
Reborn into Stargate

I DO NOT OWN any of the Stargate franchise. All characters/objects/concepts that appear in this novel are owned by their respected company. I only take ownership of any original characters/objects/concepts. Well... I was just informed that I had died. Then I was told that I have been chosen to be reborn. A floating panel with questions on who I want to be and where I want to be reborn pops into existence. And so, I chose the Stargate franchise. Lets hope that I chose wisely. I am writing this while also working on my other Stargate novel. It is called Stargate Atlantis: Lantean Resurrection. Check it out if you are interested.

FlashyAli · TV
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7 Chs

A Temporary Alliance

I directed the Orion to change its course to head straight at the solar system where the Wraith and Unknown Aliens were battling it out. The ship gave an estimation of 6 minutes for it to reach the solar system. It was pure luck that the Orion was able to detect the disturbance while in hyperspace. Had the Orion not been traveling near the location of the disturbance, it would have never detected it.

As the Orion was barreling its way towards the battle, I thought to myself how strange it was that we never got to see these aliens anywhere other than the alternate dimension. I wonder what happened to them in the main timeline. Were they wiped out by the Wraith? Were they just hiding from the rest of the galaxy? Or did they never get to become as powerful as they were in the alternate dimension. I guess it doesn't really matter in any case because in this dimension, they won't be getting the chance to exist for any longer. I will hopefully see to their destruction because I don't want to deal with another advanced hostile alien race. One is more than enough and there are definitely more than one. The Wraith and Goa'uld will be a big enough headache for what I have planned for the future. And I plan on dealing with them but not for thousands of years. I first need to consolidate my power and grow. This may seem heartless to the inhabitants of the galaxies but I can't afford to be arrogant when facing the two races. The Wraith are powerful enough to take on the Ancients, the most advanced race in multiple galaxies. The Goa'uld, although not as advanced would still prove to be a challenging opponent if they decide to pull all there forces together and go after a single enemy.

After the Lantean-Wraith war ends, I will gather the building blocks that will allow me to build myself an empire. Though it will probably be a small one until the Tau'ri introduce themselves to the galaxy. After they discover the lost city of Atlantis, I will show myself and forge an alliance. But I am getting far ahead of myself. I still have a lot to do before my plans can come into fruition. First things first is to nip this problem in the bud so it doesn't cause problems to my future.

When the Orion was a minute away, I directed it to hail the Hive. The Orion did as directed and the Hive ship accepted the hail after a few seconds. A hologram monitor showed the image of a Wraith queen. She was sitting on her throne looking very pissed off.

"What is it you want Lantean?!" the queen seethed.

I didn't correct her and said, "I see that you are having a bit of trouble with these unknown vessels. I was just wondering if you would like to have a small alliance to take care of this problem before going our separate ways?"

"Why would you help me Lantean?! And when did I say that I was having trouble?"

"Well, I can see how badly your ship is being damaged through my ships sensors so I assumed that you were getting your ass handed to you. And for the reason of why I would help you... does it really matter? Just know that I don't want these aliens around just as much as you don't. So just accept my help cause my ship will be there in about 20 seconds."

"Fine!! But know that this is only temporary and that I will destroy you the next time we meet!"

"Sure thing, sweetheart! Now, watch as I save your little Wraith ass!"

With that being the last thing that was said, a huge hyperspace window opened in front of the two Unknown Alien ships. Man I gotta come up with another name for these guys. It is too tiring calling them that. Anyway, the Orion was deposited right in front and I ordered the ship to fire a massive volley of the pulse weapons on the two ships. The scanners showed that the two ships shields were moderately damaged. There weren't any fighters around because the Wraith darts seemed to have overwhelmed them with numbers. Before I could hail the Hive ship again for support, the Hive ship turns tail with its cruisers and leaves. So much for the temporary alliance. But it doesn't really matter to me because the Wraith queen leaving is more good news for me. Because now, I don't have to worry about the Wraith finding out about the shiny new toys that the Orion got. Even though I am probably being paranoid, I don't want the Wraith to find out and get any ideas. I don't want them to somehow find a countermeasure or build a similar weapon for their own uses.

I charged the Asgard plasma beam weapon emitters and fired two shots each to both ships. Their shields barely held on for a second before they collapsed and the beams cut into their hulls. This didn't fully destroy the ships but utterly crippled them. So I directed the Orion to position itself above the two ships so that my replicator bugs on board could ring into the ships. They had no shields left so the rings would be able to penetrate into the hull. Thankfully, the replicator bugs could operate in space so they wouldn't have any trouble taking over the ship... I hope. I really don't understand why the Ancients never added beaming technology to their ships. The huge amount of uses that the Asgard beaming technology had was incredible. I bet that using the technology with a sufficient enough power source, you could probably beam a huge amount of ships into the beaming arrays and then delete them while they were inside to get rid of them. A thing that I will have to look into getting for myself.

I sent down all the replicator bugs on board. Half going to one and the other half going to the other. I could actually see what was going on on board the two ships through the replicator bugs. I commanded the bugs to infiltrate the ships by using the space in between the walls like they will do in the future. I also commanded them to get to a console where they would be able to vent the atmosphere of the ship to kill anyone left on board. The replicator bugs quickly set out to do what was commanded of them. They infiltrated the ship while multiplying themselves using the materials that they robbed from the walls of the ships. The... Reapers (Cool name right? I stole it off of another stargate fanfic called the Ongoing Journey. Feel free to check it out, though it hasn't been updated in like 6 years) had already detected that there were intruders on board their ships but they were unable to do anything as I commanded the bugs to stay out of sight and just to keep multiplying. Soon the Reapers on board wouldn't be able to do anything as they were going to suffocate after the atmosphere was vented.

And soon that is exactly what happened. The replicator bugs found where the engineering room was and quickly dispatched of the Reapers on guard. They sealed the room and tried to access the ships systems. Unfortunately, the ships had an advanced AI that was controlling everything. But unfortunately for the AI, there was only one of it and a crap ton of my replicator bugs and I. We immediately bombarded it and quickly left it in a catatonic state. It was utterly destroyed under the combined computing power of a few hundred replicator bugs and I. I ordered the ship to vent its atmosphere and the effects were wonderful. In the show, the Reapers were tough bastards who were hard to kill. But with no air to breath, the mighty will fall. Unless they are self replicating machines but that is besides the point.

After the enemies on board were dispatched of, I ordered the replicator bugs to download all the information that was stored on the ships database and then to strip everything on the ship. Hopefully, I can find useful information stored on the ships database and maybe also find something interesting while stripping the ship of everything. From what I remember, the weapons of the Reaper ships were pretty powerful. They did enough damage that Atlantis' shields were actually depleted by them after an unknown amount of sustained fire.

Hey! Surprise! Another chapter in a short amount of time! I haven't really checked to see if there are any typos or anything so I am sorry if there are any. Please let me know in the comments if I made a mistake and I will do my best to correct it. Right now, I am tired and am about to go to bed. Thanks for reading and have a good day! :)

FlashyAlicreators' thoughts