
Reaper: The Paranormal Adventures of Zach and Evelyn

A student by day and the Grim Reaper by night! Follow the paranormal adventures of Zach Reaper, son of Grim Reaper (the Grim Reaper) and the next in line to become Head of the Reapers, who doesn’t want to reap human souls. Instead, Zach works as a paranormal investigator, dealing with the occurrence of mythical and magical beasts in his hometown, Nestant Town, by reaping their souls. From ghosts, to Devils, to Supernatural Investigators after Zach’s bounty, NOTHING is off limits here in this supernatural action-comedy! Chapters every Monday/Friday at 4pm EST, starting January 1st, 2024!

Palewhale · Action
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49 Chs

Case #8-Zach Reaper vs the Koga Clan Assassin

"Ahhh…" I let out a small yawn as I hop down the front steps of my cozy little purgatory castle home. "I can't believe school is every day…" I grumble as I begin making my way down from the top of the hill nestled in the farthest edge of Nestant Town.

But I only manage to take a few steps before a rogue silver object comes flying out of the shrubbery towards me.

"Woah!" I cry as I duck down and cover my head with my hands, just as the rogue object whizzes by overhead and stabs into the tree behind me. Upon closer inspection, I see that it's…

"A ninja star…?" I ask as I study the silver star-shaped blade. "Who's playing with these all the way out here?"

"I'm not here to play, Reaper…" a voice ominous growls from the shrubbery, causing me to jump.

"Wh-who's there?" I stammer as I turn to face the bushes in front of me. "Come on out, so I can kick your ass!"

"My name…is Hanzo Koga, of the Koga Clan…" the voice continues. "But you can just call me Koga…"

"Alright, that's it, I'm coming over there!" I snap as I march over to the bushes. I stop once I'm in front of the bushes and peer down at them with a gulp. I then bend over and begin pushing them out of the way, but all I see is…

"A radio…?" I ask as I reach down and pick up the small radio.

"I'm here to take your head, Reaper, and then I'll bring it over to the Supernatural Investigators to claim your bounty for my clan…" the radio continues.

"Is…someone playing a prank on me…?" I grumble. "EVELYN!"

But before I can say anything else, another voice matching the one I heard over the radio shouts: "KOGA CLAN SECRET NINJUTSU TECHNIQUE NUMBER 3477, GOKAN NO GIMAN!" [Five Sense Deception]

I spin around to where I heard the voice, seeing a dude dressed in an all gray ninja cosplay robe and black half-mask fly out of a nearby tree towards me, aiming a powerful and acrobatic side kick towards me.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I cry as I swiftly duck under the ninja's kick, causing him to crash fast first into the tree across from the one he jumped out of. "Um…are you okay…?" I ask as I stand back up to face the ninja.

"I-impossible!" The ninja stammers as he peels himself off of the tree then stumbles backwards a few steps, clearly dazed by the impact. "The Reaper…he truly is stronger than I had imagined! He even managed to see through the Koga Clan's Secret Ninjutsu Technique Number 3477, the "Gokan no Giman," where I plant a radio playing my voice in one spot so that my target thinks I'm over there, before performing a sneak attack!"

The ninja stands at a little over six feet tall and is wearing a dark gray gi top with a black sash and matching gray cargo shorts stuffed with various ninja tools, with a long-sleeve black mesh shirt and pants underneath both of those, with a tall collar covering his neck and a black face mask covering his nose and mouth. The ninja also wears a black karate belt tied across his waist, and a dark brown leather belt going across his waist and chest, also holding onto dozens of ninja tools and ornate scrolls. The ninja also sports matching dark brown open-toed sandals and fingerless gloves. His spiky hair is dark brown as well, and is completely swooped to the left. He has dull purple eyes, unfitting of a ninja.

"Er…are you really supposed to give away your entire "secret technique"?" I ask. "And besides, sneak attacks don't really work if you shout out your attack name while doing them!"

"You know not of the wonders of the Koga Clan's ninjutsu!" The ninja snaps as he spins around to face me. As he does, he flings another two ninja stars my way, which I effortlessly swat out of the air, causing him to recoil.

