
RE: World's Strongest Summoner

Long story short, Tyler died while saving a little kid. When he thought that his journey was over, Tyler suddenly found himself in another world! A world full of wonders, hidden dangers, and powerful creatures. Accompany our protagonist as he aims for greatness.

_Nero · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 14 - Worse


The First Tier beast opened its mouth and roared towards Lucia in an attempt to intimidate Lucia, and to shake off the fear it was feeling.

But instead of being intimated, the latter's wicked smile only grew.

"@&#$-&$@@##!!!" Lucia opened her mouth and an inaudible deafening shriek came out of her. Suddenly, she vanished from her spot and appeared behind the First Tier Bear with astonishing speed she never had before.


The air was cut as Lucia thrusts her hand like a knife with the intention to pierce the heart of the First Tier beast from the back.


Blood splattered on Lucia's face because her attack connected, however her attack didn't pierce the beast's heart. The First Tier beast managed to tilt its body at the last moment, barely avoided the attack to the heart by hairsbreadth.

Although the First Tier beast was caught off guard because of Lucia's sudden increase in speed, the First Tier Agile Bear still managed to react solely because it was a speed type creature.


The First Tier beast roared in pain. It swiftly moved its paw and grabbed Lucia's hand from its back. With its strength, it threw Lucia away from it. The beast staggered a little when Lucia's hand was removed from its body. On its back was a hole and blood continued to gush out from it.

Lucia flipped and adjusts her balance midair like a professional gymnast. While doing so, her silver hair beautifully fluttered in the air as she perfectly landed on her feet.

When her feet touched the ground, she immediately stomped her feet and dashes.


The First Tier Agile Bear also wasted no time and it immediately crouched down on all fours. Suddenly, it vanishes and appeared at the side of the dashing Lucia.

The First Tier beast uses its skill [Critical Strike], and instantaneously, the claws of the First Tier Agile bear glowed in red hue. It raised its right frontal paw and swipes at Lucia's face.

When the claw suddenly appeared on Lucia's view, she immediately stopped on her tracks and upon noticing the impending strike, she instinctively arches her back as she bent her neck backwards.


The attack passed above her face by hairsbreadth and the air was cut into two because of the sheer force the attack. If the attack had hit, then Lucia would be faceless right now.

Noticing that its attack have failed, the First Tier Agile Bear immediately used its left frontal paw to attack Lucia's body. The beast shove its claws in to Lucia's body.


It was like what happened earlier when Lucia swore to kill it, the claws of the First Tier beast pierced Lucia from one side to the other.

The First Tier Agile Bear's face seemed to celebrate the success of its attack when it saw that Lucia was no longer smiling!

However, a moment later this proved to be wrong because in an instant, the smile on Lucia's face gradually returned and her face flushed a little. The look on her face was that of ecstasy.

The First Tier beast noticed that something was wrong and tried to take back its arm however this proved to be a hard task because even with its strength as a First Tier beast it was having a hard time removing it from Lucia's body!

"HAHAHAHAHA~!" Lucia in her crazed state laughed aloud, she couldn't contain her amusement at seeing the First Tier beast having a heart time removing its arm from her body.

It was because the mighty First Tier beast was panicking and couldn't properly exert its strength on removing its hand from the hands of an Unranked Tier Evolver. Or should I say, 'guts' of an Unranked Tier Evolver?



A moment later, the First Tier beast finally exerted enough strength and its arm was starting to come off Lucia's body. However, before the First Tier Agile Bear could fully remove its arm, Lucia struck down her arm like a falling knife.


The First Tier Agile Bear finally manages to remove its hand from Lucia's body. The First Tier beast's face immediately darkened when it saw that the other half of its arm was missing!


The First Tier Agile Bear roared in pain as it threw a fit. It smashed, stomped and didn't know what to do because this was the first time it had this much damage from an Unranked Tier!

It felt greatly humiliated and insulted!

Blood poured like heavy rain all over Lucia's body and the wicked smile on her face gradually grew.

She grabbed the end of the arm that was embedded in her and pulled! When the thing was fully out of her body, she immediately used her skill and all the blood that surrounded her flew towards her.

Her body started to repair itself and a heartbeat later the wound fully closed. The wound was gone, it was gone like it was a never there in the first place!

This was how absurd the effect of her skill was. Because the effect will depend on the Tier and amount of the blood she have plundered.

In this case, the Agile Bear was a Tier above her and since the blood she plundered was quite a lot. That was why the huge wound healed so fast.

Lucia held the arm like it was a javelin and aimed it at the First Tier beast who was still throwing a fit a few feet away from her. She didn't care what part of its body it would hit, all she wants was to add salt to its injury by hurting it with its own arm!

When the arm left her hand, she immediately leaves her spot and dashes to follow up an attack.


The arm flew like a rocket and because of its speed and the force behind it, it cut the air into two.

If there was one thing you shouldn't do in battle, it was to lower your guard while the opponent you are facing can threaten and end your life.

But that's what the First Tier beast did, faced with a situation like this never happened before that's why it was in such disarray!


Now it was the First Tier beast's turn to be pierced; however the humiliating part was that it was its own claws that pierced its side!


The First Tier beast growled and got distracted by its own claws that it didn't notice its impending doom that was on its right.

It was Lucia.

And that was all what Lucia needed; a moment. A momentary distraction that would allow her to deliver a killing blow. And the First Tier Agile Bear willingly gave it to her because it was a prideful and petty being!

If only it killed her the moment it had the chance!

"HAHAHAHA~" The First Tier beast felt shiver run down its spine when it heard that maniacal laughter so close to it.

The First Tier Agile Bear tried to turn its head towards where the laughter came from. Yes, tried. Because before it moved its head a little, Lucia have already unleashed an attack that was directed towards where its brain was located!


A resounding bang covered the entire surrounding when Lucia's fist connected on the First Tier beast's head!

The First Tier beast couldn't process what happened and suffered severe concussion because of Lucia's blow. Its body slowly staggered before it fell to the side with a loud thud!

Lucia landed and made her way towards the First Tier beast's body. Honestly, she could have killed it but choose not to. Why? It was because she was going to do many things with it. Many, many things.

Lucia's smile twisted wickedly as she thought of the things that she would do to her dear 'friend' that dared to take her master's life.

But first things first, she needed to immobilize it.

Lucia began to slowly removed its remaining arm.


A bestial roar full of pain and agony came out of its mouth.

"Shhhh~" Lucia smiled gently as she gestured the First Tier beast to shut up.

Lucia then proceeded to remove its legs, slowly. She would make sure that every pain this beast gave her master would be paid back by a thousand; no, by a million fold!

Everytime Lucia would slowly remove its limb, the First Tier beast would roar and shriek in excruciating pain. Blood gushed out from each part that was removed.

This time the one who was regretting its actions was the First Tier Agile Bear. If only it had killed the human(?) girl before when it had the chance then all of this wouldn't have happened.

At the corner of its eyes it could see the flushed face of Lucia that looked like she was greatly enjoying its every suffering, the First Tier Agile Bear finally understood that what stood before it was not a human.

No, it was something way worse.