

( just another abandoned story. an approach to harry potter with a realistic touch. as mentioned it is abandoned and not complete. while I will not call this one enjoyable it is worth reading. ) Harry returns to Privet Drive after 4th year and finds it...empty! What do you do when you can't go to your friends for help? Additional Story Notes FYI: a. AU Summer before Fifth Year Fic, b. Not particularly fast-paced. (harry potter belongs to JK Rowlings. and I am not the author of this fanfiction. all credits for this fanfiction goes to wish weaver. this story is available on fanfiction.net)

whitethief274 · Livres et littérature
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81 Chs

Chapter 73- Meeting at the Leaky cauldron.

July 28, 1995


Remus Lupin gave silent thanks for his cottage's rather isolated location, before turning and giving Sirius Black his best "Pipe Down, Loudmouth" glare.

It worked as well as it ever had, which is to say Sirius wasn't fazed in the least. "I'LL SAY 'HELLO' TO HARRY MYSELF, THANKS," he bellowed, stomping over to Remus and wagging a finger under his nose, "BECAUSE I'M GOING TO THE LEAKY BLOODY CAULDRON WITH YOU!"

"No." Remus kept his voice low and even-a trick that had sometimes calmed his Hogwarts classes. "You aren't."

Sirius flushed and jutted his jaw out, looking very much like the headstrong boy he'd been in school.

Stifling a sigh, Remus met his friend's angry glare. In a lot of ways Sirius was that same boy. When they'd first been reunited, he'd simply been thankful Sirius had escaped with his sanity, and was amazed at how unchanged he'd seemed. It wasn't until later that he realized Sirius was a little too unchanged.

This particular side effect was both insidious and profound. It had taken quite some time and a few chats with Dumbledore before Remus had been able to put his finger on exactly what was bothering him. Sirius had all his mental facilities about him, and he'd matured physically, of course, but emotionally... Sometimes he was amazingly rational. Other times he seemed to have the maturity level of someone still in his late teens.

Remus allowed himself a mental eyeroll. Rather like a certain Head of House I know... Bit rich, really. Sometimes I think Harry's the most levelheaded of the lot!

Still, he had to admit, Sirius had made remarkable progress in the last year or so. When the situation demanded it, he could apply himself to a problem with amazing focus and determination. Perhaps in part it was because he had Harry to concentrate on, and a goal to work toward. Now was a perfect example. Sirius very obviously wanted to continue the argument, or perhaps take a swing at something to ease his frustration. Instead, he was fighting to bring himself back under control.

"I'll be fine!" he insisted, calmer but sounding like he was having to work for every word. "I'll stay in my Animagus form. No one will know."

Remus shook his head. "No, Sirius. Dumbledore thinks it's too dangerous."

"Dumbledore!" Sirius' face twisted into a mutinous scowl. "Is that what this is about? The old man doesn't think I can handle myself?"

"It isn't that and you know it!"

"Don't I? He didn't think it was too dangerous for me to gather the Old Crowd and be on that stakeout with you a few weeks ago!"

Remus ran a hand through his hair and struggled with his own frustration. "That stakeout was out of the country, Padfoot! No one there was looking for a fugitive wizard or a black dog! About the Old Crowd...that was before the rat blabbed your Animagus form to Voldemort and his lot."

Sirius made a derisive noise and cut the air with his hand. "Do you have any idea how many black dogs there are in Britain? Who cares if Snake-Face knows my Animagus form?"

"You should you stupid git!" Remus felt his hackles rise as he walked slowly towards Sirius. "If you'll calm down and bloody think a minute, you'll see the old man's right! Yes, there are a lot of black dogs in Britain, but how many hang around Dumbledore, or me, or Harry for that matter? If you're seen with any of us it'll be a dead giveaway and they'll know exactly which black dog to go after!"

Sirius crossed his arms and glared at Remus. "I can take care of myself, thanks."

