
Chapter 11

The heat filled sun rays hit the outside of the tent sipping through small gaps in the window landing on a pearly white skin of a certain Stark maiden. The light had already been neutralized by the time in gets inside the colorless part of the tent meant to be a plastic window. As it stands, the boiling heat of the red waste turns into a normal sun light. Arya wakes ups to find the whole area buzzing with activity.

The men created space inside the large tent to fights and train, the women are preparing for departure while Deanarys is looking through her map on the table cycling around it making plans. She is not wearing the light dress from yesterday she is wearing a simple beautiful women outerwear outfit Arya had on her stash. The upper part resembles light armor while the lower part is a loos pants.

It reminded Arya of the office pants woman liked in morden times, a little tight on the waste and buttocks and loos on the legs. Sexy but cool perfect for going out in this weather. Arya just glances at her and then moves to make cereal making the two women waiting on Deanarys curious. "It rude to stare, if you want some it's in the cabinets." Arya had decided to speak Dothraki from now on.

The tent and the other tent were prepared by Arya's team for an army outing the entire tent is folded with the furniture and put inside a pouch. "Do you drink milk with spoon?" One of them asks, Arya remembers her, she is the one who was able to come in yesterday along with Deanarys. She just decides to show them how everything works so she can also use them as servants.

"What plans do you have for us today Khalisi?" Arya asks with a bland tone Deanarys turn to look at her with a scowl at the two of her dragons climbing her, it is clear that her children are fond of this Arya Stark and Deanarys is worried that she might share the ability to command them. Arya seeing this smiles at her.

"Think of me as a wet nurse, they are feeding off my magic so they can grow stronger faster." She motions for the smaller girl to continue.

"I was thinking of going to Qarth and asks them for ships." Deanarys says.

"I see, what would you offer them for these ships?"

"I am the daughter of the dragon, they should rejoice I would consider them."

"I thought that was your brother's way of thinking, is stupidity hereditary or infectious? Please say, so I can know if I'm on danger. Those men are business men and you want them to give you something for free?" Arya looks at her incredulous.

"I will pay them when I have the iron throne back."

"Okay let's go then. I can't wait to hear that conversation."

"Khalisi is the rightful heir to the iron throne, she will be the ruler of all seven kingdoms you should show some respect." Jorah says next to Deanarys making Arya smile at him.

"How is the shoulder Ser Jorah?" A smile plays at her lips. "Because if you are feeling better..."

"It hasn't heald Lady Arya. Thank you for your concern." He quickly says in a hurry less she attacks h

im in the name of sparring.

"That's a shame then. I would also like to see when she goes home and sits on the Iron throne. Excuse me I seem to have a messege." She takes out her hand and a letter falls on her hand. She reads it and a sinister aura emanate from her body. She is standing there reading but she feels like a demon crawling out of hell looking for dammed souls to pull down.

Jorah subconsciously touches his sword and stands infront of his queen after reading the letter Arya uses Pheonix fire to incinerate it to ashes and goes to pour herself a glass of strong spirit wine completely ignoring the people watching her with their guards raised.

Deanarys is curious about the content of the letter but she decided to just offer comfort.

"Rude Northman would hide the good stuff all to themselves. Pour me some too." Deanarys takes a wine glass and after observing the odd shape of thin leg and a large upper cup takes it to Arya who only pours her a little bit.

"It's too strong for women." Arya says as she smiles at Deanarys annoyance and Jorah's chuckle.

When Deanarys takes a sip she widen her eyes at the delicious strong grape taste. She keeps quiet and soon her glass is empty. Arya pours her more and pours more for Jorah and herself. Soon they are all laughing and making small talk. "I'll let all his army and their horses fuck you if it'll give me my army. Dear sweet sister, don't wake the dragon...Pah he was no dragon." Arys and Jorah laugh along with Deanarys as they all get their drink on.

"Such pretty hair, I'll trade you half my black for half your white." Deanarys looks confused

"No mine is longer so I'll be extra awkward not to mention mother would skin me. I wonder how how she is with helping big brother."

"Why would she help your brother where is your father?" Jorah asks

"He left to play hand to a southern morron. I asked him to stay I asked tens of times but he is a loyal friend, I don't see how his friend sitting on that monstrosity has helped us when we were starving and cold. I was just born at the time, perhaps I missed something."

