
Rebirth: Revenge on my millionaire ex

You should already know how this story goes. Someone I love pisses me off, I cry like a baby, I talk myself into getting revenge but then I die and get reincarnated. I get a second chance at life to correct my mistake and maybe get my revenge. This is where my story comes with a twist. Ten years later, I come back as a hot British guy and my millionaire ex had just gotten married with two kids. Guess who was about to ruin his family? This girl...or should I say guy now. Delores was an overly insecure high school student who dated her school's most popular boy; Cameron. One thing led to the other and Cameron broke up with her after humiliating her. This break-up changed Delores for the worse as it led to her death. Ten years later, she comes back with an ever-increasing desire to make Cameron pay for what he put her through...but as a man. PLEASE COVER IS NOT MINE

monellawrites · Urbain
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7 Chs


The sun shone bright and the birds chirp loudly. No matter how deep of a sleeper you might be, you just had to wake up. The sun's rays disturbed his eyes. Apparently, someone had left the curtains wide open. It irked him, so he stretched out his hands and shut them close. Seconds later, he realised that something was quite off. His eyes were half opened when he closes the curtains, but he wasn't quite sure it was his hands he used to close them cause they were a bit...too hairy.

He then opened his eyes and looked at his hands. He was in shock. He ran both his hands through his face and noticed he had masculine features. He was in more shock. Last but not the least, he checked inside his trousers and found out that he had a penis. He was flabbergasted. He wasn't even wearing anything. He was completely naked. He wondered what must have transpired that got him to that place in a different body. He quickly looked for his shorts around butt naked. He finally found them, then he put them on.

There was a mirror on the wall. He was scared to look at it. But he found the courage to. He walked slowly to the mirror. He stared at himself. He was very handsome. He looked like he was in his late twenties.

"Wow, I'm a man" He said with astonishment. After speaking he was content with his voice. It was deep and sweet, it was British. Everything about this new body was just perfect for him.

"The hoes gon' love this" He sang to himself with a smile. Then he looked at the date on a calendar beside the mirror.

"October 3rd" He mumbled. The events of his past came in flashes. He remembered everything but he tried to block them because of the pain it caused him. He was about to take his eyes off of the calendar when it caught something a bit off. He looked at the year he was in and he screamed.

"October 3rd, 2022!" He yelled. His yelling attracted a lady who was in his living room.

"Delores, did anything happen? Why were you screaming? I know you've got a feminine name but what I didn't know is that you possessed feminine qualities" the lady said with a smile.

"What year is this, 2012 right?" He asked.

"Why do I always end up with delusional men? Baby, it's 2022. How much alcohol did you take last night?" The lady asked.

"Who are you to me?" He asked.

"Okay, if this is a game, stop it" The lady demanded sternly and still he was dumbfounded.

"My name is Sylvester and we met at a bar last night. You were not sober at all, so I drove you home. One thing led to another, I'm not gonna give you full details about that but all I know is that we had a good time" Sylvester said with a smile as she went closer to him slowly.

"I'm terribly sorry but you have to leave" He said.

"What?" Sylvester asked in confusion.

"Leave" He demanded.

"Ugh! You're crazy anyways!" Sylvester said with a scoff and then took her things and left.

"2012, how can we be in 2012" She mumbled as she left. When she left, he sat down on his bed and began thinking. Flashes of his accident came to him. He was trying to push them back but they were stronger than he was. He broke down in tears as he buried his palms in his face.


My name is Delores. My friends call me Dee. Okay, maybe not friends with a plural cause I was like this shy girl who didn't want to approach anyone. Until my best friend approached me by my locker.

"Hey, I guess you don't talk that much. I love being friends with people that don't talk that much...or are you dumb, if you are I'm very sorry and I didn't mean it that way" Mi Hi said.

"No, no, no, I can talk... I just don't feel like talking. I don't know what to say" I said nervously.

"Is that why you let those fucking jocks bully you?" Mi Hi asked.

"I'm the type of person that let things slide. I don't allow things like that to get to me easily" I said trying to defend myself.

"Okay, that's not fucking cool. You know what, I'm gonna be your best friend, and whenever those two-faced low lives come for you, I promise that they're not gonna see the sunrise the next day" Mi Hi said and I laughed.

"I'm Delores" I said with a smile.

"Mi Hi" Mi Hi said and then we both shook hands.

Mi Hi was real nice to me. She defended me. She was like my mouthpiece.

"Delores, why didn't you turn in your assignment?" A teacher asked.

"Menstrual cramps, it was bad" Mi Hi answered in place of Delores.

"Let her fucking talk, you're not her mouthpiece" One of the boys that I got bullied by said.

"Uhh...yeah the fuck I am" Mi Hi retorted then she smiled at me and I smiled back.

Mi Hi was a comeback queen.

"Ew... What the fuck are you wearing?" Sheryl; one of the popular girls in our school asked Mi Hi who was standing next to me by my locker side.

"I know right, you could never afford them" Mi Hi teased.

"Why would I even buy them? They are so not my style" Sheryl said.

"That's another way of saying I'm broke as fuck" Mi Hi teased and then gave me a high five. Then Sheryl left embarrassed.

Mi Hi and I went on great. She was my confidant, my partner in crime...and the only person I told about my crush on the school's most popular jock... Cameron. We were on her bed talking when I suddenly brought up the topic.

"Hey, do you ever think about boys?" I asked.

"I'm straight but nope... Right now, boys are not in the cards for me" Mi Hi said.

"I've never really liked a boy. I was thinking after college, I would like go to Europe or something and marry a British guy with blue eyes" I said and we both laughed.

"So what changed?" Mi Hi asked.

"I fell in love?" I said nervously.

"Oh my God, you've gotta tell me who this person is" My Hi pressured and I budged.

"Cameron" I said nervously. I saw the look on Mi Hi's face, she wasn't in the least excited for me.

"You do know that he's like hella popular and not that I'm making a derogatory sentence but like, you're kinda a nobody in school...popular boys don't go for people like you" Mi Hi said.

"I know but who knows you know" I said with so much hope.

"It's gonna be a hard one Dee... I wish you good luck. Oh, and I'm not helping you with this one. Honestly, I'm not in support of it" Mi Hi said.

"Okay" I said sadly.

Mi Hi was right, and I wish I had listened to her because as you go deep into my story, you would get to see how the love of my life turned into the cause of my death and understand why I had to do what I had to do even after my reincarnation.