
Reaper: The Paranormal Adventures of Zach and Evelyn

A student by day and the Grim Reaper by night! Follow the paranormal adventures of Zach Reaper, son of Grim Reaper (the Grim Reaper) and the next in line to become Head of the Reapers, who doesn’t want to reap human souls. Instead, Zach works as a paranormal investigator, dealing with the occurrence of mythical and magical beasts in his hometown, Nestant Town, by reaping their souls. From ghosts, to Devils, to Supernatural Investigators after Zach’s bounty, NOTHING is off limits here in this supernatural action-comedy! Chapters every Monday/Friday at 4pm EST, starting January 1st, 2024!

Palewhale · Action
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49 Chs

Case #1-The Supernatural Tournament, Part 1

"You called me, Uncle Grim?" I awkwardly ask as I step through my front door. With me in tow, are Evelyn, Crimson, Circe, and Koga, who isn't trying to kill me.

"Zach...I have another case for you," Uncle Grim says, who's seated in a chair in our living room, his elbows on his knees and his hands crossed in front of his face. "Come, sit down," Uncle Grim orders as he motions to the chair before him.

"Last time you gave us a case, it almost got us killed and shattered my entire world," I grumble as I take the seat in front of my uncle. "What is it?"

"For centuries now, nay…mileena, there existed an event called the Supernatural Tournament," Uncle Grim begins to explain. "This is an event in which teams of five gather from all parts of the globe to compete in a tournament where any and all creatures are allowed to enter, no restrictions. The prize for winning the tournament…is one wish."

My eyes widen. "No shit…really…?" I ask.

"It's the truth," Uncle Grim replies with a small nod.

"Can you wish for anything?!" I excitedly cry as I jump out of my seat.

"Err…yeah," Uncle Grim answers.

"Nothing is off limits?!"

"Nothing at all."

A smirk spreads across my face as I turn and peer over my shoulder at the three girls behind me, causing them to blush.

"Wh-what are you thinking about, p-pervert!" Evelyn snaps.

"I'm gonna wish for Raiden to marry me!" Circe exclaims.

"I'm going to wish for my clan to stop being a circus act," Koga adds.

"I'm gonna wish to get into a good college," Evelyn sighs.

"Well I'm gonna wish for bunny-girl cosplayers for Evelyn, Circe, and Crimson!" I exclaim, earning me a whack to the back of the head delivered by Evelyn.

"I am going to wish for the death of my father and sisters," Crimson says, causing everyone to go silent.

"Hey…didn't Cancer say that Ezra promised the Twelve Zodiacs each one wish?" Evelyn asks.

"Yeah, that's right," Crimson answers. "This must have been what he was talking about."

"So basically…you want me and friends to risk our lives in the Supernatural Tournament so that we get the wish instead of the Twelve Zodiacs?" I ask.

"Er…yes," Uncle Grim awkwardly answers, causing me to sigh.

"Fine," I sigh. "We'll do it."

"R-really?" Uncle Grim asks as his eyes widen. "You'll really enter."

"Yeah, why wouldn't we." I ask. "We've already saved the world many times by now, what's one more time?"

"Thank you, Zach!" My dad exclaims.

"H-hey…don't we get a say in this…?" Evelyn asks as she sheepishly raises her hand.

"No," I answer as I turn to face Evelyn, before peering back to my Uncle.

"But I must correct you, Zach," Uncle Grim continues. "I'm not asking you to enter the Supernatural Tournament to stop Ezra from getting the wish…I'm asking you to enter…to stop Satan."

This time, Crimson perks up as her eyes widen. "My father…is planning to enter the Supernatural Tournament?" She asks.

"Yes," Uncle Grim answers. "Unlike myself with Purgatory, Satan can't leave Hell, hence why I'm asking you five to enter. Satan will have his own team entering, as well."

"My sisters…" Crimson growls.

"This is troublesome," I reply. "We should call up Raiden."

"But if Raiden's here, then there'll be six of us!" Evelyn laughs. "So…who's getting left out? Koga? Circe?"

Evelyn smiles as she looks back and forth at Crimson, Circe, Koga, and I.

The four of us exchange awkward glances.

Evelny continues looking back and forth between the four of us with a cheesy smile for another moment, before looking to the ground and sighing, as her smile fades. "I know…I know…" she sighs. "It's me. I'm too weak to enter the Supernatural Tournament, if I enter, I'll only drag us down…"

"It's not that," I say as I place a hand on Evelyn's shoulder.

"It's not…?" Evelyn asks as she looks back up at me, sparkles in her eyes.