"He went to be hand of the king? interesting, when I think Ned Stark I don't immediately think...politician." We all bust into laughter at that.

"Now that cunt of a queen aucastrated a plot to have my elder sister gang raped by her guards and they were too happy to comply." The aura surrounding her turned gloomy and dark as if the lively scene from before was an allusion.

"That's a horrible thing to happen to a young maiden at her prime." The expression on Deanarys shows how uncomfortable the topic makes her feel.

"She is capable of this I had hoped she would have some sense of self awareness." Arya says with a frown.

"I'm more worried about what my sister did in retaliation. Ofcourse Cersei's plot was unsuccessful but Sansa still went ahead and dished punishment. Atleast I think it was her, but I doubt she has the gall to pull something like this off without backing down." The listening people are curious now, but Arya is not speaking.

"What was that letter? did you use magic? you have already said my dragons are feeding off your magic. Is that how you recieve your letters?"

"I suppose it is magic. But it requires more than one party to pull off." Arya smiles at the two people who have been drinking with her in moderation.

"Only a select few can do it. You have to have a bond of some sort. Now let's go watch the men beat each other senseless in the cool tent." Arya takes the half drunk bottle and leaves out the tent followed by Jorah and Deanarys when they enter the tent they find the men fighting and others cheering and betting. Arya takes out drinks and wooden mugs for the brutes she will not give them her eligent glasses.

Soon the mood gets even better as a festive mood overlaps with the cool air inside the tent as opposed to the heat outside. Like this the Khalasar and Arya spent three days and then they decided to get pretty and follow their Khalisi /queen / mother of dragons to her crazy plan of demanding ships from a bunch of business men.

Arya ofcourse comes along and is welcome and loved by the Khalasar since she has food and 'folded houses' they enjoy so much. Not to mention her generosity is wildly appreciated.

No one knows better that the Khalasar how scarce food is in these parts of the world, mothers sell their daughters to the brothels and fathers sell their sons to the slavers in Meereen and Astepor to be trained as the unsullied. This world is very harsh and they are grateful to have chosen to stay with Deanarys when her husband died. Though the truth is they had very little options. Deanarys can see all this but she also knows that if this Northerner wanted to have an army she would choose better than her starved and small numbered Khalasar.

They arrived at the door of the 'greatest city there ever was and will ever be' But are left to wait in the sun until the '13' came out to greet her and her army. "My name is Deanarys Stormborn...Bla bla bla." Arya missed all the fun busy looking around the city she had left them outside and snuck in the city by herself and when she saw them coming in after the whole deal with the 13.

"You missed a show." Deanarys says to Arya with a bit of accusation in her tone.

"I meant to." Arys says nonchalantly.

"We could have used your help." Jorah says.

"Yes but you did great without me." Arya says leaving them to go elsewhere. Deanarys wanted to be mad at her but she had no ground to base her anger on.

The 13 separated promising her a dinner party to discuss her reason for coming Arya is at the moment tasting different food and asking secret recipes, the cooks never say but she is able to pry it out of their thoughts she got caught by one magic user and decided to stop and only buy to eat and sample.

When she got to the temporary residence of the Khalasar she found Deanarys having intimate talks with the double agent whore from Lys what was her name again? Doreah Abed. Arya narrows her eyes at her and looks at Deanarys.

"Deanarys, did you get a blue or green dress from the fat man already?" Deanarys looks to her in surprise and walks in to the bedroom and takes out the exquisite dress showing it to Arya who looked at the maid. "It's pretty."

"Yes very pretty, sir Xaro Xhoan Daxos seem genuinely interested in Khalisi." Doreah says in an excited voice.

"You were a whore before from lys yes?" Arya looks at Doreah with a cold face making the girl take a step back. Deanarys want to stop Arya but sees panic in Doreah's face and halt.

"You are from lys even if you never wore luxury you should be able to tell this is no better material than those worn by the shop girls outside. So why are you advocating for the fat man so much?" Doreah shakes her head trying to look for an escape Arya holds her by the neck and uses her soul power on her. "Tell the truth." Arya commands.

"Sir Xaro told me to convince Khalisi to take a walk with him so he can have his people come and steal her dragons. I only know that I can stay here instead of wondering outside starving amongst the Dothraki savages, I can finally get residence of my own and a generous amount of money from Xaro. All I have to do is kill Irri and put the dragons in their cages for the men to take them away." Doreah says all her plans and Deanarys is so angry her eyes are spitting fire.

