
Chapter 42

As the Ganesha, Astraea, Loki, Freya and Bahamut familia bravely raided the evilus bases, screams echoed throughout Orario.

It was a gruesome sight as civilians and adventurers alike were being mercilessly slaughtered by the other evilus forces. Chaos and destruction reigned supreme, leaving many areas of the city in utter ruin.

"Aaaaah, help me". Voices could be heard from various civilians as the evilus broke into houses.

"Kii hahaha, be grateful and accept the embrace of death" said a male evilus as he repeatedly stabbed a female civilian until her body went limp.

She was dead, feeling no remorse for his actions he then proceeded to kill everyone that were still in the house.

Meanwhile in the babel tower. The Bahamut familia was safe and sound, helping anyone that was close to safety.

The crazy evilus fanatics kept trying to attack but the few measures Finn managed to make were having some effect in stabilizing the situation.

The Ishtar familia and various other familia's that were mobilized to patrol the city and counter in case the evilus attacked city were fighting back.

"It seems that Draco's prediction was right, I just hope he is safe" Bahamut said while clawing the throat of an evilus member close to her.


The city of Orario was rocked by a series of explosions, causing the ground to shake and sending pillars of smoke into the sky.

The deafening sounds of the blast echoed through the street, making the city fall into further chaos.

Fear creeped into the hearts of both civilians and adventurers alike as the screams of people could be heard from multiple places.

It was clear that the damage caused by the explosions was significant, with buildings collapsing and debris littering the area.

The source of the blast remained a mystery to most of the civilians and adventurers, leaving them shaken and uncertain of what would happen next.

"Huff, Huff. Hey Nikolaos switch with me, I am exhausted" Michalis said as he returned to the back of the front line to rest bit.

"No problem" Nikolaos replied. He picked up his hammer and started bashing the skulls and bones of any nearby evilus with his trusty hammer.

I am Nikolaos black. I love blacksmithing and dislike fighting in general but my parents and Draco nii said that it would be helpful one day in the future.

I am glad that I listened and practiced hard because, now I am fighting some crazed lunatics called evilus, that want to kill me and my familia members.

They keep yelling incomprehensible words before charging someone and then exploding.

I normally don't like being around people and tend to lose track of time when smithing but I would gladly pick up my hammer to crush the skull and bones of the enemies that try to harm my familia when necessary.

I have been wondering for a while on what could have happed if Draco nii didn't bring us out to the babel tower today before his raid.

I could see smoke rising from the general direction of our familia home.


"Nikolaos stop spacing out, you could get yourself killed" Dimitra said as her arrow swished through the air, piercing an evilus skull.

"Sorry, was just thinking of Draco nii" Nikolaos said in reply.

"Just focus on here ok, you don't want Draco nii to return just to see your corpse" Dimitra replied.

"Hey you guys stop talking and focus" Vasiliki yelled after chanting her spell.


"Chill sis, they are just worried about Draco nii" Vasileios said while blocking a sword slash.

"Hmmf" Vasiliki huffed and in reply and continued her spell.

Bahamut was fighting when she spotted a familiar person approaching. It was Astraea.

"Astraea you are safe". Bahamut said as she dashed toward her location, bringing Astraea into a hug.

"You too Bahamut" said Astraea returning the hug. Bahamut then noticed that several members of the Astraea familia were around.

"So do you have any idea on what's going on. I have been hearing the sounds of explosions around??" Bahamut Asked.

The Bahamut familia members and the other adventurers around now had a small breathing space with the addition of the Astraea familia members that remained to aid them.

"The Evilus got us good" Astraea replied. Her voice was filled with rage at the injustice being done in the city. Seeing Astraea's face made Bahamut know that the situation was way worse than she thought.

"I ran into some Hermes familia members earlier and they said that the evilus made bombs to kill the familia's that were to raid the bases today".

"Meaning that the information of the raid was leaked. They also found a way to turn themselves into living bombs and are killing anyone they cannot beat by detonating themselves".

Hearing this, Bahamut's eye started glowing as she was enraged. She stomped her feet on the ground in anger causing it to cave in.

"Calm down Bahamut, I can still feel the connection to my children that went on the raid" Astraea said to calm Bahamut down before she does something crazy.

"I can still feel Draco" Bahamut replied after calming down. This also calmed the hearts of the Bahamut familia members that were secretly listening in.

Back at the ruined evilus base. I walked up to Ardee and gave her a hard slap on the face. My action got the other Ganesha familia members on edge.

"Why did you hit me" She said while holding the spot that I hit. I was an advocate of gender equality especially when a lady does something so stupid.

"You nearly killed your self and potentially others because of your actions today. Seriously letting your guard down after I managed to save you was an extremely stupid move"

"Instead of helping the people around you after I impaled the girl to save your life, you just stood there dazed and somehow your tiny brain decided to approach the girl again. Answer me Ardee do you have a death wish" I screamed in anger.

The atmosphere was heavy and silent as no one stepped up to defend her. They all noticed her actions and mine during battle. I saved a lot of them today with my spells so most of them were on my side.

"B…But I just wanted to help her" Ardee managed to reply while stuttering with teary eyes.

"What did we come here to do and where is this??" I asked. I couldn't falter now, she needed to learn her lesson now. Shakti didn't say anything and just watched meaning that she approved of my actions.

"We came here to kill evilus and this is what" I screamed at her.

"A..a.n evilus base" she muttered in reply.

"So what do evilus do??" I asked.

"Sniff, they kill the innocents" she replied now crying.

"So, does your previous reason make any sense. For all you know that little girl could have killed many people, you not only dropped your guard in the middle of battle but nearly died Ardee, not once but twice. Once I would have taken it as lapse in judgment but twice, now that's just being stupid". I said.

"Sniff, I'm sorry" Ardee said while crying. She had long realized that she screwed up but it being said to her upfront in front of everyone just hit different.

"Don't say sorry to me, say it to your familia members that trusted you and your sister who would have returned home with your corpse today because of your mistake" I said before turning around to leave. I didn't go far from the group and soon found a stone to sit on.

The atmosphere was awkward because of my scolding. Well I probably looked like a bad guy to her but if it would save her life in the future it was worth it.

"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry" Ardee kept repeating as she continued crying on the floor.

"Shit this is awkward as hell" I muttered as I could hear all this with my enhanced senses. I couldn't return to the city alone in case of another ambush.

'Sigh, I hope the familia is ok' I thought as I looked up to see pillars of smoke rising from the city. My premonition had been right. Sending my familia to the babel tower was the right decision.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on my patreon and donate.

HungryMushroomcreators' thoughts
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