
Capturing Yun Hua Deacon.

After seeing the spiritual grade Giant Blue Armed Ape's body falling down, Itachi recalled Senbonsakura and he put his katana back into the sheath. He turned around, facing the dumbfounded people he said, "I'll leave the left overs for you guys."

They didn't know what to say. Leftovers? You f**king killed all of them, there isn't even a single one alive that confronted us. Just as they though this, they heard roars coming from the back. Only then did they realize Itachi didn't use his petals towards the back.

Itachi ignored them and went to his girls and said "Don't worry about anything and just fight to improve your skills and to gain experience, even though you're yet to integrate a demon spirit. I'll be watching over you as I've been doing all along."

Itachi had let them fight along side the group from the very beginning, in hopes it would solidify their cultivation and also improve their instincts, battle skills and techniques. He kept a close eye on them making sure nothing would go wrong.

To which the two nodded and turned towards the back to fight the demon beasts. When the others heard his words they were speechless, you could eliminate all the demon beasts here with just your sword skill but you want to baby sit your girlfriends? Damn why don't you just die. They all thought simultaneously. They looked at their wounds and they felt like they were betrayed.

Huyan Lanruo saw Itachi taking care of his girlfriends, she literally envied them. She made up her mind if she were to be married, she would only marry Itachi.

Chen Linjian felt glad that he didn't offend this monster before, he was truly shocked when he saw Itachi's sword skill but he was speechless at his concern over his girls, but still he felt safe knowing that he would be together with them through out this expedition. He ordered everyone to prepare for the attack coming from the rear.

Nie Li felt he was introduced to a new world, he felt stupid even with all his knowledge he didn't know 2 things currently, one Itachi's eyes, two Itachi's sword skill. He was proud of the knowledge he had collected in his past life, but now he didn't even know two basic things. He wondered did Itachi have anything else he didn't know about? He felt fear through his instincts both the times, when he saw his eyes as well as his sword skill.

Even so, Nie Li always thought that he would be able to defeat Itachi with his knowledge and given time. He would definitely wont give up on Ye Ziyun. Thinking about Ye Ziyun, the fire in his heart grew even more, she was suppose to be his. He would wait for the time when he's strong enough and challenge Itachi and take Ziyun from him.

The group once again faced off against the Giant Blue Armed Apes, just as they finished taking care of the beasts, a group of people wearing black robes appeared. Their faces were completely covered, only a little bit of their chin was exposed. The black demon design on their back was sinisterly terrifying.

"It seems we have earned big this time" the leader, Yun Hua Deacon said.

Itachi had already noticed them yet feigned ignorance and just kept watch over his girls.

The group that came had 30 people with half of them being 5-star Bronze rank, ten people at 3-star silver rank, 3 people at 4-star silver rank and one at 5-star silver rank. The leader Yun Hua Deacon was at 2-star gold, so Itachi didn't even give a glance at them.

The group turned their attention towards the new comers and were immediately stunned, they didn't expect to meet the dark guild members again in this expedition. Ning'er, Ziyun and Huyan Lanruo appeared beside Itachi. Now that the girls were beside him Itachi turned his attention towards his prey.

Chen Linjian and the bunch didn't know what to do, they stared at them in vigilance.

One of the man in black clothes pointed towards Itachi and whispered "Yun Hua Deacon, that the genius of Glory City. It is said that his strength is at gold rank according to our information, but it's not confirmed."

"Oh, seems we really struck gold this time, I'll capture him, you capture another two with highest rank and kill the rest." Said Yun Hua Deacon.

Yun Hua Deacon, didn't waste any time he started walking towards Itachi while taking his sword from his waist. Seeing him walking towards Itachi, the group didn't know what to do.

Suddenly Yun Hua Deacon disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Itachi. He wanted to hurt this genius before capturing him so that he would know his place.

He was about to slash his sword towards Itachi, when a pink dressed girl appeared in between Itachi and him.

Huyan Lanruo was very nervous, when she saw the leader of the group walking towards them, but when he disappeared she knew he was going for Itachi, unconsciously she moved in front of him trying to save him. She didn't know if Itachi was stronger than the man or not, she didn't want to take a chance which might hurt him.

Itachi and the group didn't expect Huyan Lanruo to appear in between them. Itachi knew that this guy would slash even if Hayan Lanruo came in between them, he used body flicker to appear behind Yun Hua Deacon and he firmly held Yun Hua Deacon's sword without allowing it to swing.

Ning'er and Ziyun both knew exactly how strong Itachi was, so they weren't worried, but when they saw Huyan Lanruo to appear in front of Itachi in order to save him, they looked at each other and nodded their heads with a smile. It seems as they spent time with each other, they've gotten close to each other rather than the first time when they met. After seeing such actions from Huyan Lanruo, they both could tell she really loved Itachi and both of them didn't mind having her as a sister and becoming a part in their lives.

Yun Hua Deacon smiled coldly watching the girl in front of him, he didn't hesitate and still slashed at her. But for unknown reasons his hand just won't come down. He looked behind only to see the boy that was supposed to be behind the girl, was holding his sword firmly. He tried pulling his sword back but it just wont budge.

Itachi looked coldly at him, he let go off his sword and drew his katana from the sheath and sliced off his arm without hesitation. Yun Hua Deacon felt pain in his right shoulder, he could only see the arm that was chopped off falling to the ground and blood rushing out, he fell on his knees screaming. He didn't even know when his arm was chopped off. Itachi wanted to kill him, but he controlled himself as he was the leader of the group and he needed to take him to Ye Zong.

"Scatter, Senbonsakura" said Itachi. His katana disintegrated into numerous petals which formed a circle with Itachi as centre and surrounded both the group. He wouldn't give the dark guild members a chance to escape.

Everybody came back to their senses only to see they were completely sealed off by petals. All they saw was Itachi appearing behind Yun Hua Deacon and held his sword, after which they could only see a blur, as they saw Yun Hua Deacon's hand chopped off and he fell on his knees screaming.

Itachi once again appeared beside Huyan Lanruo and asked "you okay?"

Huyan Lanruo stared blankly at him, seeing her response Itachi chuckled and turned towards the other members of the dark guild.

Chen Linjian and bunch had relieved expression on their faces, as they now knew Itachi was stronger than the dark guild team's leader.

The dark guild members watched everything with horror, they couldn't still believe a 13 year old kid was able to suppress their leader and also surrounded them without giving them a way out. When his gaze fell on them they felt that they were being stared at by death.

He was thinking how he should deal with them, should he kill all of them or capture them too. As he was thinking, he turned towards Chen Linjian and asked "Should I kill all of them?"

When the dark guild members heard Itachi, they tried to get out of the petals, just as one member tried to go out, the petals instantly cut him and his body fell on the ground life less. Shocked the other dark guild members didn't dare approach the petals any more.

Chen Linjian nodded with hesitation.

Itachi controlled Senbonsakura and killed the remaining ones in a second. Then he went beside Yun Hua Deacon, broke his other arm and put him to sleep using genjutsu. After which he recalled Senbonsakura and told Chen Linjian to have people carry him.

Chen Linjian could guess what was on Itachi's mind, so he ordered two of his men to carry him after stopping the bleeding of his shoulder

Nie Li watched everything happening and every time he saw Itachi fight, he would always feel fear. Nie Li was slowly starting to lose his confidence against that monster. He knew even if he was in gold or black gold rank he wouldn't be that fast, Itachi's speed was astonishingly fast.

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