"Stand there and don't move don't speak unless spoken to." Doreah stands still without making a sound. "I'm gona kill them, THEY CONSPIRED TO TAKE MY...." she hyperventilate in anger Arya gives her a cup of water.

"What do you want to do? Call your advisor the creep, he'll know something of how to deal with a con artist." Deanarys goes out to talk to Jorah who was cleaning his sword. He is still injured from a deep stab wound so he can't exactly be a saviour like in the show.

"Lady Arya may I come in?" Deanarys came back with even more anger upon talking to Jorah. Arya looks at Jorah

"You advise her to leave?" Arya asks bit she already knows.

"Yes, something like this, we are out numbered and out classed here they even have real magic. I begg Khalisi to cut her loses and leave this place." Jara says.

"What of your council then? You said you'd stay by my side that requires you to occasionally council me what do you think my response should be to this insult?" Deanarys looks at Arya with a new hope.

"You sure you want my advice?" Arya raises and eyebrow looking at the Smaller pretty girl.

"Yes! What is your council?"

Arya looks at Deanarys and smile. "A trap. They want to steal your dragons let them come. Jorah is right I felt it at a distance, magic here strives. However it is a sinister kind of magic that takes much and gives less. My guess is they don't just want your magic they want you!"

Deanarys looks at Arya in horror "What could they possibly want...."

"They want your life force, your blood pulse with magic you are magic they probably want to syphon that out of you for their use. Don't worry your dragons are opposite of the kind of magic they practice, one fire breath from them...the whole thing will fall apart but."

"It's too dangerous to risk the dragons on your wild speculation what if we loose and are all killed and the dragons taken prisoner?" Jorah speaks Arya clicks her tongue in annoyance.

She takes out three small rings able to fit in a small dragons paw perfectly.

"I crafted them the day I met you. These rings will keep their fire magic from spreading out calling all the bees to their location. Then all their magic will help them grow faster if it's not leaking as it is now. Also no one can sense them." Deanarys takes the rings with suspicion.

"You made these so they'll grow faster? why would you do such a thing for them?" she watches Arya with an unreadable expression on her face. Arya chuckles in response.

"They are children I also made toys and clothes for the other children in your Khalisi. Ask any child I have ever met they'll tell you I gave them a gift. Except for one but don't think of him as a child think of him as a demon." Arya says.

"I don't know what to..."

"Don't be grateful, I did it for myself I want to see them burn things to the ground or blow them up." Deanarys smiles and takes the rings but Jorah moves to stop her.

"Khalisi please test it first atleast."

"You can put it on me first." Jorah volunteers and Arya sneers.

"You don't have an ounce of magic, what's it gona do to you? I don't care for your trust but you are stuck between a rock and a hard place Woud be queen of seven kingdoms, decide. meanwhile I'll be making three exact copies of small fire breathing dragons. I need three snakes. Now!"

Jorah realize the only cannot to help is for him to take a small group to go buy snakes with my coins. By the time they return Arya have all the other ingredients ready. She draws the three dragons in a piece of parchment but was careful as these snakes are female.

She finishes and places the three snake on top of each parchment. She drew a series of runes in the air and made the first one, followed by the next and the last and she soon has three snakes sitting on a drawing are surrounded by a series of runes. The runes are complete one by one and then the final step is the spiritual energy more precisely the true essence of as she feeds it into the three arrays surrounding the snakes.

Only Deanarys remained in the room, the snakes started hissing in pain as the arrays started getting drawn into them. One by one the runes shine and got inside the snakes untill they passed out from the amount of pain they were in "Come on babies get up if you sleep you'll sleep forever." She says in Pasal tongue the snakes wake up one by one hissing at her saying 'pain', 'it hurts'.

"This it the part to evolution, if you hold on you will rule the skies and be Gods of men. But if you give in to the pain and give up, you will fail. I am making you great, I am making you dragons!" They stay awake the process took the whole night and in the morning Arya was sleeping but actually she was bonding and feeding her little dragons magic, fire magic to be precise.

When the process was over and three small exact copies of her dragons came out of the magic cycle Deanarys did a double take and checked her own dragons only to find them sleeping soundly in their place which meant Arya had created three dragons using magic.

"I'm sleepy. Come babies eat." She took out small red pills and put it on a small wooden basin the small pills shined and looked like rubies.The little dragons ran to the basin and started eating snapping at each other every now and then but they concentrated on their food.

