
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs


Full single day has passed since the battle between me and the monster trio. After dropping of Hela in Asgad I was back on earth to chat with the ancient one. After we finished our talk I was bored. With nothing to do and no where to go I thought why not use this time in a more efficient way. As I rememberd the current technological capacity of the elemental Nations was quiet low. Regular devices like light bulb TV microwaves and fridges were not yet invented. Well that was before I left. After staying in this world for this long and enjoying the technologies of the modern age my heart could not accept going back to a primitive age. I had a really hard time accepting the fact that I had to live in such a world when I first got to the element Nations. I thought that, that kind of luxury will never be available to me again. So I prepare myself to live with what I got. But now that I have encounted such technology I really can't accept going back to that primitive piece of Earth. Making up my mind I decided to make the last few hours of my stay on this planet a little useful and adventurous.

Taking out my cell phone I dialed a number. The call was picked afer a few rings.

" Hello Lucifer. Did not expect you to call me."a feminine voice sounded

"Well I was bored with nothing to do so I thought why not. "

"Oh. So you remember me when you are bored huh."

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing"

"Well I don't think it's a good thing either."

"I was wondering are you free right now?"

"Why the sudden interest?"

" Well I am free and I was going to go out to eat some dinner. I am in need of some company. So if you agree we can go out on a nice dinner."

There was a few moments of silence from the other side. " Hey of you don't wanna go it's fine."

" I will go."

" Cool. I will pick you up at 8."

" Okay I will send you the address."

" Well then meet you later Nat."

"Yes. See you later Lucifer."

Well that's done. Somehow. Time to look for a good dress and a car.

Few hours later.

I was wearing a Blue jeans and red shirt. Quite comfortable. Not too extravagent and not too shabby. But the thing next to me was quite luxurious. Standing next to me was a beast that I recently bought. Well when you have tons of gold laying around it is not difficult to get what you want. I had just gone and bought a red McLaren MP4-12C. Good car I must say. Pricy but looks good.

Arriving in the location that Nat gave me I saw that I was infront of a building. It took ten minutes until I saw Nat coming uot of the doors.

She looked beautiful.Her sleek black dress hugs her figure perfectly, with a plunging neckline that hints at her adventurous side. The dress flows elegantly as she moves, its subtle shimmer catching the light. Her auburn hair cascades in soft waves, framing her striking, intense eyes. A pair of stiletto heels add to her height, giving her an air of sophistication. She accessorizes with a delicate necklace and understated earrings, completing the look with a bold red lip. Natasha's presence is magnetic, effortlessly combining her natural beauty with an unmistakable aura of strength and poise. I was unable to take my eyes off of her for even a second. It wasn't until she spotted me and arrived infront of me that I broke out of my daze.

Poking me in the stomach she said with a smile, " Earth to Lucifer anyone home??"

Shanking my head and blinking my eyes rapidly I regained my mind and said, " Well some one went all out.huh!".

She pretended to be offended and replied," Well my apartment is upstairs. Of this is too much I can go and change." She turned around about to leave when I held her hand, " Hey!! Don't get angry. That's not I meant. You look beautiful."

Turning her head towards me and smirking she said," Now that's more like it."

Shaking my head at her antics I resigned and said," Shall we ?"

"We shall."

Getting inside the car we drove towards a restaurant that had been one of the finest of the city for a long time.

" Nice car. When did you get it?"

" Today in the afternoon."

Raising her eyebrows she said," You bought a car for the purpose of taking me out to dinner."

" Now now. Don't say it like that. That's not true. "

" Then??" She pressed on.

Fumbling for a few seconds I regained my composure, "Well I thought it looked cool so I bought it. I guess. HAHAHA" Damm my nerves.

She did not look a single bit convinced but decided not to press on anymore.

Reaching our destination we got out of our car and went towards the entrance.

The receptionist was kind enough to show us to our table after checking our reservations for a dinner.

Sitting at our table we were greeted by the breathtaking beauty of the night life of New York.


Lucifer: (leaning back in his chair, eyes twinkling) You know, Natasha, this view is absolutely breathtaking. Almost as breathtaking as you.

Natasha: (smirking, taking a sip of her wine) Flattery will get you everywhere, Lucifer. But I have to wonder, how much of it is genuine?

Lucifer: (leaning forward, his gaze intense) Oh, every word, my dear. You have to know by now that I don't waste my time on trivialities.

Natasha: (arching an eyebrow) Trivialities? I suppose I should be flattered. But tell me, what's your angle here? Why the sudden interest in a former spy?

Lucifer: (placing a hand over his heart in mock offense) Natasha, you wound me. My interest in you is far from sudden. It's been brewing ever since our paths first crossed. There's something about you—an irresistible blend of danger and allure.

Natasha: (laughing softly) Danger and allure. Sounds like your kind of woman, doesn't it?

Lucifer: (smirking) Precisely. You intrigue me, Natasha. More than anyone has in centuries. And that's saying something.

Natasha: (leaning forward, eyes glinting with curiosity) Is that so? Well, consider this date a test then. Let's see how well you handle someone who isn't easily swayed by charm alone.

Lucifer: (grinning wider) A challenge? I do love a good challenge. But tell me, what exactly are you testing, my dear?

Natasha: (smirking) Your patience. Your sincerity. And most importantly, your intentions.

Lucifer: (raising an eyebrow) Intentions, hmm? I thought my intentions were clear. But if you need reassurance, allow me to be candid. I'm completely captivated by you, Natasha. And I'm not one to give up easily.

Natasha: (leaning back, her smile playful) We'll see about that. So, Mr. Morningstar, how do you usually spend your time when you're not... what was it you called it? 'Captivated' by me?

