
Rebirth of Internet Hegemon

Rebirth to the year 2001. It was a rather awkward juncture in time. Tencent had risen to prominence, Alibaba had emerged, and even Baidu was raking in profits... What was the point of this rebirth? Well, if rebirth served no purpose, then why not seize the opportunity to enjoy an unambitious life of comfort? But it was a pity that Chen Yu, who had set his sights solely on living the good life, accidentally ended up dominating the world of the internet. =============== The work doesn't belong to me, I'm just a hobbyist translator doing "pro bono" work just like those novelupdates guys. Enjoy this work for free, or if you really want, you can support me and donate some through the usual platforms

Shallowman · Urbain
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104 Chs

Bagging 10,000 yuan




In the blink of an eye, Chen Yu's initial offer of 5000 had escalated to nearly 10,000 yuan due to the intense competition among the major guilds.

"9800 yuan already, unbelievable."

"Chen Yu, sell it now, right away."

"Don't rush."

Chen Yu took a sip of mineral water, maintaining a calm exterior while feeling an overwhelming excitement inside.

He never expected that The Legend of Mir 2 would have such allure, with a mere horn generating bids close to 10,000 yuan.

"Soul of the King: The King's Guild bids 10,000 RMB..."

Finally, after the King's Guild raised their bid to 10,000 yuan, no other guilds made further offers.

"Brother, sell the horn to me. No one will outbid me this time."


"I'll transfer the money to you. Once I confirm the payment, we can proceed with the trade."

"No problem. We believe in honest dealings. As soon as I receive the money, I'll hand over the horn."


After a while, Soul of the King said, "The transfer is complete."

"I'll check my account."

Feeling somewhat excited, Chen Yu quickly went to a nearby bank beside the internet cafe.

Upon checking, sure enough, he had received a transfer of 10,001 yuan.

This guy was so cautious that he even transferred an extra yuan to avoid any misunderstandings.

"How about it?"

"Has the money come through?"

"Chen Yu, why aren't you saying anything?"

Watching Chen Yu return leisurely to the internet cafe, Zhang Jianming on the side couldn't contain his anticipation.

Chen Yu rolled his eyes and sighed, "Damn it, it hasn't been transferred."

"What? Not transferred?"

"Yeah, there are too many scammers in the game. They fooled you last time, and now they fooled me."


Zhang Jianming cursed, "I knew it! Those guys were just shouting high bids on the public channel. I actually thought they had money, but it turns out they were just playing tricks."


"Fine, I'm going to give them a piece of my mind."

Zhang Jianming was furious.


No longer teasing Zhang Jianming, Chen Yu laughed heartily, "It's transferred, it's transferred."

"Transferred? What do you mean?"

"What do you think?"

Raising an eyebrow, Chen Yu asked, "Has the money arrived?"

"Here's the account statement from just now."

"10,001 yuan! Damn it, Chen Yu, you fooled me just now."

"I'll get back at you."

A hearty pat on Chen Yu's back, and Zhang Jianming joined in the laughter. "10,000 yuan! Can you believe it?"

"My goodness, these guys actually transferred the money," Zhang Jianming exclaimed.

"Ahhhh!" Zhang Jianming was now dancing with joy.

"Alright, stop shouting. Everyone's looking at you," Chen Yu teased.

"Let them look. I don't mind. Haven't they seen a wealthy person before?"

Although Zhang Jianming spoke confidently, he eventually calmed down. "You're right, Chen Yu. Since you've received the money, let's proceed with the transaction."

"Heh, the money's already in. Why the rush?"

"That's true. We're honest businessmen, after all."

"Yes, we're honest businessmen who never deceive anyone."

Safely tucking away the receipt, Chen Yu sent a private message to Soul of the King, "I've received the money; I'll give you the horn."

"I thought you were trying to trick me."

Chen Yu chuckled. "If I had tricked you, I'd probably be hunted down by your King's Guild, wouldn't I?"


Soul of the King chuckled, and the two of them faced each other, clicking the trade button. Chen Yu sold the horn to Soul of the King.

"Um, buddy, want to join the guild?" Soul of the King asked after receiving the horn.

"Eh, I'd rather stick to being a lone wolf. Guilds aren't really my thing."

"That's a shame. By the way, could you share how you managed to obtain the horn?"

"It's a trade secret, can't reveal it."

"Apologies, my mistake. If you come across any good equipment in the future, consider selling it to me; I buy in bulk."

"No problem, you'll be the first one I think of."

After ending the private chat with Soul of the King, Chen Yu posted a notice in the public channel: "Thanks to all the big shots for your support. The horn has been sold to Soul of the King from the King's Team for 10,000 RMB."

Once this notice was posted, the system followed up with an announcement: "Soul of the King has founded the first guild in The Legend of Mir 2."

At the same time, Soul of the King began recruiting members on behalf of the guild in the province's veteran community.

Many regular players were captivated by the first guild in The Legend of Mir 2 and joined the King's Guild one after another.

"That Soul of the King must be loaded; he's willing to part with 10,000 yuan."

"We should have bid higher earlier."

"I wonder if that guy has more horns."

"Yeah, let's ask him. If he got the first one, he might get the second one too. Let's reserve a few in advance."

The leaders of several major guilds started sending private messages to Chen Yu.

"Um, sorry, but I don't have any more horns. We'll see if we can get one tomorrow."

"Alright, if you get one, it's for our Eternal Kingdom."

"No problem, I'll give you a discount, 8,000."

"Come on, buddy, that's too steep. We helped you boost the price for the first one. We'll offer a maximum of 5,000. If it goes higher, we can wait a few more days."

"Okay, 5,000 it is. But I can't guarantee I'll get one tomorrow. If I do, I'll sell it to you."

After considering it for a moment, Chen Yu agreed to their terms for the sake of future business.

As for the other guilds, Chen Yu agreed to their requests at a rate of 2,000 yuan each.

There was no other choice; these guild leaders didn't have deep pockets, and the price for the first horn had indeed been inflated. Now that the first guild was established, there was no need for them to compete. If it weren't for the desire to create their guilds sooner, they wouldn't have even offered 2,000 yuan.

Everyone knew that items like the horn would inevitably become more abundant in the future, as long as the levels were roughly comparable.


"Danian, how's the situation?"

"It's relatively optimistic. I just visited the technical department, and our game's simultaneous online players have already exceeded 30,000."

"30,000 isn't a lot, as you know, we still have pending payments for broadband and servers."

"Boss, I'm aware. I estimate that by the end of this month, we'll break 50,000 simultaneous players."

After the Deputy General Manager of Shanda, Chen Danian, finished speaking, a voice suddenly burst into the room from outside.

"Mr. Chen, good news, good news..."

"Oh, Chairman, you're here too."

Chen Danian muttered to his assistant, "Can't you even knock?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I was just too excited."

"What's the matter?"

"Mr. Chen, the horn has been sold."

"Which horn?"

Chen Danian was a bit puzzled, but his assistant reminded him, "It's the Wooma Horn that just dropped."


Chen Danian recalled but still appeared displeased. "It's sold, so what? You had to come running to tell me about such a trivial matter?"

It was just a horn, nothing to make a fuss about.

"Mr. Chen, this horn was sold for Chinese yuan."

"Chinese yuan?"

Now Chen Danian understood. "How much did it sell for? 1,000 yuan?"

"More than that."


"Still less."

"Could it have sold for 3,000?"




"How much then..."

Slamming his hand on the table, Chen Danian demanded, "Tell me."

"1... 10,000."

The assistant replied weakly.