
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs


" Now onto more recent matters, how is the outside world in all the years that I have vanished ?" 

 Tobirama was the one who talked this time.

" The five great nations are in a state of constant tension. Iwa Kumo and Kiri had regained some of their forces that they lost during the battle at uzu. Konoha on the other hand is following a more ruthless approach with their shinobis. Danzo has started some Root programme where he is training children from a young age to be merciless shinobi." He paused ," I have failed as a teacher it seems." Tobirama sighed.

" This is not why I and Madara built Konoha." Hashirama Shouted and stood up. He seemed quite upset with the way the elemental nations were headed.

Tobirama continued his report, " Iwa Kumo and Kiri have taken a non negotiation approach towards Konoha. Any shinobi from konoha found within their borders are being butchered and their heads sent back to konoha. Suna is currently being ruled by a third Kazekage who possess the Magnet Style Kekei genkai. He has the entire country of Sand under lockdown and is amassing his forces.

Another notable development is Amegakure. There is a new group called Akatsuki working there but intel on them is quite low. Hanzo is still in charge of Ame but information gathering from there is very risky. 

In Konoha the notable population of shinobi is greater than all the other villages but there is no prominent names from there other than Hiruzen Danzo and the stripling Orochimaru. 

Kumo is being headed by a fourth Raikage who is the son of the previous one. Although quite short tempered and easy to provoke, The man is strong as his father. He has mastered Lightning to its peak and can use it to augment his speed.

Iwa is ruled by onoki and and his grasp on his shinpbi is very good. People respect him and follow his orders. Except for his animosity towards konoha he seems like a peaceful man.

That is all for now."

' Hmm So the third war has not started yet. Good to know.' I thought. " Thank you tobirama for the intel. Looking at the situation I think all of us knows that a third war is on its way. Although I have no plans now I might have a few Ideas on this war and what to do during it. Anyways now that I know what's going on let's get to the next Agenda."

" And that is?" Mito asked

" I am going to Spar with all of you to see your current capabilities" I answered with a devilish smirk on my face.

'System Open a Portal to a separate dimension where we can go all out.'


A blue portal opened up beside me . Standing up from my chair looked at everyone and said, " Everyone follow me."

Crossing to the other dimension we saw a desolate landscape. The ground is a cracked and barren expanse, a patchwork of dried mud and brittle earth that splinters underfoot. Deep fissures crisscross the terrain, resembling ancient scars on the face of the world. Sparse, withered vegetation clings to life in isolated patches, their twisted forms like skeletal fingers reaching towards the sky.

The sky above is a heavy, oppressive gray, filled with thick, brooding clouds that hang low, as if weighed down by their own desolation. Occasionally, a faint, cold wind sweeps across the land, stirring up small eddies of dust and sand, which dance briefly before settling once more into stillness.

In the distance, jagged mountains rise, their peaks shrouded in perpetual mist. Their dark silhouettes are stark against the dull sky, creating an imposing and melancholic horizon. The silence here is profound, broken only by the occasional distant rumble of shifting rocks or the mournful call of an unseen bird.

The air is dry and carries the faint scent of minerals and ancient decay. Abandoned structures, remnants of a once-thriving civilization, dot the landscape. They stand as mute sentinels, their walls crumbling and roofs caved in, overtaken by time and neglect. Rusted metal and shattered glass litter the ground around them, gleaming dully in the weak, filtered light.

A dried-up riverbed snakes through the land, its once-vital waters long gone. The riverbed is littered with smooth, bleached stones, their surfaces worn smooth by water that has not flowed in years. The banks are lined with dead trees, their branches bare and twisted, resembling grasping hands frozen in a final, desperate reach.

" This is good. I can sense no life on this place. we can go all out without any worries. Okay then I will divide you guys in groups and we will begin. First Group will be all the commanders. Kaguya, Hashirama, Mito, Odin and Hela. the next group will be the vice commanders and seniors like Tobirama, Ashina, Sakumo, Jiraiya , Thor and Tsunade. the third group would be the new generations. Kushina, Minato, Nawaki, Fugaku and Mikoto.