"Are those...?" Jorah by the door asks gaping at the dragons.

"Mine. Evolved from snakes they are the first of their generation and they are all female."

Jorah looks between constipation and dread. "May I ask if they'll..."

"Ofcourse my children will grow stronger than her children. Mine are being fed actual fire while hers eat meat only. Mine are the first generation while hers are some other dragon's babies." During the three days of staying in the red waste she had found a ore mine with mysterious appearance.

The library called it the fire ore used to forge fire magical artifacts it is not a rare item in most cultivation worlds but is very rare in a place like the planetos. However, Arya does not question her luck because this is actually a concentrated form of fire. A normal person would just think it is a burning caol. The library says this is a mineral dragons occasionally eat but is impure and I'll require a large amount to qualify as a single meal for a normal adult dragons.

This is why the dragons in this planet did not mind replacing it with meat instead. However Arya has a method of purifying it turning it into a concentrated meal in one pill. The North has the opposite of this ore for Ice dragons but Arya had just collected it previously without paying it much attention because even in the show the dragons breath fire. The one that breath ice is already dead and Arya wouldn't want to raise it as a pet anyways.

This was going to be given to the three dragons for the Targaryen princes once she trust her. Now they will belong to her own children instead.

"How is this fire? I can eat this." Deanarys is not buying it.

"Go ahead then. Fire doesn't kill a dragon. In fact this could maybe grant you fire magic." Arya laughs and give Khalisi one concentrated fire cristal. It's not hot to the touch just a bit warm Deanarys feels challenged and throws the pill in her mouth. She starts coughing and spitting out liquid fire and smoke.

Jorah goes to her "Khalisi are you alright?" He looks at Arya who is playing with her little dragons now. Deanarys coughs fire and and blood making Jorah hysterical. "Please help her!" He shouts at Arya.

"Why? She is not dead yet besides, Are you forgetting what she said as her brother died in that hut?" Jorah goes to get water.

"Do that and her insides will solidify and turn stone."

"Then help me save her please."

"Fine it's no fun if she dies." Arya produces a sparkling blue pill cold to the touch. "Eat."

Deanarys didn't ask and just swallowed.

"If you had persisted, you'd be able to burn people with your own fire. Disappointing." Arya says.

"Khalisi please don't do that again. You scared me." Jorah says with sweat and tears.

"She said...I had to try, you don't understand Jorah you have your sword skills I am weak beyond compare without my dragons what would become of me? I took a chance because after watching her perform a literal miracle infront of me I wanted a miracle of my own, but nothing came of it." She says in disappointment.

"One good thing came of it." Arya extended her hand to Deanarys stomach. "You won't be saying 'they are my children, the only children I'll ever have' fire is a bane of all dark magic, purified fire even more so. When you chose to have a little faith you may not have gotten magical fire power but, you burned the dark shadow locking your womb. Congratulations Khalisi." Deanarys widen her eyes as tears fall on the floor.

Arya hugs her to try and comfort her but she cries even more. "Hey this is a good thing don't

cry. If you don't believe me try the creep nine months from now you will be pushing a smaller version of him." She is speaking in Dothraki so the maid Irri heard and giggled making Jorah uncomfortable.

Deanarys smiles at Arya but frowns "That pill of yours no human can survive it. You bate me to do something impossible."

"Don't you pride yourself on being extraordinary? All I did was say 'perhaps' and you went ahead and did it. You would have gotten power had you persevered but you folded and once you gave up there is no benefit winner takes all and loser dies. You are lucky I had ice."

"I don't think you should council Khalisi anymore." Jorah says with a solemn face.

"Whatever, but today you and your Khalisi need me and my children to pull a coup or have you changed your mind about that?" Arya says as the three dragons spit fire they over ate. now they are lazy and just lying next to the basin facing up with lava drool melting the floor.

"They will burn the place down." Deanarys says

"You mean blow it up?" Arya asks with a devious smirk.

"I'm going to meet the first 13 get your dragons ready." She is about to go out but Arya stops her. She puts the Deanarys's dragons inside their little crates and draws a run on each of them, they start getting smaller and since they are wearing the right rings they adjust with their size. Arya picks up the small crates and hangs them on a chain and puts them around Deanarys's neck as a necklace.