Lucifer: (chuckling) Oh, you know, the usual—kicking ass, taking name,saving the peoplewho can't save themselves. What about you? How does a super-spy fill her days?

Natasha: (smiling) I wouldn't say that. More like, little better than the other ones. I keep busy. Old habits die hard.

Lucifer: (nodding) I can imagine. Someone like you doesn't just sit still. And that's part of what I find so fascinating. You're always a step ahead.

Natasha: (eyes narrowing playfully) Flattery again, Lucifer? Are you trying to win me over or just keep me entertained?

Lucifer: (laughing) Why not both? After all, a bit of entertainment never hurt anyone.

Natasha: (smiling) True. But don't think for a second that I'm easy to entertain.

Lucifer: (smirking) I wouldn't dream of it. So, tell me, Natasha, what does it take to impress a woman like you?

Natasha: (thinking for a moment) Honesty, for starters. And a sense of adventure. I've had enough deception to last a lifetime.

Lucifer: (seriously) Honesty I can promise. Adventure, well, that's practically my middle name.

Natasha: (raising an eyebrow) Is that so? Then tell me something honest, something real. No charm, no wit. Just you.

Lucifer: (pausing, looking into her eyes) Alright. Here's something real: Ever since I met you, I've been drawn to you in a way I can't explain. You're strong, smart, and you don't take any nonsense. I find that incredibly attractive. You challenge me, Natasha. And I like that. A lot.

Natasha: (studying him, then smiling softly) Not bad. Not bad at all. But actions speak louder than words, Lucifer. Remember that.

Lucifer: (smiling) I wouldn't have it any other way.

The waiter arrives, bringing their meals. They eat, their conversation flowing effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared stories. The chemistry between them is undeniable.

Natasha: (after a while) You know, this has been surprisingly enjoyable. You're not as insufferable as I thought.

Lucifer: (laughing) I'll take that as a compliment. And for the record, I'm having a wonderful time as well.

Natasha: (smiling) Good. Because this might just be the beginning. If you're up for the challenge, that is.

Lucifer: (leaning closer, eyes twinkling) Oh, Natasha, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Natasha: (raising her glass) To challenges, then.

Lucifer: (clinking his glass with hers) To challenges. And to whatever comes next.

They share a knowing smile, the night filled with endless possibilities as they continue their date, the city lights twinkling below them.

Lucifer: I should tell you something.

Natasha( curious) : I am listening.

Lucifer( uncertainty filling his eyes) : You know I would have never told you this if I was not this interested in you,you know "

Natasha( intrigued) : You can trust me.

Lucifer : I am not that simple as I show I am. I want you to know everything, who I am where I am from,what I can do , what my goal is before we end this dinner.

Natasha : I am touched that you want to open up to me. Tell me I will listen.

Lucifer( sighing): My story began when I was 17 years old. I used to live in a small apartment in New York. A boring man with a boring life. Bullied and mistreated by friends and abandoned by my family. But it all changes one day. The day I died.

Taking a pause and looking at Nat she looked quite confused.

Natasha ( confused) : I don't understand. How can you die. You are sitting infront of me. Are you joking with me ?

Lucifer: Not at all. U will understand when the story continues. As I was saying I died. Just as normal people think that there is nothing after death , I thought so too. So imagine my surprise when I was in front of a god like being who offered me another chance at life. I did have some doubts about this gesture but who doesn't want to live again. And hence I was reborn. In a different world, in a different era. Well I was given some special powers to help me but that's it. It has been a thousand years from that day. I have grown in strength and continue to grow still. I have seen aliens and gods who can destroy planets with a flock of their hands. I have seen terrible things over these years. So I decided to create an army. To fight and vanquish these people. That is my goal. To kill all these gods and demons and help to establish peace. An universe where the lives of common people is controlled and drawn by some random gods.

Natasha: That is a lot to digest over a dinner. Why are you telling me this Lucifer?

Lucifer: I am leaving tomorrow. Going back to my universe,to my home. I don't know when I will meet you again. So I wanted to confess all of this before I left. That's all.

Natasha: I see. I will keep this secret with me. You can rest assured about that.

Lucifer: Thanks for that. I really enjoyed our dinner.


Finishing our dinner I escorted Nat back to her home. She looked like she was still thinking about our conversation deeply and did not speak during the entire ride.

After spending my night in a hotel , I woke up early in the morning.

' Well it's time to return home. Well I need to go to Asgard too. Huh so much work.'

Finishing my morning routine I got ready to eat breakfast. I planned on leaving just after breakfast.

I was in the hotel lobby ordering my breakfast to a waiter.

" Two chicken sandwiches, a galss of juice and an omlett. Also one cup of tea. "

" Will it be all" waiter


" Make it two." A voice sounded from behind me.

Turning back I was surprised to see Natasha standing there.

Smiling toward her I said," Good morning beautiful."

" Good morning to you too. " She said with a pleasant smile on her lips.

Sitting down opposite to me she looked at me for a few moments and said," When are you leaving?"

" After breakfast. You are quite lucky to catch me here."

" Hmm. I see. I have been awake all night thinking about our conversation and I have come to a decision."

" Oh. What have you decided?"

" I want to go with you."

" Are you sure about that? I might not even come back here."

" I am sure."

" What about Fury and the Avengers?"

" Well Fury is not my mother and I don't care what he thinks. As for the Avengers there are a lot of potential candidates who can replace me. "

" I doubt that. But it's also good to hear. " I said with a smile on my face.

Finishing our breakfast we got ready to depart from this lands.

Opening a rift we made our way into the land of Asgard.

" Well it's time to go home."