I stare down at Evelyn, not saying anything for a moment.

"Okay, maybe that is what it is," I say, causing Evelyn to frown. "Buuut…there are plenty of things that you can do, Evelyn, that no one else can!"

"Like what?" Evelyn snorts.

"You're the only one with a whip!" I answer with a beaming smile.

"So we know that my father as well as the Twelve Zodiacs are entering the Supernatural Tournament," Crimson begins, dragging our conversation back on track. "Do we know how many teams there will be, in general?"

"Not many," Uncle Grim answers. "There's a certain strength requirement behind the Supernatural Tournament, and if you meet it, you can't enter. The most teams I've seen are eight."

"How do we know if we meet the strength requirement?" I ask.

"You don't," Uncle Grim shrugs, causing me to sigh. "You don't know if you meet the strength requirement until you try to apply."

I then raise an eyebrow at Uncle Grim. "But wait…being able to wish for anything sounds too good to be true," I ask. "Who's running this tournament?"

Uncle Grim shrugs. "Between God, Satan, and myself, none of us have a clue," he answers. "But they must be extremely powerful if they truly can grant any wish they desire."

"So when is the Supernatural Tournament?" I ask.

"Every five years, around this time," Uncle Grim answers. "So in one week."

"One week?!" I cry. "That's not enough time to prepare!"

"Then you better get to training with your Aunt Lucine," Uncle Grim smirks.

"Wait…that means I gotta go call Raiden!" Circe exclaims, before rushing out of the house.

"The odd thing about the Supernatural Tournament is that, when you get there… you can't leave until the tournament has finished," Uncle Grim continues. "Whether you're a competitor, a team who was disqualified, or an audience member."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"There is no physical space for the Supernatural Tournament," Uncle Grim answers. "You'll see what I mean once you go to enter. I'll explain it to you then."

"And what's more, no one is allowed to know the wishes of those who win the tournament, not even amongst the winners' group," Uncle Grim continues. "The only people allowed to know the wish is the person who is playing the wish as well as the owner of the Supernatural Tournament, the one whom we presume to be granting the wish. And another thing. The team who wins the Supernatural Tournament, when the tournament ends…"

"They don't remember their own wishes. They don't even remember what the Supernatural Tournament even is."

My eyes widen.

"Alright, now this is just getting freaky!" Evelyn shudders.

"But that's enough about that," Uncle Grim finishes. "What I want you to do, Zach, is to enter the Supernatural Tournament. You don't need to win. All I need you to do is gather some information on this tournament. Who's running it, what's running it, Hell, what do the workers for the Supernatural Tournament eat for breakfast! It doesn't matter how little or how big that the information you find about this Supernatural Tournament is, as long as you find something. And even if you don't find something, it's still okay."

"Peace of cake," I smirk as I crack my knuckles. "You forget that I'm a Paranormal Investigator first, and a hot playboy second!"

"Right…" Uncle Grim smiles, at something that usually wouldn't have made him smile before. "Just promise me one thing, Zach," Uncle Grim then continues. "That if you do win the Supernatural Tournament, I need you to promise me that you wish for your group to remember everything about the Supernatural Tournament after it ends."

"Oh…" I sadly reply as my voice falls flat.

"What's the matter?" Uncle Grim asks.

"Oh…nothing…" I sigh.

"Did you…want to use your wish for yourself?" Uncle Grim asks.


No harem for me.

"Oh, and one more thing," Uncle Grim adds. "You guys need to pick a Team Captain."


"The Supernatural Tournament, eh?" Koga asks as the five of us are chilling at our usual table at el Cafe coffee the very next day. Raiden is still not with us

"Does your clan know anything about it?" I ask Koga.

"No…" Koga answers. "Never heard of it."

"What about you?" I then ask as I turn to face Crimson.

 "Same here," Crimson answers. "Nothing."

"How strange…" I sigh.

"I notice that you didn't look at me, Zach," Evelyn pouts.

"Why would you know anything about the Supernatural Tournament?" I ask.

"BECAUSE I RESEARCH SUPERNATURAL INFORMATION ALL THE TIME FOR YOU PEOPLE! I'M THE RECEPTIONIST OF REAPER'S PARANORMAL, REMEMBER?!" Evelyn shrieks as she jumps up, slamming her first down on the table. Evelyn then looks around and sees that she's getting confused and worried from the people around her, as well as some snickers and cringes. Evelyn blushes and sits back down, clearly embarrassed by her actions.

