
Rebirth of a Tongue Curser

Was not born in jealousy but greedy toward affection made her uneasy. Dwell with a monster they don't know where they come from just adviced to get too close. But one day, she saw her sister talked to one of those things and somehow made her into something else. She is certain. Tinted by those blood only leads to death. Somehow that luck was meant for her sister. Not her. She run away from that place hoping to die with grief. Somehow, she learnt they weren't the only species around thus those things had nit been around since she met a man called Jones. Jones had secrets but he promised to let her know her place and where she belongs. He told her, this place is where humans lived and they are the things they hunt down. Through Jones she learned it's not bad to be envy by so one can overcome their weaknesses. She follow everything he does, stealing, lying, manipulating or disguises for fun. Nevertheless, Jones never teaches her either treason or murder.

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39 Chs

catalina: A Promise

Seeking for the core is like sneaking behind the bushes carefully not to be bit by abudances of slithering snakes, this is not an easy task, defying the king is also defying the kingdom,

"I may be hold the high position in the country, but i am nobody, judging from how they treats me and slaughtered my kind, one day i'm the one whom becoming a bad guy" Catalina explained to jara when venus asked Catalina to begged the king for the cores.

"if they found out about you.. " Catalina sighed,

"how are you gonna get back those cores? You must go into palace? And got them back without any suspections" Catalina smiled, hiding away her blackened eyes showing how excited she was conducting some crazy plan.

"they won't recognize me, i would not be there when the cores gone" it was that day Catalina letting out of her new invention that she knew will make a blast upon her corrupted world.

"my new invention.. the nyx.. " Born with same way as nirans, gaining the same faces as those kind creature, sharp tiny fangs, crawling out from the trees with their overly sharp and long nails, - this creature was created as Catalina's vengeance machine, they only knew how to kill, only knew how to hate,

Their sudden appearance yet threatening every regions, shocking the whole world, every night before the sun goes down, every citizen will locked themselves from meeting this lovely blood sucking creature, because it was difficult to defy them with single look, completely like a normal kid asking for help, but them will sucked them deep to bone if not getting what they wanted,

"why did you make such creatures catalina? "

Venus was afraid the nyx will be out of control, they get those core back thank with nyx help, but Catalina refused to eliminate thousands of nyx she had created,

"those are my children, i'm not creating them to be kill venus.. We won't achieve this succes if it's not for them.. " Catalina showed venus the reburied cores on the ground waiting to be born months from now,

"Aren't you afraid people will overlook between them? They looked the same," Catalina agreed, but she did that to confused people,

"they killed something so recklessly without knowing the consequences, - let them think that the nirans had revoked into a nightmare creatures i don't care.. As long this place is safe" She was so immersed in her own imagination, but Venus was scared to what will happened in te future, she knew the nux won't listen to anyone else other than their master,

"Catalina? " venus approached her when she suddenly became quiet and covering her mouth.

"you are dying.." Catalina intended to soaked her palm in the lake, she almost fall down if Venus veins had not caught her, Right now her face was paler than the nyx she had created, the face of nirans but the traits was Catalina's tribe to differentiate them in the future, and to show people whom their master

Nevertheles, humans were stupid to noticed.

"who did this to you?" Catalina lay down, she asked venus to get her something to drink to distract her,

"you can't charm me Catalina, i can see the blood on your mouth.. " She coughed again,

"i'm fine.. I'm just tired.. " she lied, cannot explain her situation, her body was in pain she would not dare to explain, because most of her magis was splitted to create nyx, now it's about to break as nothing's left,

"no you're not.. It's your son right? He poisoned you? " Catalina shooked,

"a simple creation would not rust you like this! You are lying..who did this? " Venus becomming angry, a fairy such as they is a youthfull creature, not gonna die easily,

"it's not venus.. I'm tired, now please let me rest" She moved her body facing a willow tree hiding her face under the leaves,

"here.. Let me heal you.. " Venus flew over and sat one her hips, Catalina shake her body so that Venus will get lost. however, her bad attide didn't enough to answer Venus's curiousity.

"go away!...i'm begging you" Catalina snobbed, this time she coughed harder than before casusing a few jara that was flying over harvesting qamar to stop.

"Catalina!" Venus tilted her body facing herself. Venus sighed seeing the fragile fairy was crying.

"i'm scared.. "

"i want to die..but i'm scared venus.. Please kill me.. " Venus touched her chin. her touched causing Catalina to stand up and sit.

"hmm.. is it why you are letting the poison killing you? does it hurt? " She was in deep silence, her eyeballs we're already tilted inside down, and she began to faint.

Clueless to what's going on when she is unconscious, she caught a glimpse of something strange,

''is it a dream?do Venus is getting bigger?"

3 weeks later-

"this is not the future i imagine Venus!" Catalina stomped her feet all over the place shouting angrily debating with Venus, she was losing her mind, her chamber was in mess,

"I thought, if i step outside with this magis i can help people as much as i want! i cannot believe they were using me.. all this time.. " Her eyes was getting bigger and darker every time she for angry, she is no longer pretty, and had stopped grooming herself,

"please behave yourself.. you are taking over your body it cannot heal you like this" advised Venus, mentioning a demon resides inside in catalina, a healer for naekai tribe,

Naekai tribe we're powerful fairies and hard to kill yet to control, the souces of their power was derived from bad things such as deaths, evil doing and anger, to forbid them becoming a demon, their heart was seal with a sleeping fairy cleansing their tamed soul.

"you said i can make any wish from this petals right? " She played with her forehead. The printed blue petals only visible under the moonlight, and catalina was looking at her relection,


" if i die.. can you resurrect me?"

"why? "

'' i want to see how things will look like after many years,"

"i quite selfish Aren't i? want to die but want to breath at the same time.. " She coughed,

"my blood is getting darker venus.. will i become a demon?" asked her with a frowned face,

"no, as long as i'm here nothing will happen to you," Both of them smile, Venus smirk and embraced her New friend. She was lying, and she felt bad for it.

'i hope you will die before the reborn' Venus was sad, she was smiling so that Catalina would not hear her sigh.

'he will not be among them Catalina, he already gave his core to me' when Catalina died, Venus was able to grant her 2 wishes, one is to rincarnate her and the other one remember her always, When they meet again, her next soul will carry the last 3 wishes from Jara,

how come she ever knew? she forgots their own friendship, nor her own wish.

Memories comes with its own darkness

KIKI_GERALDcreators' thoughts