"Dammit, Sirius, this isn't a game! You get caught and the consequences will be a hell of a lot worse than serving detention for McGonagall. You could end up dead or worse!"

"I was doing fine!"

"Yeah, before you came back to Britain!" As he continued his advance, Remus caught Buckbeak out of the corner of his eye. The hippogriff was stretched out on the back lawn, sunning himself. "Maybe you should just get on Buckbeak and go back to where you were last summer. Go back and stay there until we can get this sorted out."

Sirius looked like he'd just been told the moon was made of green cheese. "What?! No way! I'm no coward!"

Remus blinked, thrown by the sudden topic shift. "Coward? Who said you were a coward?"

Sirius lifted his chin again. "I'm not going to leave the country when Voldemort's back and Harry's in so much danger!" Remus opened his mouth to argue, but Sirius cut him off. "It was different before. I didn't like leaving, but it wasn't so bad. I thought Hogwarts was safe, and Harry had his blood protection. Besides, what if Flitwick's right and the folder's transferred guardianship to that Muggle family? I won't stand by and let Harry get placed in a home where he's unwanted! Once was enough!"

"No one wants that, Paddy. Dumbledore won't allow it," Remus tried to reassure, wincing when haunted blue eyes met his own.

"Won't he Remus?"

"I won't allow it then!" Remus snarled, the wolf and his own Gryffindor bravado leaping out of his mouth before he could stop them. Sirius stared at him for a couple of heartbeats, then chuckled and cracked a little half-grin.

"You're a little scary when you do that."

Remus snorted. "So you always said."

"So did James," Sirius pointed out.

And Peter hung uncomfortably in the air between them, felt but not spoken aloud. Remus wondered for perhaps the millionth time, what happened to the boy he used to tutor at Hogwarts, but a glance at the clock brought him back to the present with a bump.

Damn! If he didn't hurry he was going to be late. "So you won't be coming to the Leaky Cauldron with me, right?" he prodded, prepared to Stupefy Sirius if he had to.

Sirius opened his mouth as if to continue arguing, then stopped with an arrested expression on his face. As Remus watched in amazement, he closed his mouth and shrugged. "Fine."


"Fine, I said. Fine. You win. I won't go to the Leaky Cauldron with you. Happy?"

Remus raised his eyebrows. "You won't?"

Sirius responded with an irritated look, and impatient little flipping gestures. "I just said I wouldn't, didn't I? G'wan. Scram. Enjoy yourself."

Remus wasn't altogether sure he trusted Sirius, okay, he was sure he didn't trust Sirius, but it was getting late, and he wanted at least one of them to be there for Harry. From the sound of things, the boy was expecting to be clapped in irons the second he dared show himself, and that would never do. Decision made, Remus took a pinch of Floo Powder. He'd just have nip over and get back as quickly as he could. "Be back soon, alright?"

"Sure, Moony."

Sirius was the very image of casual unconcern, but Remus caught the subtle tang of anticipation in his friend's scent-something he remembered all too well from his Hogwarts days. He's definitely up to something, but what? Remus hesitated. Was Sirius planning a retaliatory prank? The werewolf cringed imagining what his house might look like upon his return, then shrugged deciding it didn't matter. As long as he stayed put, Sirius could charm the place neon pink and Slytherin green if he wanted to. This time Harry had to come first.


"Look there, he's getting ready to take a bite," Harry said, pointing at a picture of a rather disinclined-looking creature. "Do you think he's going to like it?" he asked, smiling down at Becky who was snuggled against his side with her favorite blanket and cuddly bear.

"Nah, he'll probably hate it," Kitty teased from his other side. She was obviously trying to get a rise out of her sister, but Becky wasn't taking the bait. Harry gave the older girl a sympathetic glance. It was a bit off-putting to see the active, happy baby so still and quiet. Madam Pomfrey had dosed Kitty and himself with a couple of foul-tasting concoctions plus a healthy sip of Pepper-Up Potion, so they were mostly recovered. Becky wasn't old enough to tolerate the full strength versions, so she was still on the mend. He and Kitty were trying to perk her up by reading one of her favorite books. They'd even divided up the parts. Kitty was reading the little bloke's lines, and he was playing the poor chap who wasn't too keen on green eggs and ham, but it was only working up to a point.