Okay we will start with the third group first then the second and then to the commanders. Only the third group stay ,rest of you disperse and observe."

On this the others disappeared leaving only the five newbies. Looking at them I said, " Treat this like a real battle. Do not hold back. Come at me with the intention to kill or it will be you who I kill. Remember the enemy you are going to face in the future are not ordinary shinobis. So do not even relax for a moment. "

Seeing the determination grow in their eyes I knew my word were a success.

" Let the battle begin."

Team Three huddled together, strategizing. Kushina, with her fiery red hair and fierce determination, stood at the forefront. Minato, the Yellow Flash, his demeanor calm and calculated, nodded at his comrades. Nawaki, the young Senju with the power of Wood Style, looked resolute. Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha, their Sharingan eyes glowing with readiness, completed the formidable lineup.

Across from them, Lucifer stood alone, his presence imposing and otherworldly. His eyes, a deep, swirling vortex of power, surveyed his opponents. He raised a hand, and the air around him seemed to shimmer with elemental energy.

Minato: (voice steady) Remember, we fight together. Use our strengths to cover each other's weaknesses. Kushina, your KCM 2 and Tailed Beast Mode will be our vanguard. Nawaki, support with Wood Style to control the battlefield. Fugaku, Mikoto, use your Sharingan and Susano'o strategically. We can do this.

Kushina nodded, her eyes fierce with determination. "Let's give it everything we've got."

With a roar, Kushina activated her Tailed Beast Mode, her chakra cloak blazing around her, tails whipping through the air. Minato's body flickered as he prepared his Flying Raijin technique, marking strategic points around the battlefield. Nawaki's hands moved in swift patterns, summoning massive wooden structures from the ground. Fugaku and Mikoto activated their Sharingan, their eyes burning with power.

Lucifer, unfazed by the display of power, lifted his hand and summoned a torrent of elemental energy. Flames, lightning, water, and wind swirled around him in a devastating dance. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the elements hurtling towards Team One.

Kushina: (roaring) Not today! She leaped forward, her chakra cloak absorbing and deflecting the elemental attacks. Her tails lashed out, aiming to strike Lucifer, but he vanished, reappearing behind her with a crackle of energy.

Minato, sensing Lucifer's move, teleported instantly, kunai in hand, slashing at Lucifer. The blade met a barrier of pure energy, deflecting harmlessly.

Lucifer: (smirking) Impressive, but not enough.

He raised his hand, and the ground beneath Minato erupted, sending him flying. Nawaki slammed his hands onto the ground, summoning a forest of wooden spikes that surged towards Lucifer. With a wave of his hand, Lucifer incinerated the wood, turning it to ash.

Fugaku and Mikoto activated their Susano'o, massive ethereal warriors springing to life around them. They charged at Lucifer, swords swinging. Lucifer met their assault with his own full-body Susano'o, the colossal form shimmering into existence, its blade clashing with theirs in a thunderous explosion of power.

Fugaku: (gritting his teeth) Mikoto, we need to push him back!

Mikoto nodded, her Susano'o swinging its blade with all its might. The force of their combined attack staggered Lucifer momentarily, but he quickly regained his footing, his Susano'o pushing back with equal, if not greater, force.

Kushina, seeing an opening, unleashed a barrage of Tailed Beast Bombs. The orbs of concentrated chakra streaked towards Lucifer, who countered by manipulating space-time, warping the bombs away before they could reach him.

Lucifer: (with a cold smile) You'll have to do better than that.

He raised the Mind Stone, and a wave of psychic energy washed over the battlefield. Fugaku and Mikoto's Susano'o flickered as their minds were assaulted by visions and illusions. Nawaki collapsed, clutching his head, trying to fight off the overwhelming force.

Minato, recognizing the danger, teleported to Nawaki's side, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Focus, Nawaki. We need you."

