
in the arts - lost in the sea

realism is the art, the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.

fact of representing a person or thing in a way that is accurate and true to life.

Well let's represent my life as it is.

Well let's start with myself.

A girl that once wanted to become a writer but well I don't have the Patience to write a book completely even though I have tried to write stuff but in the end it always ends up with life coming in the way being busy with stuff.

whenever I try to write down something it ends up being incomplete.

Like how my life feels sometimes.

I don't always understand what I am feeling like right now I just wanted to write something down and this is it may be what happens in my life,my attitude towards approaching writing is wrong. well let's see if we can represent even my life realistically or not.

Maybe this will become something make me feel or like always end up lost in the sea of books being created every second of the day.

Let's hope I will continue this journey maybe it will rise up and make my dreams true or once again be buried like every single try I ever made.

Maybe this will make me start writing again share my feelings.

feel the passion again.

not end up lost in the sea.