
Reborn In Chicago Fire

Colt Evans an ex Fire fighter dies and gets reincarnated right after the first plane hits the World Trade Center, when his senses com back to him without a second thought he rushes into the tower to save as many people as he can on his way up he awakens a system. {Rescue System is now activated} __________________________________________ Fic will include Chicago Fire/Med/PD. The fic is based off the Manwha Rescue system.

HiTherefic · TV
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22 Chs


Sorry that I haven't told y'all what is going on but basically work hours changed and now I'm trying to get used to my new schedule, at the end of the day real life comes first, so in a couple of days when I am back on a good sleeping schedule I will start posting again.

I already told my p@from about this.

Anyways sorry that you have to wait.