Nawaki nodded, sweat pouring down his face as he fought to regain control. With a supreme effort, he pushed the psychic assault aside and summoned a giant wooden golem, sending it crashing towards Lucifer.

Lucifer countered with a blast of elemental energy, shattering the golem into splinters. He then focused his attention on Minato, who had been darting around the battlefield, trying to create openings for his team.

Lucifer: (concentrating) You're fast, Minato. But let's see how you handle this.

He raised the Rinne Sharingan, and the landscape around them warped. Minato found himself in a distorted space, the ground shifting and twisting beneath him. He tried to teleport out, but the fabric of space was being manipulated, trapping him.

Kushina: (furious) Minato!

She charged at Lucifer, her chakra cloak flaring with intense power. She slammed into his Susano'o with all her might, the impact creating a shockwave that rippled across the battlefield. Lucifer's Susano'o held firm, but Kushina's relentless assault began to crack its surface.

Lucifer: (strained, but still composed) Impressive strength, Kushina. But it's time to end this.

He unleashed a torrent of elemental fury, combining fire, water, lightning, and wind into a single devastating attack. Kushina's chakra cloak absorbed most of the damage, but the force of the attack sent her flying, her tails flailing wildly.

As Kushina struggled to regain her footing, Fugaku and Mikoto, having shaken off the effects of the Mind Stone, launched a coordinated assault with their Susano'o. Blades of ethereal energy clashed against Lucifer's defenses, but his Susano'o held strong.

Minato, still trapped in the distorted space, focused his energy and found a way to stabilize the area around him. With a burst of speed, he teleported out, reappearing beside Kushina.

Minato: (breathing hard) We need to hit him together, Kushina. All of us.

Kushina nodded, her determination undimmed. "Agreed. Let's end this."

She gathered her remaining strength and unleashed a massive wave of chakra, combining it with Minato's Flying Raijin kunai. The energy surged towards Lucifer, who countered with his own elemental barrage.

The battlefield erupted in a blinding flash of light as the two forces clashed. When the light faded, Lucifer stood alone, his Susano'o glowing with residual power. Team Three lay scattered, defeated but not broken.

Lucifer: (voice echoing across the battlefield) You fought well. But in the end, my power was greater. Still, you have my respect for your tenacity and teamwork.

Kushina, battered and bruised, managed to stand, her eyes blazing with defiance. "This isn't over, Lucifer. We will fight again, and we will be stronger."

Lucifer nodded, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. "I look forward to it."

With that, he rose in the air, leaving Team Three to regroup and recover, their spirits unbroken despite the loss. The battle had shown them their weaknesses, but also their strengths. They knew they would rise again, more powerful and determined than ever.



" Now that Team Three has finished its match its time for the next round of Participants. Team Two enter the battle field."

With that the second batch of Shinobi which were Tobirama, Ashina, Sakumo, Jiraiya, Tsunade and Thor entered the battle field. Team three were taken by Hashirama and Mito for treatment and recovery.

" Now then, I hope you guys are ready. I will say again what I have said to them. Do not hold back. do not take this casually. Because if you do I will kill you. AM I CLEAR?"

Seeing them nod their head I said, " Then Lets begin."

As the two sides prepare for battle, the atmosphere becomes electric. The members of Team Two exchange resolute nods, each understanding the magnitude of the threat they face. Lucifer stands alone, his presence exuding an aura of unchallenged dominance, his eyes a swirling vortex of power.

Tobirama: (eyes narrowing) We need to coordinate our attacks. Individually, we're strong, but together, we can find a way to bring him down.

Thor: (lifting Mjolnir, lightning crackling around him) Agreed. Let's give him a battle he won't forget.

With a roar, Thor leaps into the air, summoning a storm of thunder and lightning. Bolts of electricity crackle towards Lucifer, who calmly raises a hand, manipulating the elements to dissipate the lightning harmlessly.

Lucifer: (voice echoing) You'll need more than that to challenge me.