"Well...do you know anything about the Supernatural Tournament?" I ask

"N-no," Evelyn stammers as she quickly looks away.

"Exactly," I smugly reply with a smirk.

"So I'm the Team Captain, right?" I ask. "I'm assuming we have no quarrels about that."

"It only makes sense," Raiden answers.

"You are the boss of Reaper's Paranormal, after all," Circe replies.

"So…it'll be Zach, Raiden, Circe, Koga, and myself for the Supernatural Tournament?" Crimson asks. "With a team like this…I don't see how we can lose."

"That's if Raiden can get back here in time," I sigh.

"Oh…he will," Circe smirks. "I called 'em up."


"The Supernatural Tournament, huh?" Agent Hexley smirks as he cracks his knuckles. "This'll be fun!"

"The Supernatural Tournament…" Agent Sniper asks, earning him a frown from Agent Kardos. "I wonder…if the Reaper will be there…"

"What will you use your wish for, Smith?" Agent Gaumond asks.

"Oh…I don't know!" Agent Smith answers as she leans back in her seat. "Maybe…a lifetime supply of plasma grenades!"

"Sounds great!" Gaumond replies. "I want all you can eat McDonalds!"

"Remember," Chief Fautus interrupts. "You five aren't entering the tournament to have fun, you're entering to make sure those wishes don't fall into the hands of the wrong crowd. That's why I'm electing my five strongest Agents to enter. One of you must wish to remember everything about the Supernatural Tournament once you win, and another one of you must wish to end all future tournaments for good."

"Yes, Chief…" Smith, Gaumond, and Hexley sigh.

"I'll do one of the wishes," Kardos says as she raises a hand and peers at Sniper out of the corner of her eye. "I can't think of anything else that I would wish for."

"And I'll do the other wish," Hexley adds. "Anything for you, Chief."

"I would wish…for every Reaper to be dead…" Sniper ominously says to himself, and only Kardos, sitting right next to him can hear.

"Oh, and one more thing," Faustus then smirks. "Make sure one of you wishes for a shit ton of cash."


"I'm sure you all know why I have gathered you all today," Ezra announces as Cancer, Libra, and Yamata gather around him. "After many years of waiting, the Supernatural Tournament is finally upon us, and Team Zodiacs will be entering."

"Will Pisces be joining us?" Cancer asks.

"No," Ezra answers. "He's not a fighter.

"What about Aquarius, Gemini, or Taurus?" Libra asks.

"Not with us, at least," Ezra answers. "They will be entering as Team Satan instead, to increase our chances of victory."

"But Virgo was captured and Capricorn is dead!" Yamato exclaims. "That means we'll be entering a five man tournament with four fighters."

"Don't worry," Ezra smirks. "Mikoto should be coming home soon." 


"The Supernatural Tournament is in two days," Uncle Grim says as the five of us--including Evelyn- who plan to enter the tournament gather in the living room. And finally…Raiden is with us. "Your job, now, is to enter."

"I can't believe I had to cut my training short for this…" Raiden sighs.

"Don't worry, honey!" Circe exclaims as she slings an arm around Raiden's shoulder, causing the wizard to pass out. "The Supernatural Tournament will make for great training!"

"Don't worry, you and Mikoto can always scurry back to the mountains after we're done," Koga replies.

"Did you get any stronger?" I ask Raiden with a smirk.

"Wait and see," Raiden smirks back.

"How do we enter the Supernatural Tournament?" I ask.

"That part is surprisingly simple," Uncle Grim answers. "First…you must join hands."

The five of us look around awkwardly

"Go ahead, do it," Uncle Grim urges.

"Yeah, guys," Evelyn snickers. "Do it."

Crimson, Koga, Raiden, Circe, and I gather in a circle, and Circe excitedly snatches up Raiden's hand with a beaming smile. I'm pretty sure Uncle Grim made her day.

"Well this is…cringey," I sigh as the five of us join hands.

"Now…say we wish to enter the Supernatural Tournament!" Uncle Grim orders, before turning to Evelyn. "Or, if you wish to spectate, you clasp your own hands together and say I want to watch the Supernatural tournament!"

"You're joking, right?" I ask as I peer over my shoulder at my uncle.

"Yes, I am, this is stupid," Uncle Grim replies. "No, weirdly enough, I'm not. Despite everything about the Supernatural Tournament being shrouded in mystery, entering it is surprisingly easy."

"I wish to enter the Supernatural Tournament!" A voice says, and I turn around, to see Evelyn with her hands together.

"Evelyn!" I cry.