"Because they are so close to you, you will be able to hear them but anyone close to you will not." Arya says looking at Deanarys who is staring at her dragons who have been miniatures of their old selves.

"This won't hurt them?"

"They are going outside and I made sure they can see out of the crate, instead of staying cooped up inside a stone house. You tell me." Arya rolls her eyes making Deanarys roll hers as well.

"Wish me luck." Arya says with a sinister smile making Jorah run to the door opening it for his Khalisi. "Good luck, give them hell." Deanarys says to the other girl. She may be mad at her for the prank she pulled earlier but she went through all this for her so it'll be rude to ignore that fact.

Arya's expression changes as soon as the small Army disappears from her sight. Warlocks are no small fries and her taking them on all by herself is a pipe dream. The fifth stage allows her to utilize a cloning skill with the main body as the controller but more like able to implant personality and tasks. Arya as someone who has lived other two lives wants to make these clones the other version of herself.

The fist step is to use the technique to make three versions of her current body. Then she uses that high level disguise technique which allows what one wants to be truth possible. Arya remembers the first time she used this technique and without feeling nostalgic proceeded with changing the bodies into that of true bodies clones of Stefan Salvatore and Liam, Arya realized she has even forgotten that person's last name.

Now Arua has the control over the actions of two other people beside her Arya Stark body. She Gives them personalities of the original Liam and Stefan from the past. This means that Liam will be the emotionless guy with the ability to adapt to any situation and Stefan will be a romantic with a hero complex but is loyal and compassionate person.

Arya proceeds with implanting the sword technique she has used in this life as they too have heavenly yin physic even as they have been give Male personalities and Male body parts. She then dresses them appropriately and then tests her control over the movements of the two bodies. Since the main reason for doing all this was to practice using her own body and then controlling two other bodies.

She practice using the two bodies and the pressure of the upcoming fight helps her to identify her mistakes and correct them faster than if she would working under normal circumstances. Atleast that is what she thinks. A disadvantage with the clones is that they will be an entire level behind the original. The two Male versions of herself are only in beginner level of fourth realm.

They will have access to the memories that Arya allows them to know, they will be capable of their own thoughts although they are loyal to the main body without doubt which is why Arya is in a hurry to make them. The truth is she is not able to trust anyone wholeheartedly even after being at the top of a string group of individuals such as her company of six squads.

She became ecstatic when she found out she can make more of herself so she can then mabey have some to freely give her back to without a doubt of whether their true loyalty belongs with her or they lay else where. She realizes this is pathetic and sad but she is just this way not because she has been betrayed badly before but because she had watched countless people put their complete trust in her when she was still Liam only for Liam to brutally betray their trust in order to accomplish his task.

She realizes that this maybe her beeing fixated on her past mistakes and is unable to forgive herself of all the blood she had to spill in order to avenge her first family. She will not deny that this is a possibility but will focus on the current situation as she can feel the sinister aura from the warlocks of Qarth tower of the undying approaching her current location with bloodlust and she smiles.

She truly misses the heart thumping excitement of facing an enemy in close combat with the goal of eliminating them or let them eliminate her. She commands her new comrades to assist her as she uses the advantage of location.


Deanarys goes to the Qarteen who first greeted her on the gates and refused her entery. The entire process happens as expected as in the show ending with Deanarys declaring she will take what is rightfully hers with fire and blood and the man shouting 'yes but not with my ships.'

Arya had wanted to see but instead she is face to face with a handsome young man. She can feel the sinister black magic inside of him. She had the advantage of being in the place where she had prepared for battle as she put up charms on all the wall to reveal all that's hidden. She is a ware of how much the warloks of Qarth favours the use of allusions to hid and assassinate.


"I have been expecting you." Arya waves her hands and a series of runes and inscriptions bound the house they are in and unveils the small army of wizards inside it who were using glamour to hide. Curious they all look just like this young man. She suppose it's cool to pretend to be on several places when there are more of you. Arya commands her other counterparts to also be invisible near the three new small dragons and cut down any body that reaches for the small dragons.

'Clap, clap.' The sound of clapping came and they moved Arya used her drawing sword technique she can't afford to hesitate here these are blood thirsty undead men who feed on life to extend their lives. She is the most delicious piece of meat in this room with her Pheonix essence it's just she never revealed it so they are un aware.