Jiraiya: (entering Sage Mode, his eyes turning toad-like) He's right. Let's hit him from all sides!

Jiraiya slams his hands into the ground, summoning massive toads to assist in the battle. Meanwhile, Tobirama weaves hand signs, creating water dragons that surge towards Lucifer. Sakumo Hatake, the White Fang, dashes forward with his chakra-infused blade, aiming for a quick strike.

Ashina Uzumaki: (chanting a sealing jutsu) We need to bind him! Tsunade, support us!

Tsunade: (clenching her fists, her chakra enhancing her strength) On it!

Tsunade charges, her strength shattering the ground as she leaps towards Lucifer, aiming a powerful punch. Lucifer's Rinne Sharingan activates, and the space around him warps. Tsunade's punch meets empty air as Lucifer reappears behind her, a blast of elemental energy erupting from his hand.

Before the attack can connect, Tobirama teleports Tsunade to safety, his Flying Thunder God technique proving its worth. Jiraiya's toads launch a barrage of oil and fire, creating a massive inferno that engulfs Lucifer. For a moment, it seems they have the upper hand, but the flames are quickly dispersed as Lucifer's full-body Susano'o manifests, its colossal form glowing with an eerie blue light.

Lucifer: (inside his Susano'o) Impressive, but futile.

With a swipe of Susano'o's sword, the ground shakes, and a shockwave rushes towards Team Two. Thor counters by slamming Mjolnir into the ground, creating a shield of lightning that absorbs the impact. Sakumo, moving with blinding speed, attempts to flank Lucifer, his blade aiming for the weak points in the Susano'o.

Lucifer: (anticipating the move) Predictable.

Lucifer uses the Mind Stone, sending a wave of psychic energy that momentarily stuns Sakumo. Seeing an opportunity, Jiraiya and Ashina unleash a combined attack. Ashina's sealing chains shoot towards Lucifer, attempting to bind him, while Jiraiya's Rasengan, infused with sage chakra, strikes at the same time.

Lucifer's Susano'o shatters the chains, but the Rasengan hits its mark, causing a visible crack in the ethereal armor. Lucifer's eyes flash as he manipulates space-time, teleporting Jiraiya away and launching a counter-attack with elemental fury. Water, fire, wind, and earth converge into a devastating blast aimed at Ashina.

Ashina: (deflecting with a barrier seal) We're not done yet!

Tobirama, having observed Lucifer's patterns, coordinates with Thor.

Tobirama: (to Thor) Distract him. I need a clear shot.

Thor nods, summoning the full might of the storm. Lightning crashes down, obscuring Lucifer's vision. Tobirama uses the moment to slip behind Lucifer, forming a massive water vortex with explosive tags embedded within.

Thor: (hurling Mjolnir) Now!

As Mjolnir flies towards Lucifer, Tobirama activates the explosive tags. The vortex collapses with a tremendous explosion, Mjolnir striking at the heart of the blast. Lucifer's Susano'o flickers and then shatters, leaving him momentarily vulnerable.

Lucifer: (impressed) You've pushed me further than most. But now, this ends.

He activates the full power of the Rinne Sharingan, casting a genjutsu that distorts reality around Team Two. They find themselves in a twisted, nightmarish landscape where time and space no longer function as they should. Tobirama struggles to maintain his senses, using his extensive experience to counter the effects.

Tobirama: (grimly) Stay focused! It's an illusion!

Jiraiya, in Sage Mode, dispels the genjutsu with a massive burst of sage chakra, restoring reality. Tsunade, using her medical expertise, heals the wounded, keeping the team in fighting condition. Sakumo and Ashina flank Lucifer, their attacks synchronized with precise timing.

Sakumo: (determined) We've got him now!

Lucifer, however, taps into his Haki abilities, using Observation Haki to predict their moves and Armament Haki to harden his defenses. With a surge of Conqueror's Haki, he momentarily stuns the entire team, causing them to falter.

Lucifer: (coldly) Your efforts are in vain.