"He even blocked the Koga Clan's Secret Ninjutsu Technique Number 5698, the "Arekuruu Shuriken," [Raging Shuriken] where I pretend to be angry and confrontational towards my target, but instead throw my shuriken their way?!" The ninja cries.

"The Koga Clan?" I ask. "Never heard of 'em."

"Of course you haven't," the ninja sighs. "As I told you, my name is Hanzo Koga, of the Koga Clan. But you can just call me Koga. The Koga Clan used to be the strongest clan of them all. For centuries, we were hired as soldiers, mercenaries, and assassins, doing whatever jobs our clients asked for us with remarkable skill. But then…the age of magic began. The Zephyr family took power and then became the strongest clan around, kicking the Koga Clan off of our throne. And once the Supernatural Investigators were formed, we were put out of business. From there, no one wanted to hire us anymore, they only wanted to hire the Zephyr Clan, our rivals. In order to make money, my clan turned our ninja village into a theme park for kids, and survived off of the gift shop, but just barely. Because of that, my clan ran out of money. So they sent me, their strongest warrior, to Nestant Town to kill you, Reaper, and take your head to the Supernatural Investigators to collect your bounty for my clan, and also to prove to the world that the Koga Clan is not out of business!"

When Koga turns to face me again, he sees that I'm busy picking my ears. "WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" Koga cries.

"Why would I listen to someone trying to kill me?" I ask as I flick the ear wax off of my fingers. "So…you want me to call you Koga, right? Do they call you Koga back at home, too?"

"Yes," Koga answers. "In Ninja culture, it's polite to refer to someone by their last name in order to respect their clan. We all call each other Koga."

"But…doesn't that get confusing…?" I ask.

"Very much so, yes," Koga answers, causing me to sigh.

"Alright, well-" I begin to say, but when I look up to face Koga again, I see that he's right in front of my face, swinging a ninja dagger towards me. "Woah!" I cry as I quickly draw my sickle-sword out of my guitar case and hold it up to block. "I'll give you one thing, you're quick, alright!"

"That's not all I am!" Koga exclaims as he pivots and twists his body, aiming a roundhouse kick towards my head. "I'm flexible, too!"

I quickly bring my non sickle-sword wielding hand up and swat Koga's foot away from my face. "You're the strongest member of your clan?!" I ask in surprise.

"Of course!" Koga answers. "I've mastered every single Ninjutsu Technique of the Koga Clan before I could walk!"

"Well I got bad news for you, pal-" I begin to say as I chamber my free hand. "THE STRONGEST NINJA IS NOTHING TO A REAPER!" I roar as I shoot my fist forwards. But rather than punching Koga in the gut, my fist…just passes right through him! Koga then disappears in a cloud of smoke. "What?! Where did he go?!" I cry as I frantically look from side to side.

"Koga Clan Secret Ninjutsu Technique Number 4327…" a voice begins to say, and I spin around to where I heard the voice, seeing Koga teleport behind me in a cloud of smoke. "KAGE NO KURON!" [Shadow Clone] Koga shouts as he reaches behind his back and draws a silver rod, but upon pressing a button on the hilt of the silver rod, two long shafts shoot out of it, forming a six foot long bo-staff that he swings towards me.

"Shadow clones?!" I cry as I bring my sickle-sword up to block, and our metal clangs against one another. "What is this, anime?"

"Don't compare my techniques to children's shows!" Koga roars as he retracts his bo-staff away from my sickle-sword, before firing off a rapid fire flurry of bo-staff jabs towards me, which I just narrowly dodge.

"Well you cut that out?! You're bothering me!" I snap as I smash Koga in the back of his head with the blunt side of my sickle-sword. Koga's eyelids flutter for a moment, before his knees buckle, causing him to fall face forwards onto the ground, unconscious.

"What a weird guy…" I sigh as I slip my sickle-sword back into my guitar case. "He did have some funky spells though…"


"What's wrong, Zach, you seem jumpy today?" Evelyn asks as she takes a seat next to the cafeteria table next to me.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Raiden asks as he takes the seat on the other side of me. I can feel all eyes on the three of us.