Harry regarded the book in his hands with a certain ironic amusement as he recounted how the larger fellow did like the dish once he'd tried it, wondering what Hermione would think if she could see him now. He'd never really understood her fascination with books and reading. To him, books were tools-things to be consulted when writing an essay. Hermione read even when she didn't have to-called it fun for Heaven's sake!

"Mum and Dad started reading to me before I could even understand the words properly," she'd told him once when he'd asked her about it. He'd nodded his acceptance, but hadn't really understood the explanation or the soft expression that had stolen across her face. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia hadn't put as much emphasis on books and reading as the Grangers seemed to, possibly because they didn't do a lot of pleasure reading themselves. Harry had a few dim memories of Aunt Petunia reading bedtime stories when he and Dudley were very young, but the practice had been abandoned early on. Harry couldn't recall why exactly, but he suspected Dudley's preference of the telly and video games probably had a lot to do with it.

That wasn't true of the Wright children. Kitty and Becky liked their games and videos, true, but both of them also loved to read and be read to. Harry had thought that odd at first, especially in Kitty's case. She was perfectly capable of reading to herself, after all. Now he was beginning to understand that it was less about the story read, and more about sharing, closeness, comfort and attention. He'd already figured out the giving end of that, but the notion had been firmly reinforced when he'd awakened in the transfigured tub a few nights ago. Harry hadn't really appreciated the feeling of being cared for until Steve shooed the women out so he could get into some dry pajamas, and Janet had read to him until he fell asleep. Shuddering inwardly Harry gave silent thanks that they'd at least left him in his pants. He didn't think he'd ever be able to face Janet again if he'd been stripped completely starkers.

Speaking of Steve and Janet, Harry had to admit the last few days had been a learning experience. Living with the Wright family for several days was a slightly different dynamic from his previous visits. This time he'd been there long enough to see them not always on their best behavior. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia tended to present a united front in all things. If one was calm, they both were calm. If one was angry, they both were angry. Steve and Janet were slightly different. If one crossed over into true anger or upset, the other one tended to be calm. Given their temperaments, that was probably a good thing. Grinning fondly, Harry peeked over the top of the storybook, watching as Janet buzzed around the room. It was clearly Steve's turn to be the reasonable one.

"Has everyone been to the bathroom?" Janet suddenly asked, sparing a glance at the clock.

"Everybody's good, Jannie," Steve reassured.

"Good. Do you have everything, Sparky?"

Harry indicated his bag and Hedwig's cage which were packed and ready to go. "Right there, Janet."

Janet nodded, then continued to pace distractedly around the living room. "Toys, books, medicine, blanket," she muttered, counting off items on her fingers before stopping to address her husband directly. "Steve, do you think we might need the portable playpen?"

"We should be okay, babe. If Becky gets tired before we're done you or I can bring her home."

"I suppose. Oh! Snacks!"

"Janet, we're going to the Leaky Cauldron."

"Oh. Right. I wonder what they want to speak to us about."

Steve shrugged. "Kitty, I'd imagine," he said, walking over to the couch and taking a seat by his oldest daughter. "Didn't the letter say something about Salem?"

"Yeah," Janet responded absently, stuffing two packets of tissues into her already bulging diaper bag. "And Harry's school."

Harry exchanged an amused look with Steve. "Is she going to be able to lift that thing?" he murmured, making sure Janet couldn't hear him.

Steve chuckled. "She's tougher than she looks, but if she has trouble, that's what I'm for. Pack mule extra ordinaire," he responded with a wink. Raising his voice, he called, "Jannie, we're going to be walking a few blocks up the street, not crossing the Himalayas."

