1 How It All Started

In the Quarry Stefan unloads the canvas bag that contains Silas' remains, but when he tosses it to the ground its contents sound like a bunch of loose pieces. He kicks it and reaches inside to find shards of ordinary stone.

Elena/Silas: Don't bother. I'm not there.

[Silas approaches him from behind, and Stefan turns and stands.]

Stefan: Silas. You were stone. They saw you, the spell worked.

Elena/Silas: That's the funny thing about spells – they're bound by Nature. Nature demands balance, so every spell has a loophole. The spell that turned me into stone was bound by a witch – a living witch. So when that witch died, the spell broke.

Stefan: Bonnie? Bonnie's not dead.

Elena/Silas: It doesn't matter, does it? And here's where the mystery of me comes full circle. I created the immortality spell two thousand years ago. I can never die, so Nature needed to find a balance – a version of me that could die. A shadow-self – a doppelgänger.

Stefan: So, this is finally your real face? You're another one of them?

Elena/Silas: Not exactly.

[Silas' reflection in the car window shows a face identical to Stefan's, and Silas takes on his true form.]

Silas: Hello, my shadow-self.

[Silas approaches Stefan and stabs him in the gut with a stake.]

Silas: Do you have any idea what it's like to starve for two thousand years?

[Silas lets go and Stefan falls to his knees. Silas puts Stefan into the body-sized safe, locks him in, and tips it over the edge of the cliff into the quarry. Inside the safe, Stefan bangs against it as it begins to fill with water, shouting out as the water engulfs his face.]


A high school youth sat on the seat he prepared days prior to watching the season finale of Vampire Diaries. The seat was a state-of-the-art back massager with a perfect angle to the flat screen tv. It was a great view. Holding a half-empty bucket full of popcorn in hand, the high school youth watched the credit scene dismally, his soul was fully immersed in the plotline.

"Can't believe Silas puts Stefan into a safe… how can this be…? And… and Elena chooses Damon… Bonnie is dead…Katherine is human now!!" The youth looked down. Bitter sadness seemed ready to swallow him whole.

" Will Stefan be freed from the safe? Sigh… I'd need to wait a year or two for the next season." The youth sighed dismally, a little too frustrated as he shook his head. As a big fan of Vampire Diaries, a year's worth of watching the 4th seasons was the greatest and worse time of his life.

"Ugh…" The youth slowly stood from his seat. The rolling credits scene had long ended and there was only him the black screen which lit faintly. Suddenly, a big Bang happens as the tv exploded and shards of glass thrown into his body. There were shards of glass all over his body, one was stabbed in his throat, another was in his heart he dies instantly.


Soon his eyes closed when his life disappeared and he felt nothing neither the surroundings nor his body.

The funny thing was there was nothing but peace in his heart.

But after a few minutes, he could feel his body again but there was some heat coming from his heart, this made him feel strange when he opened his eyes just to notice the darkness everywhere.

The whole area was dark, there was no sign of life or sounds anywhere.

"What happened? Did not I die?" He had many questions to ask, but soon it was as if inspiration hit him.

"This can not be true?" His only thoughts were the books or the light novel he always read. So he started turning around trying to see in all directions, but there was nothing but endless darkness that made him feel disappointed.

"Hello, young men" Nathan was so focused on his thoughts that when he heard the sudden voice, he was so afraid that felt his heart stop which seemed stupid because he was already dead.

Turning his head, his gaze made contact with the person who spoke, it could be said that he seemed to be a man of about thirty years with short white hair with white eyes, but he felt strange about him as if his age was not appropriate to what he looks like.

"Where am I?" I ask, but I already had an idea from the beginning.

"Boy, you died and I decided to give you the opportunity to reincarnate in a world or you can reject my offer and just go to heaven." He pointed to a white door that suddenly appeared.

"I have a question?"

"Go ahead, young man."

"Why did you give me a chance? After all, I don't think I had good karma" Nathan, although he never did anything illegal, his karma would not be so high as to have such opportunities and he knows that.

"Hahaha, you are very careful, but you must not fear, the reason This Great One gave you this opportunity is that I plan to send you to a world you know and love... Regarding your karma, it is higher than you think."

This confused Nathan [how was his karma? Do I have a good number?]

"I do not understand ... Why do you want to send me that world?"

"That's easy young men, let me explain, the world I want to send you to is starting to get boring and by sending you there things would start to change and become unpredictable. Do you understand?"

"I understand ... what world will it be?"

"It's a world where there are vampires, werewolves, and witches, and several races roam for him, in your world, it's called Vampire Diaries!"

"Vampire Diaries!?" Nathan looked at God in front of him as if he were a savior.

"Exactly young, due to your karma, and when counting the circumstances, I can only give you four wishes, but I must tell you that you must think them well, once you have chosen that there will be no turning back".

Nathan had his brain processing at maximum speed to know what he wants, he thought of innumerable abilities or weapons that could help him in that world.

"Well ..." I doubt it a moment.

"Did you decide young men?"

"Oh yes, first I want to be born as the ghetto twin of Stefan Salvatore."

"I want to have a witch siphon bloodline."

"My third wish ... I want an original vampire bloodline with the ability to reproduce."

"The fourth wish I want is a mini system that would let me keep track of and communicate with my sired line."

"All your wishes are possible, I will send you before the birth of Stefan, have a good trip and I hope you can make things interesting."

"Thank you!" Soon it became particles of light that disappeared.

"That's a good boy, I hope he makes that world more fun..."

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