"The cool kid, the school council president, and a nerd?" I hear a girl whisper. "What are they doing together…?"

"Yeah, sorry," I yawn. "It's just…I got attacked on my way to school today. That's why I'm late."

"You'd be late anyway, Zach," Evelyn snorts as she rolls her eyes.

"Really?! Are you hurt?!" Raiden cries.

"Yeah, my attacker was surprisingly weak," I answer. "He called himself Hanzo Koga from the Koga Clan, said he was after my bounty."

"The Koga Clan, hmm…" Raiden replies.

"Who's that?" Evelyn asks.

"Even I don't know who they are," I reply.

"They're a family of wizards, like mine," Raiden answers. "Although they specialize in Ninjutsu. I thought the Koga Clan went out of business, but I suppose not."

"They did go out of business," I snort. "But my head will put 'em back into it."

"What do you plan to do about Koga?" Evelyn asks.

"Meh, I kicked his ass pretty good earlier, I doubt he's coming back any time so-" I begin to say.

I'm cut off when a voice yells: "REAPER," causing me to spin around to where I heard the voice, watching as Koga limps into the cafeteria, clutching his head and moaning in pain. Koga is now wearing our school uniform, just with that same black mask of his and weapon-stashed belts.

"K-Koga?!" I cry as I jump out of my seat.

"I take it that's him?" Evelyn asks as she gets up as well.

Raiden yelps and ducks behind Evelyn for cover.

Koga flings a few more shuriken towards me, but I swiftly hold up my guitar case to block. "Wh-what are you doing here?!" I stammer.

"I told you, Reaper, I'm after your head!" Koga booms. "And I'll never give up, not when the pride of the Koga Clan is on the line! You won that fight earlier, but it won't save you!"

"That was a fight?! I thought you were just playin' around!" I reply. "Besides, how did you even get into my school?!"

"Simple, I knocked one of your classmates unconscious and stole their uniform," Koga answers. "Your pathetic security guards were none the wiser as I snuck into your school wearing my disguise!"

"That's because they don't care enough to check our student ID cards…" Evelyn sighs. "I'll have to talk to the council about this…"

"And how are you, girl, hanging around the Reaper?" Koga asks as he then turns to face Evelyn.

"Oh, me? I'm Evelny Thompson, and I don't appreciate you invading my school!" Evelyn snaps as she storms over to Koga.

"Woah, you go, girl," I sarcastically cheer.

"Enough of your squabbling, humans like you should know better than to butt into supernatural affairs," Koga spits as he pushes Evelyn away from him, causing her to fall to the ground on her butt.

"Ow!" She yelps.

"Hey, that was uncalled for!" I snap. "Your target is me, not Evelyn, so leave her alone!"

"It's not that serious, Zach," Evelyn sighs. "It's not like when Agent Sniper shot at me."

But with Evelyn on the ground, this revals Raiden, who was hiding behind her.

"Wait a minute!" Koga exclaims as he turns to face Raiden. "You…you're a Zephyr, aren't you?!"

"Uh-oh…" Raiden gulps.

"My target is the Reaper, and I can't get any money from your head, also if I harm you it can spark a war against the Zephyr family which the Koga Clan is surely to lose, but either way, if I bring your head back home to my family alongside the Reaper's, it'll inspire great morale across my family!" Koga rambles.

"That's…a lot of reasons not to touch Raiden…" Evelyn comments.

"Don't tell me you're after Raiden too, now!" I shout.

"On your feet, Zephyr, I shall kill you now!" Koga booms as he dashes towards Raiden. You see, I would have taken a step in front of Raiden to protect him, but Koga is too quick and moves past me before I even have a chance to flinch.

"Shit, he's quick!" I quip.

As Koga charges Raiden, he quickly reaches behind his back and draws his bo- staff, swinging it towards Raiden's head, who lets out another yelp before ducking underneath the cafeteria table where Koga can't reach him.