"I want to make sure I have everything I might need. Becky's still not one hundred percent."

Harry bit his lower lip, now feeling slightly ashamed of himself. "You don't have to come with me, you know," he offered, glancing at the listless girl again.

Janet rolled her eyes. "I know I don't have to. I choose to. Besides, Professor Dumbledore asked to speak to us, remember?"

"Oh, right." Harry stifled a snort with some difficulty. How could he forget? Janet had sent Hedwig off to arrange a time and date to meet. When she'd returned with a note from the Headmaster, Janet had been almost beside herself with delighted surprise.

"Hi, sweetie, what do you have there?"

"Aw, look! Who's the smart girl?


Who's the fastest, bravest, most beautiful owl?"

Remembering made Harry smile. Actually, her gushing hadn't bothered him nearly as much as the superior looks Hedwig had thrown his way. "You see? This is how an owl is properly appreciated," she'd seemed to say from her perch on Janet's arm.

As if his thought had summoned her, Hedwig flew past, whacking him quite deliberately with her wing. "Hey!" Harry objected, rubbing the side of his head, while Steve laughed at him.

"Serves you right for picking on my lady. Oh, don't even try, I know what you were thinking about," he grinned, holding up a hand when Harry opened his mouth to object. Defeated, Harry crossed his arms and slouched grumpily into the sofa cushions while Kitty giggled into her hand. Steve waggled his eyebrows at the three of them, then returned to the business of reassuring his wife.

"We'd both like to hear what the teachers have to say, agreed?"

Janet looked torn, then sighed. "Yes."

"Well, there you go. Becky should be okay for a little while, isn't that right, beautiful?" he asked, reaching over and tweaking the tiny girl's nose.

Unable to hold his disgruntled look, Harry felt himself starting to grin again when Becky gave her father a little smile and held her arms up in a silent request to be held.

Janet was still considering her bag. "Do you think they'll make us wait? Maybe I should bring a book, too."

Steve shook his head. "Janet, God's truth, if you put one more thing in there, I think you might rip the seams. We'll be fine."

Janet ran an appraising eye over the bag, then sighed. "I guess you're right. It's time to go, anyway."


As they headed toward the Leaky Cauldron, Harry felt profoundly ill at ease. His headband and contacts had never seemed so inadequate. They'd know who he was, of course, but he felt the need to hide behind his disguise. The Wrights had never been seen in the company of Harry Potter, and he intended to keep it that way. Jim Patterson was dangerous enough.

Still, as glad as he was for their company-and he was glad no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise-Harry admitted he was a little unsure about how things were going to go. Was Professor Dumbledore coming alone? That would be preferable, but not likely. Harry didn't reckon Sirius would stand for that. At the very least, he imagined Profess-Remus would be there.

The Weasleys and the Grangers would probably be there too, Harry mused. Steve had run into Mr. Weasley when he'd gone to the Leaky Cauldron to get pumpkin juice, bring Tom up to date, and pick up a few more clothes. From what Steve said, Harry concluded that the Weasleys would be staying at the Leaky Cauldron until the structural damage to the Burrow was repaired. Hermione and her parents seemed to be there as a precautionary measure.

Of course this begged the question, "How big is this meeting going to be?" Harry wasn't sure if the Weasleys and the Grangers would be there or not, but he knew they'd want to speak to him after the fact. Ron and Hermione had said as much in the notes they'd sent back with Steve. Harry considered this as he continued up the street, feeling excited and terrified by turns. Everyone seemed willing enough to forgive him. On the other hand, the conversation could turn ugly.

Then there was the problem of his lodging. Would he have to give up Tom's old room? When he realized the answer to that was probably "yes," Harry felt his stomach sink. He'd grown more attached the place than he'd thought.