In a final act of desperation, Thor calls upon the full power of his godly heritage. Lightning engulfs his form as he channels it into a single, devastating strike aimed directly at Lucifer. The sky splits open, and a bolt of pure energy descends, targeting Lucifer with the force of a god.

Thor: (shouting) Feel the wrath of Asgard!

The lightning strike connects, and for a moment, everything is engulfed in blinding light. When the light fades, Lucifer stands, battered but unbroken, his body crackling with residual energy.

Lucifer: (breathing heavily) Impressive, but still… not enough.

With a final surge of power, Lucifer unleashes a combined attack of elemental fury, space-time distortion, and psychic energy. The ground erupts, the sky tears apart, and the minds of Team Two are assaulted with overwhelming force. One by one, they fall, unable to withstand the onslaught.

In the aftermath, the battlefield lies in ruins. Team Two is defeated, their bodies battered but their spirits unbroken. Lucifer stands triumphant, his form glowing with an unearthly light.

Lucifer: (looking down at his fallen opponents) You fought bravely. But in the end, power prevails. Remember this day.

As Lucifer turns to leave, the remnants of Team Two gather their strength, vowing to fight another day. The battle has shown them the true extent of their enemy's power, but also the strength of their resolve.

Thor: (struggling to his feet) This isn't over, Lucifer. We will rise again.

Lucifer: (smiling faintly) I look forward to it.

Tobirama: How much effort did you really put in this fight?

Lucifer: I would say around 25%. I had to be more careful than the other battle as you guys were better in coordinating your attacks.

The eyes of the people in team two widened in disbelief hearing that. Although they had lost this battle badly they vowed in their heart to improve their strength and challenge him again. 

" Well then retreat and see to your wounds. you guys have improved in your strength but you need more training to stand up to even one otsutsuki." After they retreated Team One came into the Battle field. 

" You guys had the most time to prepare for this battle. Make sure that you put up a better fight than the others. If the commanders are weak then the army is bound to fail. Am I clear."

Seeing them nod I said, " Let's Begin."


The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as two formidable teams faced each other on the battlefield. On one side stood Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Hashirama Senju, Mito Uzumaki, Odin All-Father, and Hela, the Goddess of Death. Each of them radiated an aura of immense power, ready to give their all in this epic sparring match. On the opposing side was Lucifer, a being of unparalleled might.

As the match began, the battlefield shimmered with the combined energy of these titans. The ground trembled under their feet, and the sky darkened as their auras clashed.

Kaguya was the first to make a move. With her Byakugan activated, she manipulated the dimensions, opening portals to trap Lucifer. She unleashed a barrage of bone spears from her All-Killing Ash Bone technique, aiming to immobilize him.

Lucifer responded with ease. His Rinnesharingan glowed as he cast the Amenominaka, shifting the battlefield itself to the core of a volcano. The bone spears melted in the intense heat before they could touch him. Lucifer then combined the powers of the Power Stone and his elemental manipulation to hurl a massive fireball towards Kaguya, who barely managed to dodge.

Hashirama leapt into action, summoning a massive wooden golem using his Sage Art: Wood Release True Several Thousand Hands. The colossal structure dwarfed the battlefield, its hands reaching out to strike Lucifer.

Lucifer's eyes flickered with the power of the Sharingan. He used Kamui to phase through the golem's attacks and then unleashed a barrage of Amaterasu flames, attempting to incinerate the wood. However, Hashirama's chakra-infused wood proved resistant, and the golem continued its assault.

Mito joined the fray, her chakra chains whipping through the air to bind Lucifer. She combined her sealing techniques with her Uzumaki vitality, aiming to restrict his movements. The chains glowed with an intense light as they closed in on Lucifer.

But Lucifer's mastery over the Observation Haki allowed him to anticipate her every move. He manipulated reality itself, causing Mito's chains to dissolve into mist. He countered with a psychic wave, sending Mito sprawling.