"Ugh…that's gross," Evelyn gags as I help her to her feet.

Koga swiftly brings his leg straight up into the air vertically before swinging it down, slamming his heel straight into the table, which causes a large crack to spread down the side of the table, before cracking it in half.

"Hey, you're paying for that!" Evelyn snaps.

"Eep!" Raiden yelps, then scurreys away like a rat.

"Woah, it's a fight!" Some dude calls out.

"That freshman is fighting the new kid!" Another person comments.

"I've never seen that tall guy before…" a third person chimes in.

"Fight fight fight fight!" The entire cafeteria -lunch ladies included- begins cheering as they gather in a circle around Raiden and Koga.

"No way…" Evelyn begins to say as the two of us are shoved into the crowd.

"Are they actually going to fight?!" I cry.

"I-I have nothing against you," Raiden stammers as he stands up to face Koga. "Why do we have to fight?"

"Well I have everything against you…" Koga growls as he begins circling around Raiden like a predator hunting his prey.

"This isn't a fair fight, you know!" Raiden continues. "I can't use my magic here, but you can still use your martial arts!"

"You're a coward if you refuse to use your magic around these peasants!" Koga shouts as he disappears in a cloud of smoke, before reappearing behind Raiden.

"Woah!" A bystander cheers.

"He just teleported!" Another one cries.

"I can't reveal that I'm a wizard!" Raiden cries. "There are Supernatural Investigators crawling around Nestant Town!"

"Silence!" Koga barks as he leaps into the air, aiming a powerful flying kick towards Raiden. With a yelp, Raiden ducks under Koga's flying kick, causing Koga to soar over the audience's heads, having missed his mark. "Dammit…" Koga grunts as he falls to the ground behind the audience.

"This is my chance!" Raiden cries as he slips into the audience in an attempt to get away.

"Where did you go, Zephyr?!" Koga roars as he begins shoving his way through the audience to get back into the center of the "fighting ring," but I step in Koga's way.

"Your target is me, remember…?" I growl.

"That's right, Reaper," Koga growls back. "I lost my temper upon seeing a Zephyr, but sacrificing my target to hunt down a new prey will bring shame to the Koga name, especially if I dare to return home without your head. The only one I need to kill here is you…"

"Then bring it on," I sneer.

Koga and I then push past the audience and make our way into the makeshift fighting ring.

"Woah, now Zach is fighting the new kid?!" One of the audience members cries.

"Ten bucks on Zach!" A second one cheers.

"Hey, Evelyn!" Raiden squeaks as he worms his way in beside the girl.

"Are you alright?" Evelyn asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I managed to evade all of Koga's attacks," Raiden answers. "So now Zach is fighting Koga in my steed?"

"I guess they want to finish what they started…" EVelyn sighs. "Boys will be boys."

"You're brave, Reaper, fighting me without your scythe or your Reaper powers," Koga calls to me as we begin circling one another.

"I don't need 'em to beat you!" I call back to Koga with a cocky smirk.

This must have ticked Koga off, because he roars: "I'll make you eat your words," before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

"Heh heh…your tricks won't work on me!" I laugh as I spin around and bring my arms up to block. "I know that you plan to teleport riiight behind me!"

But much to my surprise, rather than Koga reappearing in front of me and kicking my blocking arms, I feel a jolt of pain course through my head as I stumble forwards a little bit in a daze, before falling to the ground on my hands and knees. I then turn and peer over my shoulder, seeing Koga looming behind me as he retracts his leg back from a mighty roundhouse kick.

"As you were saying?" He asks.

"Damn…" I grumble as I wipe my mouth before standing back up to face Koga again. "I guess I am not used to fighting without my souls or sickle-sword…"

Koga draws his bo-staff and charges me again, aiming a flurry of jabs my way. I duck my head back and forth and up and down, evading Koga's jabs. Koga then attempts to sweep my feet with his own, but I jump over them, only to be met with a punch to the nose, which I swiftly limbo under as well. From my ducking position, I aim a jab to Koga's stomach, but he hops back to dodge. I then spring back up to my feet as I aim an uppercut to Koga's chin, but he strains his head backwards, dodging that as well.

