
Reborn in Versatile Mage With the Fire of Amaterasu

Reborn into the world of a full-time mage, beginning with Amaterasu's blessing. Per chapter will be between 2000 and 3000 words. There is no system! This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the world of Versatile Mage. Mo Fan and Tom Curi (the protagonist of the FF), will have a good relationship, but will not interact much with each other. Tom Curi, the protagonist of this article, knows the world of versatile mage, so he will try to follow the plot at first, but sometimes the plot can change quite a bit due to his intervention. In short, the general trend remains unchanged and the small trend can be changed. The pairings are going to be voted on, if you want to give ideas, you are more than welcome to share them. Smallharem!

Shadow7Blue · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

2 : This is wrong, why Argentina and not China?

In the end they managed to exterminate them, but with a huge amount of casualties of high and medium level mages.

Of the 13 Super level mages that participated, 7 ended up dying and the other 6 Super level mages were seriously wounded, to the great sadness of my grandfather and the Curi family, my mother was part of the 7 Super level mages that died.

It is well known that any demon out of the South Pole is considered a catastrophic existence, this is because all over the world this place is known as the most terrible human forbidden land:

Antarctica, it is known that Antarctica has the power of ice invasion that gradually depletes the vital functions of humans and this consumption affects the ability of all magicians regardless of level, thus making the strength of these is reduced.

Ice invasion, that is, gradually deplete human life function.

Even if it is a cursed mage, they will be affected by ice intrusion as soon as they enter Antarctica, Antarctica has a great infringement against human mages, not to mention ordinary people, it rejects humans, and from the beginning, it has been a kind of "chronic poison" and that is why Antarctica is called human prohibition.

And the creatures of Antarctica have a strength that far surpasses that of the monarch-level Kraken itself.

It should be about five times that of monsters on land at the same level, so it stands to reason that they have suffered so much under a group out of Antarctica itself.

Anyway, with the death of my mother, the Curi family was left without the second most important head after my grandfather, which was a hard blow, not only because she was one of the pillars of the family in terms of position as an heir, but she was also a genius girl with Super level strength who died at the age of only 31, a mage with many possibilities of becoming a forbidden level mage in the family in the future.

On my side, it's quite sad that I didn't get to meet either of my parents in my new life, I don't deny that it would have been extremely awkward considering my past knowledge, but that's not why I wished for them to die.

That's how my grandfather, as the only living direct relative I had left, took the responsibility of raising me and I must say he is a lousy replacement for parents, if it wasn't for my already pre-existing knowledge, it is likely that any other child would have ended up as the typical movie villain who have no parental or maternal love and are overly demanded from childhood and become crazy, serious, resentful, etc.

It is a blessing to have my memories intact, thanks to this I was able to impress my grandfather and learn everything he asked of me quickly without generating any psychological problems in the future.

My grandfather and the Curi family were so impressed with my development and intelligence that they got to the point where they called me the little genius of the new generation among the children, which didn't make me feel good at all since they were comparing me to children, but on the other hand the title helped me a lot to make a name for myself and get more benefits when learning magic in the future when I awaken my specific magic.

Speaking of magic, the normal for mages in this world is to awaken their magic at the age of 16 by means of a special awakening magic stone that allows to determine what type of magic a student possesses, although there are exceptions to every rule and there are some mages that have an early awakening on their own, the records say that the minimum age discovered for early awakening is 14 years old.

Now, if I'm honest this information shocked me, because, surprise surprise, as soon as I discovered that this world was magical and I could get introductory books to it, I found that in fact I already had a specific type of magic that I supposed I had awakened early, the problem is that this was when I was 2 years old only, which was supposedly impossible according to the books and records, luckily I always kept secret the fact that I could use magic at that age and it was also thanks to the pendant I inherited from my late mother, which apparently has the function of covering up the magical trace of the body.

Eventually I discovered, that my fearful awakening of magic had to be due to the blessing given to me by the Presence of Fire, since the type of magic I awakened is just fire, but not just any fire, the flames are an incredible jet black that can consume anything it touches, so without a doubt this fire is the famous and all powerful Amaterasu, just thinking that I could have such power made me ecstatic with happiness, although currently the use of a small flame of Amaterasu imposes a great strain on my whole body, both physically and mentally as well as magically and usually only form a few small flames for a few seconds and I'm already extremely exhausted.

Also, despite how amazing the fire element is and more being Amaterasu himself that I woke up, there is a serious problem and that is that I discovered that my fire magic system is not ordinary at all.

According to what the Presence of Fire said his blessing was going to adapt according to the system of the plane in the world where I go, but it was not so, since to raise any element in the magic system to a higher one, one must unite and control the 7 stars surrounding the main star of the magical form, in order to then advance from elemental level mage to mid level mage and I for one do not have 7 stars to begin with, I have 77 black stars surrounding the flame of the Amterasu and this is being at the elemental level, which is already a lot considering how difficult it is to unite the stars.

But taking into account that it is the Amterasu and not the common type of fire that is usually awakened I could understand and consider it as a mutation of the element due to the blessing, but now comes the biggest problem, at the age of only 6 years I managed to unite the 77 stars that to clarify is quite slow considering that I started trying to unite them at 2 years old, so it took 4 years to do it, But now that a year has passed and I am 7 years old, I still have not achieved an advance to a medium level magician, which is desperate, I am still an elementary level magician, and there is no way to make a breakthrough, I tried everything and the truth is very desperate, the only conclusion I came to is that I am still very young and my body can not adapt to the magic of medium type with a body so small and that's why I'm held at this level.

Which would make sense since even though I know all the elemental level spells of fire type, with only using one I was totally exhausted, but that also has to do with the power and consumption of the Amaterasu, a simple elemental level spell of fire type has the power of a spell of a high level mage, which is incredible, but it is useless if I can only use one, so I am trying to control the power and consumption, but for now without visible results.

Also, today after 7 years since I came to the world was the day I discovered that I am actually in the world of Mage Versatile, I criticize and blame myself a little for not having discovered the truth before with so many things in common that had, but in my defense, I had't had many clues over the years to discover it so easily, the little I knew so far of the world was the magical awakening, the types of magic, some of the important organizations of the world and other basic things that could be of any world that I have read or seen in my previous life that has magic, besides...

I am in Argentina, not in China where the story of the world of mago versatile takes place, so it had not even occurred to me to think that this was a world that I had read and seen in my previous life, moreover, but for my 7th birthday my grandfather introduced me to the magical society, where I met the important people of the country, along with several of the foreign families who supported and traded with the Curi family.

I would never have discovered the fact that I was in the world of versatile magician, in fact it was a great coincidence and luck that one of the Lords of one of the Chinese families who had introduced me on my birthday brought one of his sons named Ai Jiang Tu who was my age.

At the beginning of the presentation I had not yet realized who he was, although it sounded somewhere in my head, only when I talked to him and he told me a lot about his little sister Ai Tu Tu Tu, I immediately realized that in fact this was the world of versatile magician and that instead of starting in China where the story of the protagonist Mo Fan takes place, I ended up on the other side of the world, which I don't know if it is good or bad.