A gentle hand on his shoulder made him jump slightly. Embarrassed, he turned to face Janet. "Okay?" she asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

Harry started to sigh and roll his eyes, then stopped himself and nodded instead. She and Steve had taken very good care of him when he'd been so wretchedly ill, and to be fair, he'd scared the pants off both of them when Fawkes had held him outside his body. "I'm okay, Janet. Just nerves, I suppose. Can't say I'm exactly looking forward to this."

Steve raised an incredulous eyebrow. "Don't let your friends hear you say that. They certainly want to see you!"

"I want to see them, I just don't fancy all the hard feelings I'm going to have to work through first," Harry admitted. Steve clapped a hand on his other shoulder and shook him slightly.

"Give 'em a chance, bud. Arthur Weasley seemed like a nice guy, and Professor Dumbledore was more than willing to accommodate our schedule. Tom even said we could use one of the parlors, and he'd put a privacy spell on it for us."

Harry brightened a bit at that. At least he shouldn't have to worry about someone overhearing. And anyway, it was too late now. The Leaky Cauldron was mere footsteps away. Stopping, Harry looked at the little pub and fought with a wild urge to turn and run. Just about anywhere was sounding better than here at the moment.

Surprisingly, given Janet's tendency to pick up on things, it was Steve that seemed to know exactly what he was thinking. "Come on," he said, half chiding, half coaxing. "You have to own up to your mistakes. The sooner this is over, the better you'll feel."

"Steve's right, I have a good feeling about this," Janet agreed, giving Harry an encouraging smile. "Everything will work out, you'll see."

"If you say so," Harry said dubiously, reaching for the door. He stopped, hand frozen in midair, when he saw a notice attached to it.

The Leaky Cauldron's main dining room will be closed from 2:00 - 4:00 pm this afternoon.

We will re-open at 4:15 pm and dinner service will begin at 5:00 pm.

Please proceed around the building to the back courtyard for access to Diagon Alley. Guests of the Leaky Cauldron may use the back entrance to gain entry to their rooms.

We regret any inconvenience, and appreciate your patience.

The Management

"Ah, good," Steve's voice came over his shoulder. "Tom said he'd do his best to keep things quiet for you. He wanted you to be comfortable."

Impossible, thought Harry, looking at the door like it lead into a dungeon, even as he nodded. Still, he had to admit, he appreciated the effort. A crowd of witches and wizards was the last thing he wanted to deal with right now. Well, okay, other than the crowd that was probably already in there, that is.

While he was mulling this over, Kitty slipped by him and tugged on the door. "It's locked!"

"Hmm." Harry saw Janet glance at her wristwatch. "This is when we agreed to meet, I doubt it's another party. Knock, sweetie," she instructed, though whether she was speaking to Harry or Katrina wasn't clear.

Kitty was the nearer of the two, so she raised her hand, only to lower it again when the door cracked open and Tom peeked out. When he saw Harry, his face split into a broad smile.

"Welcome back, lad! Feeling better I hope?"

Nodding, Harry felt an answering smile form on his face. Steve and Janet were great, no question, but he'd missed Tom and the Leaky Cauldron while he'd been away. "Much better, thanks."

"Good, good." Tom ran an appraising eye over the rest of the group, stopping when he came to Becky. "Oh, dear. Are you still sick, love?"

"She's better," Steve assured him. "Just not quite there yet."

"Poor lamb. Come in so we can get on with this. Sooner she's tucked back into bed the better, I'd say." Turning back to Harry, Tom reached for his bag and Hedwig's cage. "I'll take these for you. Professor Dumbledore is at table three. Best not keep him waiting."

Harry looked toward the indicated table and saw Professor Dumbledore rising from his chair along with the Hogwarts House Heads and another woman he didn't know. Well, this was it. For better or for worse, the cat was out of the bag now. "I suppose we should go say hello," he murmured, glancing back at the Wrights.

"Sure, bud," Steve said easily. "So the Gandalf look-alike is Professor Dumbledore?"