"KEEP STILL!" I roar as I swing my head downwards, bashing Koga in the forehead with my skull as he tilts his head back to face me, causing Koga to stumble backwards a few steps and clutch his head in a daze, just like me before.

"That was a cheap trick, Reaper," Koga growls.

"All of your moves are pretty cheap too!" I reply with a sinister smirk. "And besides, I'm the Grim Reaper, my kind ain't above playing fair, you should know that!"

Koga and I then charge each other yet again, but before either of us can land a blow, a group of teachers storm into the cafeteria. "Who's fighting?!" One of them booms.

"Quick, let's get to class!" One student shouts, and the rest of the students let out screams and cheers as they fold out of the cafeteria in hopes of not getting trouble. Even the lunch ladies quickly turn around and pretend to be working again. Evelyn and Raiden exchange awkward glances.

"Zach Reaper!" One of the teachers boom as they march over to me. "And, uh …you there! What are you doing?!"

"And Evelyn Thompson, as the school council president, why arne't you intervening?!" Another teacher snaps.

"Oh…how am I supposed to intervene with that?!" Evelyn snaps back.

"Um…nothing!" I answer as I sling an arm around Koga to make it look like we're buddy-buddy. Koga knocks my arm right off of him. "Just two friends dickin' around!"

"Reaper, why now when faced with authority are you so ashamed to admit our battle?!" Koga asks -sounding truly appalled- as he turns to face me.

"This is a teacher, Koga, I don't want to get in trouble!" I answer.

"Hmm…I see…" Koga replies with a small nod. "I, too, lied as a child to my Sensei so as to not get punished. He would starve me for seven straight days and nights if he found me practicing forbidden Ninjutus. Then, I, as well, shall lie to preserve the sanctity of our battle."

"I brother…" I sigh with a face palm.

Koga clears his throat as he turns to face the teacher. "The Reaper and I were merely playing," he lies.

"Wh-who are you…?" The teacher asks.

"I…am a student at this fine school," Koga lies again.

"No…you're not," the teacher replies. "I've never seen you before, who are you?"

Koga pauses.

"KOGA CLAN SECRET NINJUTSU TECHNIQUE NUMBER 1502!" Koga booms as he sticks a hand into his pocket. "KEMURI DAN!" Koga shouts [Smoke Bomb] as he tosses a small round object onto the ground, which explodes in a cloud of smoke, causing the teacher to cough and wave the smoke away from his face. And when the smoke settles, Koga is gone. "You'll see me again, Reaper!" Koga's voice echoes throughout the cafeteria. "I won't go home until I have your head!"

"Zach Reaper, you'll meet with me after school for detention!" The teacher booms as he turns back to face me and jabs a finger towards me.

"Ohhh…" I groan as I slump downwards.

"And you two-" the teacher continues as he spins around to face Evelyn and Raiden and jabs a finger towards them as well. "Evelyn Thompson, Raiden Zephyr, go to class!"

"Y-yes, sir!" My two brave friends stammer as they spin around and scurrey to class.


"Woah, Zach, you look like shit!" Evelyn exclaims as the two of us walk into class together.

"Yeah…Koga's been attacking me all week!" I yawn. "I can't catch a wink of sleep, because every few minutes he's either planting a bomb on my house, throwing poison knives through my window, or planting booby traps! He even got into my house the other day! How did he do that?!"

"Ugh, that sucks," Evelyn replies as we take our seats.

"Yeah, he's been pretty relentless ever since our "fight" at school last week," I sigh.

"Alright, class, take your seats!" Our teacher exclaims as she enters the room. "I have an important announcement now, because today, we have a new student!"

"I hope she's hot," I chuckle as I lean over to Evelyn and whisper into her ear, causing Evelyn to snort and roll her eyes.

"You can come in now!" Our teacher continues as she calls into the hallway.

A moment later, a tall dude wearing a ninja mask struts into the room.

