
reborn in naruto with 3 wishes

batman_3_3_ · Action
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god and wishes??

it was dark, all i could see was a window there wasnt anything else to do so i looked through it to see a old man getting mugged. Before i could do anything there was a teen that looked like me, he ran up to the mugger from behind and hit him in the head with a brick.

i didnt know what to do so i sat down in the empty void waiting for death. that is until i heard a noise behind me so i glanced back to find the old man that got mugged walking through a white dore.

"hello my child im sorry to say this but you are dead." spoke the man

i was suprised after all im only 16 so i asked him two questions "how did i die, why am i here."

the old was dumb founded im guessing he thought that i would freak the fuck out but what he said next made me question him

"to answer both your questions you are here because i killed you and your here because you saved me"

"im what you humans call god but you can just call me jack, also you get 3 wishes and can go to any world you like."

'well no reason in crying over spilt milk'

"the world i would like to go to is naruto and is there any restrictions on my wishes"

"yes there is restrictions you can not change anything in your old world and you cant wish for more wishes"

"ok for my first wish i would like to have the benefits of all clans in naruto with no downside from them, for my second wish i would like a ability called skill creator so i can make abilitys just by wanting it and for my last wish i would like a perfect body that has no limitations a the best growth rate you can give me and instant mastery"