She uses her movement technique and in one drawing motion tens of undead becomes dead for real. She let her little dragons burn as many as they want now that they are up and running after beeing stuffed with too much fire crystals for breakfast.

"These men want to separate you from mother, burn them to the ground babies." She says in dragon language from the Library. Now that they can't speak pasal as they are dragons so she speaks dragon and they understood and started a burn fest.

"Who are you?"

"You are not the mother of dragons."

"So why are they listening to you?"

They speak right after one another but Arya doesn't pay them any attention and continues killing them.

Arya does not forget to use the visual perspective of her clones to see and perceive the location of all of her enemies. She is aware that her skills of controlling the clones is minimal at best but she is happy to be able to kill with do many of her hands and she start liking the idea of having numerous hands like an octopus.

She grins and uses the sight of both clones and herself and she imagines being Arya with six hands and six eyes. The results is instantaneous as the sword technique moves a level up and the warlocks realizes the woman is using them as some sort of practice dummy and she is even growing more powerful as the time they spend with her increase.

They contemplate looking for a way out butrealize the area is locked down and their panic create a glitch in their magical spells as they loose confidence in their strength and start begging for mercy but Arya is in the mist of improving and polition her sword skills to the next level which is eniellate. This stage improves the speed of the technique by a factor of 9.

The sword technique that has a first level which is to just draw the sword from the sheath but is able to eliminate tens or hundreds of people depending on the strength of the person wielding the sword has reached a level that will improve that kind of speed with a factor of 9 representing the nine oceans of yin meridians in the heavenly yin body. The purest level of the yin essence inside the ocean the faster the speed.

As it so happens the noble lady of Winterfell has not bothered to truly purify her essence fearing to become an overpowered immortal in a world without immortals which will make her end up ultimately alone. This is funny because in her last life there were immortals but she still lived a single life failing to woo her significant other to be with her forever.

Soon piles of undead dead litters the floor she goes to find more still trying to use their magic on fire breathing babies but get burned at every turn. She uses the second forward slash, there's no turning back now.

The screams of ghastly figures sounded in the guest house but no one can hear on the outside. The nice baby blue dress she was wearing has turned to dark brown color. She took a few seconds to scold the dragons. "Filthy meat, don't eat, no, no eating rotten things" she says in dragon. The little babies look at the meat and reluctantly turn away but now they are frustrated that they can't eat so they burn more wizards.

"How many of you are there? Tell the truth are you responing? Like in a survival game. Ow come on there's even more? I might as well build up tolerance blood." She says going back to fight she has no idea how many she has killed as the last man falls on the ground staining it with black blood. She heard the sound of the front door open as Deanarys runs in finding her new friend covered in dead bodies all over the floor.

"Arya what happened? Where is everyone?" She looks at Arya in distress.

"I sent them away they were going to get in the way my sword has no eyes."She says with a shake and all the blood on her dress, hands and sword fall on to the ground and she stands there surrounded by carnage but seemingly untouched by it all.

Xaro comes in and is stunned to find all the people he had hired and the undead army all dead on the floor Arya was careful to cut off their heads she watched movies and knows to kill a zombie cut off the head. So this resulted in heads all around the floor. and bodies without heads making for a gruesome scene. The lady in the center of it all stands there without a spot on her laced dress.

He is a lustful man so ofcourse the first thought was to get a hold of her and have her serve him with or without her consent but then the dead bodies on the floor reminds him of what this woman is capable of but so what? He has the house of the undying on his side, granted they just suffered a colossal loss but he learnt from the street no one is without weakness.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS SIR XARO? I COME TO YOU IN MY HOUR OF NEED AND YOU CONSPIRE AGAINST ME?" She is really into this act it's as if she just found out.

"Come yourself Khalisi this is obviously a plot by a sinister character I had no idea that someone would use this time to do such a thing." Xaro says with a fake calm face.

"Can I just kill him?" Arya asks still giving off a strong killing Intent making the fat man suffocate. "Tell the truth Xaro Xhoan Daxos." Aray says sending her soul power into the fat man who had a stronger will than anticipated but Realm Five is no joke. Xaro started laying down his entire plan to steal the dragons and keep Khalisi in the house of the undying so they can feed on her magic.

The end of the narrative Deanarys is sweating from anger and fear. "Calm down, let's go check his vault you want coins right? I want to see the design in person and not just blueprints."

