, a flame that burned fiercely, driving them to protect her most precious treasure—Clive Rosfield, the rightful Arch Duke of Rosaria, the person who would shape the world as he wishes, and her little baby.


Elwin POV

As Elwin watched Anabella tenderly caress Clive's cheek, a mix of emotions churned within him. He understood the depth of her disappointment and anger, and he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of guilt for failing her, failing their son. The weight of his responsibilities pressed heavily upon him, and the realization of his shortcomings gnawed at his conscience.

He knew that Anabella's love for Clive surpassed anything he could comprehend. She had made it clear that their marriage had been a means to secure the future of Rosaria, but Clive was more than a political pawn to her. He was her everything, the embodiment of her hopes and dreams. The attack on their home had shattered the illusion of safety, and Elwin couldn't help but blame himself for allowing it to happen.

As he stood there, watching the woman he loved express her disappointment and anger, Elwin's mind raced with a torrent of thoughts. He had taken on the role of protector, the leader of their family and their land, and he had failed miserably. How could he face Anabella knowing that he had let down the woman who meant the world to him?

A surge of determination welled up within him, fueling his resolve. He couldn't change the past, but he could shape the future. Elwin knew that mere words were not enough to mend the damage he had caused. He needed to take immediate action, to fortify their defences, and to ensure that Clive would never be in harm's way again.

The weight of his responsibilities settled upon his shoulders, urging him to rise above his failures. Elwin knew that he had to make amends, not just for Anabella's sake, but for the sake of their family and the people they served. The love he had for his son burned deep within him, and he couldn't bear the thought of any harm coming to Clive.

With each passing moment, Elwin's determination grew stronger. He would do whatever it took to strengthen their defences, to root out the source of the threat that had invaded their home. He would become the leader Anabella and Clive needed him to be, the protector who would ensure their safety.

As he reflected on the heated argument with Anabella, Elwin understood that their love for Clive would always be the bond that held them together. Despite their differences, they shared a common goal—to safeguard their son and the future of Rosaria. It was a responsibility he would not take lightly.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Elwin vowed to himself that he would prove his worth, not just to Anabella, but to himself. He would channel his anger and disappointment into action, using it as fuel to become a better leader, a stronger protector. He couldn't change the mistakes of the past, but he could forge a path forward—one that would ensure Clive's safety and honour the trust placed in him.

Elwin knew that it wouldn't be easy. Rebuilding trust and healing wounds took time. But he was determined to do whatever it took to earn Anabella's forgiveness, to make her proud, and to secure a future where Clive would grow up free from fear and danger.

With his mind set on redemption, Elwin took a deep breath and stepped forward. The road ahead would be challenging, but he was ready to face it head-on, driven by the love he had for his family and the burning desire to protect what mattered most—Clive, his beloved son, and the future of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria.


In the aftermath of the assassination attempt, a dark cloud of uncertainty loomed over the Rosfield estate. Anabella, the reigning Queen of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, had lost faith in her husband's ability to protect their son. Her disappointment and anger at Elwin for failing in his responsibility to provide a safe environment for Clive burned within her.

Late into the night, when the world outside slumbered, Anabella summoned Evelyn to her private chambers. The loyal maid entered, her face etched with concern as she beheld her queen.

"Your Majesty, is everything alright?" Evelyn asked, her voice filled with genuine care and respect.

Anabella's gaze met Evelyn's, the weight of her responsibilities evident in her eyes. "Everything is far from alright, Evelyn. Recent events have shown me that I cannot trust Elwin to keep our son safe."

Evelyn's eyebrows furrowed in concern, and she replied, "But he is the Grand Duke, and it is his duty to protect the heir to the throne."

Anabella's expression hardened, and she spoke with a mixture of determination and disappointment. "I wish I could believe that, but I can't take that chance. Clive's life is too precious to gamble on Elwin's competence. I must do whatever it takes to protect him, even if it means taking matters into my own hands."

Evelyn's voice lowered respectfully, addressing her queen. "What do you plan to do, Your Majesty?"

"We will create a secret order," Anabella said, her tone resolute. "We will call it 'The Undying.' Its sole purpose will be to protect Clive at all costs, even if it means recruiting individuals who have lost their purpose in life. We will reprogram them to be fiercely loyal to Clive, to protect him with their lives."

Evelyn nodded, acknowledging her queen's decision. "And how will we find such individuals?"

"We will discreetly seek out those who have lost their way, who have nothing left to live for," Anabella explained. "With the power of the Grand Duchy behind us, we can erase their pasts, offer them a new purpose, and instill in them unwavering loyalty to Clive."

Evelyn hesitated for a moment, considering the implications of their plan. "Is it right to manipulate people in such a way, Your Majesty? To take away their free will?"

Anabella's gaze softened as she looked at her son. "I would do anything to protect Clive. The world can burn for all I care if it means keeping him safe. These people will find a new sense of purpose in protecting the rightful Arch Duke of Rosaria. Their loyalty will be unwavering, and I will ensure they are taken care of."

Seeing the determination and love in her queen's eyes, Evelyn knew that there was no changing Anabella's mind. She would stand by her side, supporting her in this risky endeavour.

As the days turned into weeks, Anabella and Evelyn discreetly began recruiting members for The Undying. They reached out to individuals who had lost their way, who felt they had nothing left to live for. With promises of redemption, purpose, and protection, they found willing candidates.

Each member underwent a rigorous reprogramming process, erasing their pasts and instilling in them a new identity—a protector, sworn to guard Clive with their lives. They were bound by an unbreakable loyalty, their devotion to the young heir transcending any personal desires or ambitions.

For now, Clive remained oblivious to the clandestine efforts being made to protect him. Anabella believed he was too young to understand the intricacies of their plans. But as he grew older, she would unveil the truth, ensuring that he understood the sacrifices that had been made for his safety.

As the Grand Duchy of Rosaria carried on with its affairs, unbeknownst to the world, a secret order took shape in the shadows—a brotherhood of protectors, ready to shield the young Clive Rosfield from any threats that may come his way.

Anabella's resolve remained unyielding, fueled by her unending love for her son. The world may never know the lengths to which she would go to keep Clive safe, but to her, it was a small price to pay. The cost of manipulating lives and erasing pasts was but a fleeting thought compared to the boundless love she held for her baby.

In the depths of her heart, Anabella was prepared to sacrifice everything for Clive. The world could crumble, but as long as he remained unharmed, she would consider it a victory. The Undying would serve as a silent shield, a force of unwavering loyalty and protection, ensuring that Clive, the future Arch Duke of Rosaria, would navigate the treacherous paths of fate with safety and strength.

A/N:BTW, does anyone know how old Benedicta Heman was when clive Killed her and where was she when she was rescued by Cid?

While Anabella may seem a bit OC, this is not too far as she was like this in the case of Olivier. She only disliked Clive in the OG story due to her being ostracised by others due to Clive not being a dominant. Otherwise, she herself said it, Clive would have been the perfect son if he was the phoenix. While Joshua was weak and sickly, Clive was strong and Brave. Wanted to show a bit of her scheming and uncaring attitude to the people other than her son in this chapter. BTW, does anyone know how old Benedicta Heman was when clive Killed her and where was she when she was rescued by Cid?

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