
The new world *Edited*

In some small hut in a small village there was a lady giving birth to twin. while two brothers waited outside the door while the father was cutting wood while he waits.

But this wasn't just any old small hut, in a small village it was the hut of the soon to be originals in a few years, and Esther was giving birth to Niklaus and Ethan.

{no one's pov}

"Push just a little more I can see the head it's almost out just a couple more."

"I am I can't push anymore; I swear to Odin I'm not having any more children after this one."

"Finn can u see or hear anything is it done yet, do we have a brother or sister."

"No Elijah like the last couple times nothing has changed you'll know when I do."

Then all you hear is a baby cry and the midwife tell Esther that "everything is fine" while the father finally barges through the door to see his kid.

"move children move I won't tell you again, is it a boy or girl?"

"you have a healthy baby boy; Great we will name him.... Ethan" (yes I had to make my mc older I can't be the younger twin) while the father holds the child, he's so small, so delicate out of nowhere the contractions start up again.

the midwife pushes everyone out of the room so the second child can come into this dangerous world.

so, the two most dangerous beings were born, and the world wasn't ready for what they will do to the world, will they help the world or help destroy only time will tell.


During these two years some things have happened for one, the family brought in one more member to the fold in the young baby Kol. that happened about one year after the twins. about the twins they are inseparable I mean you take them apart for one second and they start bawling.

They do everything together but unfortunately for Klaus, Ethan was always one step ahead of him.

talking, crawling, and walking Ethan always did it before Klaus could so Mikeal gave him more attention because he saw a young warrior in him, and you could see he didn't like it, but Mikeal didn't care he only cares for the strong.


It's the twins fifth winter so that means they turned five and that morning Ethan was a little off, but no one knew how off he was.

{Ethan's pov}

Everything seems and feels weirds one second, I'm talking to God fully thinking it was a dream, to wake up in a very tiny and old village.

the Mikealsons is my family I'm no longer Ethan um wait what was my last name and why can't I remember my family at all, I actually can't remember any of my friends or family.

Well, it might seem weird to you, but I'll just forget about that for now because I can't change it, I have no power or even the know how to get them back.

so, let's see I have all the memories of the past five years of this body. so, I was born as Klaus' twin that's great now I just have to make sure I don't kill a person before we turn into vampires, don't want dad to go all crazy on us. that was weird I'm already thinking of him as dad not Mikeal just the horrible dad from a show.

I've always been better than my twin, so I've always got the better treatment. the beatings haven't started yet so that great maybe I can somehow change that or at least make them less.

Looking through my memories it looks like Rebekah and Kol were born as they should. I was slightly worried my birth would affect their births let's hope it won't for Henrik.

My goal at the moment is to learn as much as possible from my father, to get on his good side and so I'm stronger when we turn, I want every advantage I can get this is a dog-eat-dog world.

It also seems like me and my twin don't do much apart, I like that, but the problem is that I want to get more training done and plan ahead. but all he wants to do is play which makes perfect sense because he's five but that doesn't help me very much.

Our birthday was fun we threw a feast and everything it's the old times they don't hold birthday parties every year especially not until your five to make sure you survive. seems wrong but it how it is. like I said the feast was very fun we danced, ate the whole night away.

I woke up the next morning with Klaus glued to me they tried to separate us many times, but every attempt failed, we always ended back up in the same room.

as I carefully pried myself lose to not wake him up, I went outdoors to run I want to start young on my looks and power, once we turn that's how we look so might as well start young. after my run everyone was up so after I got away from my twin, he was asking why I didn't take him with me and why I left him alone, I went to my father and asked him to teach me all he knows.

I don't plan on following the story line I don't want to be chased for over a thousand years.

I plan on killing my father as much as I like him at the moment, I know what he will do when he finds out and I don't want that, So as soon as we turn, I want to find a way to make it seem like father went crazy tried to kill mother and they took each other out.

so in that way I solve two birds with one stone I kill mother and father. I want to see how the family is without the parents' influence.

i know the chapters are short i plan on changing that after they become vampiries more content to write. also while they are human the time will go by very quickly i want to mc to get turned and start that fun. please tell how i did in the comments but remember first book and I stayed up late to write the 2nd chapter i got a idea and went with

have a nice day and hopfully keep my book in your library

Busy_Drivercreators' thoughts
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