Odin summoned his divine energy, Gungnir crackling with lightning in his hand. He launched the mighty spear at Lucifer, who responded by summoning the shadows of Ghidorah and Godzilla. The shadows roared to life, intercepting Gungnir in mid-flight. Odin followed up with a storm of thunder and lightning, but Lucifer's mastery over the Space Stone allowed him to warp space, redirecting the lightning back towards Odin.

Hela joined her father, her necrotic swords forming a deadly barrage aimed at Lucifer. Her control over death itself made her a fearsome opponent, and she aimed to overwhelm Lucifer with sheer force. But Lucifer's observation Haki, combined with his Rinnegan's Preta Path, absorbed the energy of her attacks. He retaliated with a devastating punch imbued with the Power Stone, sending Hela crashing into a nearby mountain.

The battlefield continued to shift under Lucifer's control. He used the Time Stone to create temporal loops, causing Kaguya and Hashirama to relive their attacks repeatedly, unable to break free. Hashirama's wooden golem swung its fists in an endless loop, while Kaguya's portals opened and closed in a dizzying pattern.

Odin, seeing the peril, used his wisdom and experience to break the loop. He tapped into the Odinforce, disrupting the temporal flow with a powerful burst of energy. The battlefield stabilized, but Lucifer's advantage was clear.

Lucifer summoned his shadows, Ghidorah's heads spewing lightning while Godzilla's atomic breath scorched the earth. The sheer scale of the attacks forced Kaguya, Hashirama, and Mito to retreat and regroup.

Realizing they needed to combine their efforts, the team launched a coordinated attack. Kaguya used her Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball, a massive sphere capable of obliterating anything it touched. Hashirama enhanced the attack with his Sage Art: Wood Release, adding layers of wood dragons and golems to the mix. Mito used her sealing techniques to create a barrier around Lucifer, aiming to trap him in place. Odin channeled his full divine might, and Hela unleashed her necrotic powers to weaken Lucifer's defenses.

But Lucifer was undeterred. His Rinnesharingan flared, and he used the Deva Path's Chibaku Tensei, creating a massive gravitational force that pulled their attacks towards a central point. The combined might of their assault formed a gigantic meteor, which Lucifer then hurled back at them with the Power Stone's strength.

The resulting explosion was cataclysmic, shaking the heavens and the earth. When the dust settled, Kaguya, Hashirama, Mito, Odin, and Hela were battered and bruised, but still standing.

Lucifer stood amidst the rubble, unscathed. He smiled, acknowledging the strength of his opponents. With a final burst of power, he used his Rinnegan to summon a massive planetary devastation, creating a gigantic sphere of rock and debris that enveloped the battlefield. Kaguya, Hashirama, Mito, Odin, and Hela were lifted off their feet, trapped within the gravitational pull.

Despite their best efforts, the team couldn't break free. The combined power of Lucifer's kekkei genkais, elemental manipulations, dojutsus, Haki, and the Infinity Stones was simply too overwhelming. With a final, mighty push, the sphere solidified, encasing them in an unbreakable prison.

Lucifer landed softly on the ground, the sphere floating above him. He released the technique, and the sphere disintegrated, gently lowering his opponents back to the battlefield. They were exhausted but unharmed, a testament to Lucifer's control over his power.

Lucifer( Smirking) : Ready for round Two?

Odin, standing tall despite the previous clashes, called forth his legendary weapon, Gungnir. The spear, known for its unerring accuracy and mystical power, appeared in his hand, glowing with an ethereal light. Its presence seemed to shift the balance of power, if only slightly.

Lucifer, sensing the change, smirked. He recognized the spear's power and the threat it posed. With the shadows of Ghidorah and Godzilla looming behind him, he prepared for the ultimate showdown.

Odin raised Gungnir high, summoning the full might of the Odinforce. Lightning crackled around the spear, and the sky darkened, mirroring the intensity of his power. With a mighty throw, Gungnir shot towards Lucifer, its path unstoppable and its power immense.

