
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

Shuregurl · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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78 Chs

Forbidden Ground (2)

Reacting swiftly, Devin utilized his consciousness to scan the surroundings. However, before he could identify his assailant, four sharp arrows whizzed through the air, each aimed at Devin from different angles. Thinking on his feet, Devin maneuvered the sword of emptiness to redirect the path of two arrows, while the branches of the Origin tree intercepted and neutralized the remaining two.

The sheer force of the two arrows Devin managed to stop caused his hand to tremble from the impact. Their weight and power were far from insignificant.

Devin's attention was drawn to a towering creature, taller than a human height, striding confidently towards him. Even before fully laying eyes on the creature, Devin could feel the overwhelming aura of death and gloom emanating from it, leaving him momentarily breathless.

Reacting to Devin's distress, the Origin tree intensified its protective barrier around him, providing a sense of relief. Grateful for its support, Devin silently conveyed his gratitude to the tree.

As the creature with its four heads, each facing a different cardinal point, and possessing four hands and eight pitch-black eyes approached Devin, an eerie silence enveloped the air. Its gaze, filled with malice, fixated upon Devin.

"Human, you are intriguing. I have undergone evolution, believing it to be the pinnacle of my existence. However, I have a feeling that killing you and consuming your flesh will elevate my evolution to newfound heights," the sinister creature spoke, its words dripping with malevolence.

Disgusted, Devin couldn't help but ask, "How many of your kind have you devoured to achieve this?"

"Is that even important for you to know? Humans are peculiar creatures. You consume other creatures to grow and become stronger. You can view it as the same concept. They are the energy and sustenance required for my evolutionary advancement," the creature dismissively responded.

Without uttering another word, the creature unleashed four arrows, spinning in a gyro-like motion, aiming straight for Devin's vital points. Acting swiftly, Devin narrowly evaded the attack. However, before he could catch his breath, the creature clenched its fist and ruthlessly struck out towards Devin. The sheer force behind the punch sent Devin hurtling through the air. Thankfully, the branches of the Origin tree and the protective domain cushioned the impact, preventing Devin from shattering every bone in his body.

The creature lunged forward with incredible speed, propelling Devin through the air with a forceful kick.

"Human, you are disappointingly weak. There is no pleasure to be found in this fight," the creature lamented, expressing its dissatisfaction.

Devin snorted in response, his frustration evident. With his level capped at 23, he was engaged in a battle against a creature strong enough to surpass his level by threefold. He cursed the dwarves for failing to warn him about the presence of such a formidable opponent within the forbidden ground.

Despite the passing of time, the hour mark had not yet expired, meaning Devin was unable to log out even if he desired to do so.

Steadying himself, Devin steeled his resolve.

"No point in continuing a futile battle. Let's bring this to an end," the creature declared, charging at Devin with relentless force. Its trunk-like leg came crashing down upon him, pinning Devin to the ground. Desperate to escape, Devin felt something puncturing his body, preventing any chance of evasion. The protective domain shrouding his body cracked under the pressure, and the illusory image of the tree flickered as Devin coughed up blood.

However, to Devin's surprise, a warm aura spread throughout his body, encompassing his kidneys, heart, spleen, and lungs, accelerating the healing process.

"Intriguing. You possess the ability to heal yourself at a rapid pace. I wonder how many times you can mend your wounds as I slice and cleave through your flesh," the creature taunted.

Unfazed, Devin responded defiantly, "Don't count on it, you bastard!" In one swift motion, he hurled twenty alchemy bombs towards the creature before utilizing the branches of the tree to encase himself within a protective dome.

Devin knew that the bombs alone would not be enough to kill the creature, but he aimed to inflict substantial pain in return.

The creature let out a roar of anguish, its pain palpable. "Very well, human. It has been far too long since I have experienced such agony," it grunted through the pain.

Devin struggled to stand, his body aching in protest. "My friend, let us merge together and share your strength," Devin spoke to the Origin tree, his voice filled with determination.

Sending its emotions to Devin, the tree expressed its concern for his well-being. "Do not worry. I will bear the consequences. I must bring down this arrogant bastard," Devin assured the tree, his resolve unyielding.

Devin was taken aback by the tree's request – it desired the lotus seed. However, merging with the tree could only last for five minutes, or else Devin's sea of consciousness would shatter again, harming his very roots and foundation. Without hesitation, Devin handed over the lotus seed, feeling a substance melding with his body. Power pulsated through Devin, and a green aura enveloped him. His golden eyes grew colder and deeper, fixating on the creature before him.

Sensing the change, the creature felt a surge of danger emanating from the once seemingly ordinary boy. It had underestimated Devin's potential.

With confidence, the creature threw a punch, imbued with even greater power. However, this time, instead of evading, Devin met the punch head-on, his own strike clashing against the creature's.

The force of the impact sent both of them reeling backward. "Excellent! Now we can engage in a true battle," the creature exclaimed, a crazed smile playing on its lips.

Devin wasted no time on meaningless conversation – he had only five minutes to bring this battle to a close. With a surge of adrenaline, he relentlessly attacked the creature, engaging in a flurry of punches and kicks. The power coursing through Devin felt exhilarating, and he yearned to fully harness this strength as his own. Unbeknownst to the creature, every blow Devin delivered carried the potent Origin aura, the bane of all dark creatures.