Evelyn's body then begins fading. "Woooah…" Evelyn marvels, her voice trailing off as she disappears.

"Where the Hell did Evelyn go?!" I cry.

"Don't worry," Uncle Grim answers. "She merely entered the stands of the Supernatural Tournament."

"She's a human, she'll die if any of the other spectators target her!" I cry.

"Violence is strictly prohibited outside the confines of the tournament," Uncle Grim explains. "She'll be alright."

I sigh, before turning back around to face my friends. "Alright…here goes nothing," I say. "You guys ready?"





I close my eyes and take a deep breath in…then out. And when I open my eyes again, a wave of confidence washes over my doubtful expression. "We wish to enter the Supernatural Tournament!" The five of us shout in unison, and then…everything goes black.


In one second, Crimson, Raiden, Circe, Koga, and I were all standing in a circle and holding hands in my living room, and in the next second, the five of us find ourselves standing in a large boxing arena, with barbed wire instead of ropes. Around the arena, lay rows and rows of bleachers filled to the brim with audience members of... various different species.

I can spot Evelyn in the audience who's looking around nervously at all the shouting and hollering monsters around her, so I wave to her. Upon seeing me, an excited grin spread across Evelyn's once-worried face as she waves back.

I then look around at the other teams, spotting one team made up of the Supernatural Investigators, one team made up of the Twelve Zodiacs. The other two teams I don't know.

"Ezra…" I growl.

"Zach…" Ezra growls back.

"Reaper…" Agent Sniper growls.

"Sniper…" I growl back.

"Reaper…" Cancer growls.

"Cancer…" I growl back.

"The ninja…" Libra growls.

"Libra…" Koga growls back.

"Storm Wizard…" Agent Smith growls.

"H-huh…?" Raiden whimpers.

"Sapphire…" Crimson growls.

"Crimson…" a blue-haired girl from one of the teams that I don't know growls back.

"Who's that?" I whisper to Crimson.

"My older sister," Crimson answers, causing my eyes to widen.

"And the green haired and orange haired girls…?" I ask.

"My younger sisters," Crimson answers.

"Hey, you guys!" Another voice shouts, and I turn to where I heard the voice, seeing Hunter wander over to us.

"HUNTER?!" I cry. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to win the Supernatural Tournament, duh!" Hunter answers. "That's my team," Hunter then says as he jams a thumb over his shoulder to his team behind him, which is fully made up of people and creatures that I don't recognize

"How…are they strong enough to enter…?" Circe whispers. I shrug.

"Five teams, huh? Not bad," a voice says, and I peer over to where I heard the voice, watching as a very small gray humanoid creature floats over to us on a fluffy pillow. His entire face is made out of one big eyeball, with two little horns sticking out of either side of its head. It wears an elaborate, flowing purple cloak on top of a white shirt with golden chains and decals on it.

"Hello, name is Loki, and I am the creator, owner, and announcer for the Supernatural Tournament," the small creature explains. Loki doesn't have a mouth, and when it speaks…it feels as if it's using telepathy, like Cancer does. It's very uncanny and unsettling. "I would like to thank all of you for partaking in the Supernatural Tournament. Every year, the audience has a lot of fun."

Who are you?

What are you?

Where is this place?

What's your shoe size"

I have...so many questions. And soon enough, I find myself accidentally asking those questions out loud. 

"Loki!" I cry, interrupting the small creature's opening speech.

"Hello, Zach Spyirdon, how may I assist you?" Loki asks as it turns to face me. It knows…my name? My real name?!

"Um…what are you?" I ask.

"I cannot answer your question," Loki answers.

"Where are we?" I ask again.

"I cannot answer your question," Loki repeats.

"What are your abilities?" I ask.

"I said, I cannot answer your question!" Loki answers, its voice growing louder.

"What are-" I begin to say, but Loki cuts me off.

"I CANNOT, WILL NOT, AND SHALL NOT TELL YOU!" Loki booms, screaming directly into my head and causing me to flinch. My eyes widen.

Everyone is silent.

"Now then-" Loki innocently says, breaking our moment of silence. "Any more questions?"

With my eyes still wide, I furiously shake my head no.

"Thought so," Loki replies.

It looks like finding out information about the Supernatural tournament will be much, much harder than I had thought.

"Without further ado-" Loki begins to say as it turns round to face the audience then floats high into the air. "Welcome, everyone, to the Supernatural Tournament!" Loki booms, causing the audience to cheer. I can see Evelyn awkwardly let out a fake cry.