Lucifer's Rinnegan glowed as he used the Deva Path to create a massive repulsive force, aiming to deflect the spear. However, Gungnir's magical properties allowed it to pierce through the barrier, continuing its relentless path towards him.

Lucifer countered with the Power Stone, creating an energy shield around himself. Gungnir struck the shield with a thunderous impact, the force of the collision sending shockwaves through the air. The shield cracked but held, stopping Gungnir just inches from Lucifer's heart.

Seeing an opening, Hela and Mito charged forward. Hela summoned her necrotic swords, aiming to strike Lucifer from behind, while Mito unleashed her chakra chains, attempting to bind him once more.

Lucifer's Observation Haki alerted him to the attack. He used the Space Stone to teleport behind Hela, avoiding her strike and countering with a burst of energy that sent her flying. He then turned to Mito, his Sharingan spinning as he cast Tsukuyomi, trapping her in a powerful genjutsu.

Kaguya and Hashirama seized the moment. Kaguya opened portals to various dimensions, hoping to disorient Lucifer, while Hashirama summoned a forest of wooden dragons to bind him.

Lucifer's Rinnesharingan flared as he activated Amenominaka, shifting all of them to a different place where he held advantage. The sudden shift disoriented Kaguya and Hashirama, but Odin's focus remained unbroken.

Odin, undeterred by the shift, called Gungnir back to his hand. Channeling the full power of the Odinforce, he prepared for one final, decisive strike. His eyes glowed with divine energy as he hurled Gungnir once more, this time with the intent to end the battle.

Lucifer, sensing the imminent danger, combined the power of the Time and Space Stones. He slowed down time, allowing himself to react with precision. With a powerful teleportation, he avoided Gungnir's direct path and countered by summoning the shadows of Ghidorah and Godzilla once more.

As Ghidorah's heads unleashed torrents of lightning and Godzilla's atomic breath scorched the battlefield, the two forces collided in a cataclysmic display of power. Kaguya and Hashirama fought valiantly, their combined strength pushing Lucifer to his limits. Mito broke free from the genjutsu, her chains wrapping around Ghidorah's shadow, attempting to neutralize it.

Hela, despite her injuries, stood beside Odin, ready to face the onslaught. Together, they launched a combined attack. Odin used the Odinforce to amplify Hela's necrotic blades, creating a barrage of energy-infused weapons that rained down on Lucifer.

Lucifer's Rinnesharingan activated once more, absorbing the energy with the Preta Path. He then unleashed a massive wave of energy, enhanced by the Power Stone, which collided with the combined attacks of his opponents. The explosion was blinding, the force shaking the very foundations of the dimension they were in.

When the light faded, the battlefield was silent. The air was thick with dust and the remnants of the clash. Kaguya, Hashirama, Mito, Odin, and Hela were all on their knees, exhausted and battered, but still standing. Their combined efforts had pushed Lucifer to his limits, yet he remained the dominant force.

Lucifer, breathing heavily but still in control, approached his opponents. "You have all fought valiantly," he said, his voice echoing with respect. "Your strength and resilience are unparalleled. It was an honor to face you."

With a wave of his hand, he healed their wounds, restoring their strength. "This was a battle for the ages, but remember, there is always room for growth and improvement."

Kaguya, Hashirama, Mito, Odin, and Hela nodded, acknowledging Lucifer's unparalleled prowess. They had given their all, and though they had lost, they had gained a newfound respect for their opponent.

As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the battlefield, the warriors parted ways, each carrying with them the memory of an epic battle that would be remembered for ages to come.


Calling back all the people on the planet I said, " All of you have fought valiantly. Let's return home and get some rest. we will discuss the areas that you guys need to work upon tomorrow. Contemplate on the battle you participated in and the battles you witnessed and try to comprehend where you can improve yourself before I give you my analysis."

Saying this I opened a Portal back to the moon. It has been a tiring day. Some rest will do good. After everybody had returned to the moon I closed the portal. 

" Well then Good night. Take good and proper rest before tomorrows meeting."