"Oh no…" I sigh with a face palm.

"Is that-?!" Evelyn whisper-shouts.

"Hello, my name is Hanzo Koga, of the Koga Clan, but you can call me Koga," Koga begins to say. "I'm from a clan of mercenaries who were recently put out of business, so I'm here and Nestant Town to-"

"That's great, Koga," our teacher says, cutting him off. "Now, why don't you take a seat, the one next to Zach is open!"

Koga and I lock eyes as he begins making his way down to the seat next to mine. As he does so, Koga flings a pair of shuriken my way, which I swiftly block with my guitar case.

"D-did no one see that?!" I cry as I frantically look around the classroom, shocked to see no reactions. "How did no one see that?!"

"Alright, class, now let's begin the lesson-" our teacher continues as she turns back to the chalkboard, while Koga takes the seat next to my own, but I drone the teacher out.

"Yo, Koga!" I whisper-shout at the ninja. "What the Hell are you doing here?!"

"Shh!" Koga replies, without even looking my way. "No talking in class."

"Did he just shush me?!" I whisper-shout as I turn to face Evelyn, who shrugs in response. "Oh no you didn't!" I then continue as I turn back to face Koga, who turns to me in response.

"How old are you, anyway?" I ask Koga.

"A ninja never discloses such information," Koga answers. "But I am older than you, Reaper."

"Then how are you in my sophomore class?!" I cry.

"As I told you, Reaper, I won't return home until I have your head," Koga whispers back to me, before turning back to face the teacher.

"Attacking me at home, or on the street is one thing, but if you attack me in class you can blow my cover!" I whisper-shout.

"Oh yeah?" Koga asks.

"Oh yeah!" I answer.

"Then you may not want to look under your rear," Koga whispers.

"Wh-why not…?" I stammer.

"Before I came to class, I snuck into school at five in the morning to plant a few microscopic needles.

"WHAT?!" I cry.

"They should be kicking in just about-" Koga begins to say as he peers up at the clock. "-Now."

"Excuse me, I need to go to the nur-" I begin to shout as I jump out of my seat, but before I know it, I'm unconscious.


"So, what's our case today, Evelyn?" Raiden eagerly asks as he sips on a hot chocolate.

"Yeah, what did you cook up for us?" I ask as I sip on my own coffee.

"Yes, what task shall the Reaper struggle to complete whilst I assassinate him?" Koga asks from underneath the table.

"Um…Koga…what are you doing under there…?" I ask.

"This!" Koga answers as he swiftly draws a knife and uses it to stab my foot.

"YEE-OUCH!" I yell as I jump out of my seat, clutching my bleeding foot in agony, and causing every eye in the cafe to focus on me. "S-sorry," I stammer as I take my seat again. "Everything's fine."

"Um, anyway-" Evelyn begins to say as she tabs away at her laptop. "The case that we have today, is-"

"Silence, girl!" Koga barks. "I need the utmost silence to concentrate on my plans to kill the Reaper! And besides, who are you, anyway?!"

"You've been trying to kill Zach for, like…two weeks now, and we're still going through this?!" Evelyn shouts, and this time, it's her turn to jump out of her seat. "My name is Evelyn Thompson! E-V-E-L-Y-N T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N! It's not a difficult name!:"

"Apologies, I shall commit thoust's name to memory this time," Koga apologizes. "Lest I find the reason to dedicate such brain space to a mere human's name."

Evelyn begins growlign and fuming at Koga.

"Must we go through this every day?!" I groan as I lean back in my chair and frustration.

"Until I kill you, Reaper, yes!" Koga answers. "Lest you expose your neck to me now, this purgatory of torment shall never end until you're dead!"

"So, like…do you want to just join Reaper's Paranormal, or something?" I ask Koga. "You've gone on every case with us so far, and in between trying to kill me, you've actually been helping us out quite a lot with your ninja skills. And despite being so stupid, you're actually pretty smart!"

"Is this a trick?!" Koga shouts. "Why would I join thy enemy's organization?!"

"Have it your way…" I sigh as I facepalm yet again.