The creature came to a sudden halt, a strange energy coursing through its body. "Cunning human, what have you done to me?" it bellowed in anger.

Devin couldn't help but tauntingly reply, "Didn't you want a taste of my body? Well, consider this an early sampling. How does it taste? Delicious?"

The creature's body began to deteriorate from within, causing it to roar in fury. "No! What have you done? My perfect body!" It glared menacingly at Devin.

Unfazed by the creature's glare, Devin infused his sword with aura, causing it to vibrate as if reconnecting with a long-lost power. He unleashed a strike of emptiness with his sword, but instead of splitting into two, it divided into seven. This unexpected development surprised Devin and even triggered a tinge of envy within him.

The aura of the swords was incredibly swift, leaving the creature no chance to evade. The blades struck its vital points, severing all of its hands.

"Human, you have driven me to this point. Let us die together," the creature declared.

Devin furrowed his brow as he sensed a volatile energy emanating from the creature. Realization dawned on him – the creature was preparing to self-destruct.

Swiftly, a magic circle materialized in front of Devin. It was not his conscious action, but his body's instinctive response. The magic circle swiftly absorbed the energy of the creature's explosion. In an instant, two branches from the tree stretched out and impaled a large worm writhing on the ground.

"Release me, human, and I will reveal the secrets of the parasites to you," the worm pleaded.

Devin remained unconcerned and knew better than to trust a clever worm. "Swallow it, buddy. It's your treat," he commanded.

The tree acted swiftly, swallowing the worm, fearing that Devin might change his mind.

Devin's gaze remained fixated on the magic circle, mesmerized by the way it absorbed the dark aura of the forbidden ground. Determined to learn more, he used his encyclopedia to document the intricate details of the magic circle, intending to study it further at a later time.

As the merging neared its end, Devin's body weakened, and he collapsed onto the ground. He had only two minutes left before the fusion would cease. Lifting his gaze, he noticed the tree branches extending towards three seemingly lifeless worms. He knew better than to assume they were dead; they were simply in an inert state.

Thinking quickly, Devin carefully collected the worms, sealing them within small vial bottles, and stashed them away inside his ring for safekeeping.

With the magic circle still devouring the dark aura of the forbidden ground, Devin ventured forth, eliminating any remaining creatures that crossed his path.

A message suddenly appeared before him, congratulating him on slaying one hundred infected creatures and a mutated dark worm that had acquired intelligence. He had gained 5000 Exp for the former and 2000 Exp for the latter.

Apart from the weapons he had collected to sell, there was nothing of interest within the forbidden ground. Devin observed that the dark aura in the area was gradually thinning out, a testament to the magic circle's relentless absorption of the malevolent energy.

Devin could feel his body on the verge of breaking apart as he unmerged from the Origin tree. Acting swiftly, a tree branch fed him the lotus seed and utilized aura to catalyze the medicinal properties, allowing the healing effects to spread Devin's entire body. Once the tree detected that Devin's body and cultivation had stabilized, it tenderly caressed his cheek before fading away. Devin sensed the weakness of the Origin tree, its branches now drooping lifelessly within his sea of consciousness.

He attempted to send a message, but received no response. It seemed that the tree had closed itself off, weakened by the recent events. Devin couldn't help but feel disheartened by his own limitations.

As the magic circle ceased glowing, having absorbed the final remnants of the dark aura, Devin approached it. In the center of the circle, he noticed radiant dark crystals shimmering. Curiosity piqued, Devin picked one up and used identification on it : 'high purity dark magic crystals. A valuable resource'

Noticing a slight tremor from the tree within his consciousness, Devin inquired, "Is this significant to you?" The feedback he received was weak.

"Then, how do I utilize them?" Devin questioned further.

An illusory image of the tree appeared, but it lacked its former solidity, appearing lighter and more ethereal. The tree consumed all one hundred of the dark crystals, then vanished.

With pure aura now circulating within his sea of consciousness, Devin knows combined with the dark souls it has swallowed it needs time to digest.

Devin stopped paying attention to the weakened tree and departed from the forbidden ground. He couldn't help but feel enraged at the dwarves for failing to inform him about the powerful creature, putting his life in grave danger.

[Player Status]

Name: Devin James

Title: Sun Haven Island Village Owner

Class: unallocated

Level: 24

Race: Human

Exp: 93900/100000

Reputation: 130

Merits 50


- Appraisal skill (advanced)

- Origin Sutra

- Art of Medicine (Junior Apprentice Pharmacist)


- Pharmacopeia

- Storage Ring

- Eyes of Indra

- Origin full body suit including cloak

-Origin katana(weapon)

-10 faerie plum

-10 luminary citrus

-10 Emerald fern Stone

-50 iron ore

-50 Copper ore

-20 steel ore

-10 silver light blossom herbs

-5 Moonstone Moss herbs

-5 Everflame ruby and Moondust opal.

-eyes of Hyde, pelt of Hyde, Hyde's dark Core.

- Treasure map

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