Xaro is instructed to take them to the vault when they get there Xaro starts struggling with opening his vault trying to fight against the compulsion but ultimately fails. The vault is open and Deanarys thanks Xaro for the lesson.

"Whta now? The guy is broke and no one else will give you a boat." Arya asks and Jorah and Deanarys looks to her with a cunning light in their eyes Arya shakes her head. "No. I will not use my power on people who have not committed any wrong." Arya says as she goes to the door. She gets to the accommodation she starts collecting the bodies putting them inside the pouch and then put a cleaning charm getting rid of all the smell and blood stains all over the walls and the floor.

Jorah and Deanarys come inside to find it completely clean as if what happened was an illusion they find Arya playing with her small dragons teaching them to spit fire and take walks, its funny to watch the little dragons walk because they look like chickens with wings. She places a fire pill at the end of the walk so they are motivated it turns into a race between them to see who will reach the pill first relaxing the previous tense atmosphere as everyone looks at the little ones playing and fighting.

Deanarys looks at the girl who helped her avoid a calamity today by performing a series of miracles. Firts she gave her Khalasar a cool place to sleep and collect themselves themselves, she gave them food clothes and free alcohol making their lives very comfortable. Had they arrived at the gate of Qarth looking tethered and embarrassed the way they had been when they first arrived in front of her tent, she doesn't even want to think of the embarrassment.

Now she has discovered a coup to steal her precious children and helped her to avoid such a disaster. Deanarys is grateful but the sight of other dragons on the floor belonging to another make her stomach clench as an uncomfortable feeling washes over her. "Arya what will become of these dragons now that the ploy has been avoided?" Deanarys asks but its another way of asking if they'll be two sets of dragons from now on. Arya looks at Deanarys.

"You want me to kill my children so you can be the only one with dragons? Don't worry they are not going to compete with you, second coming of Aegon Targarian. I understand your worries but they are staying, had you trusted me with your dragons I wouldn't have needed to fast forward an evolution almost killing the little munchkins." Arya dismisses Deanarys's worries with a wave. making Deanarys tense her shoulders.

"I wont tell any one if you don't" Arya says with a dismissive tone.

"Keeping them a secrete is not an option, the Lannisters have more spys in this city than any other because of their business partners here are one of the 13 city leaders." Jorah says with a frown.

"My dragons can shink and enlarge as big as they want unlike some other dragons." Arya keeps rubbing salt to Deanarys's wounds of not being as special as she thought.

"We should leave the city first and argue later." Jorah rounded up all the Dothraki Khalasar to prepare for leave. Deanarys looks at Arya and want to say somthing but Arya just ignores her and started talking to the little dragons.

"I was going to make war beasts be wolves to represent my house segues but I'll just change your colors so you wont be mistaken for Targarian war beasts, How about you chose your own colors?" She converse with the small creatures and they jump around her as if they can hear her. She takes out multitude of colorful gems and spread them on the floor so the dragons can choose nicely. The little dragons cycle around the cristals on the floor and then each chose a color.

One chose deep black, another chose cloud white and another chose silver. "You really are female." Deanarys says with scorn after they chose, Arya decided to change thier colors here and now and before everyone's eyes each dragon changed color and they started puffing out fires that match their colors Deanarys stands up in surprise. "You can do this too?" She asks the other girl.

"I did not give them life I just accelerated their evolution from snakes to dragons which is why I can't do anything about the strong poison in their fire. They are the ancestors of their blood lines other than the color of their scales, the ability to shrink their size at will I did not change much." Arya says and everyone in the room take a step back from the little guys playing with fire.

"Ill teach them how to activate and deactivate their poison so they don't poison their food." Then she start talking to them telepathically instructing them not to use fire from their second stomach and only use the fire whose color had just changed and that they must close the second stomach so the poison will mature with time and get stronger.

She can see their internal organs and complicated structure that is how she could use runes and grant them abilities and also put these abilities into their DNA so they can pass them to their future generations.

The room becomes quiet as the little dragons choke and the intensity of their fires reduce then they start playing again a few minutes later. "Were you just...." Deanarys closes her eyes as the number of blows she had received from this Northern young lady is simply too much.

"If we leave here where will we go? how will you get your ships?" Arya asks but Khalisi has no answers neither does Jorah.

Apologies for late chapter. Author had surgery now always on pain killers so sleep to recover. Author remembered the unpublished chapter and just went with it.

Schooldeancreators' thoughts
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