"I would like you all to give our teams a round of applause as I introduce them all!" Loki continues. "First up, we have Team Reaper's Paranormal, led by Zach Spyridon, one of the final living Harvesters, and consisting of Crimson Lilith, one of Satan's daughters, Raiden Zephyr, the Storm Wizard, Circe Salem, the cursed witch, and Hanzo Koga, strongest ninja of the Koga Clan!"

The audience cheers.

"Hey, that's us!" I exclaim.

"They sure…know a lot about us," Koga comments. "That makes me… uncomfortable."

"At least we're popular," Circe sighs.

"Next up, we have Team Zodiacs!" Loki continues. "Led by Ezra Reaper, son of the Grim Reaper, and next in line to become Head Reaper! And consisting of Yamata and Mikto Rogue, reincarnations of the legendary Yamata no Orochi and Susanoo no Mikoto respectively, Cancer the bigfoot, and Libra the witch!"

The audience goes wild.

"Hey, that sounds familiar!" I chime in.

"Mikoto, huh…?" Raiden asks as he peers over at Mikoto.

"Hello again, Raiden…" Mikoto says as he peers back at the Storm Wizard.

"Did…something happen between you two while you were gone?" Ezra asks.

"No…" Mikoto answers as he continues staring at Raiden. "Nothing at all."

"So…Ezra doesn't know…?" I ask myself.

"And then, we have Team Supernatural Investigators!" Loki continues. "Led by the son of a God, Agent Hexley, and consisting of Agent Sniper, son of Garuda, Agent Kardos, his partner, and the spear and shield duo, agents Smith and Gaumond!"

The audience begins booing.

I can't help but to laugh.

"We're…being booed?!" Hexley yelpps.

"Figures…" Kardos sighs. "Why would they like us here…?"

"The investigators are hated wherever they go around our kind!" I laugh.

"Up next, is Team Hunter!" Loki continues. "Led by Harold Hunter, and consisting of his family of Hunters! Henry Hunter, Henrie Hunter, Harry Hunter, and Harie Hunter!"

The audience is silent.

"So…no one knows who they are?" I ask.

"They all…have the same names…?" Circe asks.

The audience continues its silence.

But then…Hunter's team bursts out cheering, taking the place of the silent audience

"YEAHHHHH!" Hunter booms. "WE'RE GONNA WIN!"



Hunter's team continues laughing, trying to break the awkward silence of the audience.

I sigh at the embarrassing display.

"Finally…coming all the way from Hell, we have Team Satan!" Loki booms. "Led by the eldest daughter of Satan, Aquarius, and consisting of Satan's two youngest daughters, Emerald and Bronze, as well as two more Devils, Beelzebub and Moloch!"

The audience goes crazy, the loudest that I've ever heard them.

"Now this Team is popular!" I exclaim. "The more evil you are, the more the audience likes you, I guess!"

"That is sort of how things work around here, it seems," Raiden replies. "The audience is filled with all sorts of evil, blood and carnage loving creatures, it's no wonder that they hate the Supernatural Investigators and love the Devils."

Crimson growls ferally at her sisters.

"Now then-" Loki begins to say as they turn to face the teams. "I will go over the rules of the tournament. In the first round, Team Supernatural Investigators will face Team Hunter. The winning team will face Team Reaper's Paranormal. The winning team from there will then face Team Zodiacs, and finally, the winning team from that match will face Team Satan. We will have one round per day."

"Um…" Kardos begins to say as she raises a hand. "These matchups…don't seem fair."

"That's the point," Loki answers as they turn to face Kardos. "The tournament is skewed towards the team that the audience wants most to see win."

"For each match, it is up for the team with the most popular vote to decide the competition, which can be anything," Loki explains. "It can be a series of one on one battles, a five vs five brawl, a two vs two and three vs three, anything. So long as it's a fight and you don't make the rules so that anyone on the opposing team is left out. Each fight will go until one side is unconscious or surrenders, and each round will continue until one team has no one left to fight. The winning team will be determined by the number of fights won. If it's a tie, then the win will go to a sudden death round in a one on one between the Team Captains. Oh…and one more thing: up until the final round, you are no to kill your opponents. If you do…you will be disqualified."

We can't kill our opponents? This seems…counterintuitive for a tournament all about bloody battles. Oh well. Not that I'm complaining. As much as I don't want to kill, I like being not killed even more.

"Now then…any questions?" Loki asks.

The rest of us are silent.

"In that case…" Loki begins to say. "LET THE SUPERNATURAL TOURNAMENT …BEGIN!"