
Meeting a certain someone...

~Daiko's Pov, right after the last chapter...~




I sat down after my testing of strength. It was exhilarating. There was no mistaking it. However, once again, I wasn't really satisfied. Strange right?

Still, today was productive. I gained levels in my skills and grew stronger, yet I felt as if I was drifting along the shores... All I wanted was a purpose. There was no overcomplicating it. And as I grow more intelligent, the more I realize just how purposeless I truly was.

One would simply say, there is an easy solution to this problem. 'Set a goal'. Sure, it isn't a bad issue, however, it is nowhere near solving the problem. A goal and a purpose are fundamentally different things. People often mix them up, and they shouldn't.

Now that I remember the novel authors in my past life, I realized that I am completely different from those people. Well for one, I am real. I am genuine. As much as it feels fake, all of it is reality...

I think back to myself on how vein one does their characters. When they make wish-fulfillment stories, the characters slowly but surely lose their way, diverting from their original 'goals'. They don't have any real purpose in their new lives, they simply thought that living in these realities is fun, and would make them happy, but even they realize it's real.

'What am I even trying to say?' I asked, myself melancholically. I felt as if I was having a minor existential crisis. I had the goal of becoming powerful, and it still is, well, somewhat. In that sense, I am no different from the characters in those fictional stories. All I did, was simply choose the physical aspect of strength, some might have chosen the influence factor, some spiritual, whilst others just for vein pleasure... Yes, the harem protagonists...

Even now I'm wondering how they don't get tired of having sex all the time. Those stories just don't go down the realistic road, men after a while don't even have sex for love, just for short-term pleasure, and even that will become numb to you after a while. Still, it would be better if I was like that compared to what I am now, at least they were satisfied...

I need an actual purpose. I also wished I wasn't as intelligent, and unfortunately, my intellect stat, increases wisdom as well. One would think I would become more narcissistic by becoming more mentally able, but it's the opposite. I realize the wiser I become, humbleness becomes a fruit from said wisdom... Crazy right?

'I need to sleep before I get too deep on myself' I mumbled mentally. Closing my eyes after the arduous day of training.




*Going to sleep already?*

'What!?' I shot up from the bed. I looked around me, seeing nothing... Still, that voice sounded very familiar.

*I am in your mind speaking telepathically*

The voice, now I remember... It was, god!

'god? What are you doing here? Did something happen?' I asked him, alerted. A being as powerful as him would definitely have better things to do, so his arrival here must be for something important...

*Good, you recognized me, that makes things better... But sadly I am not here for small talk, Daiko. I need... I... I need your assistance with something...*

I quipped. Assistance, from an all-powerful being? Yeah, something is definitely up, especially from his tone.

'... Okay, what do you need to talk about?' I asked him.

*I'll keep it brief. There are other reincarnators other than you. Specifically, a reincarnator from a parallel version of Earth*

What? There were others, other than myself? Still, god didn't say he would only reincarnate only me alone, still... There are others.

'I-I see... This is a little much to take in... But, what do want from me, how can I help you? You are, god.' I said to him, it was the truth.

*The human I reincarnated, changed for the worse... He's terrorizing his reality. Senselessly murdering people there. His motives are sick and twisted. And he is far too cunning for those in his reality to stop him... That's why I've come to you for assistance.*

'Still, is he so powerful that you can't stop him?... No, I doubt that... It's because you can't... Did you perhaps limit yourself?' I asked him. Which allowed a minute of silence from him.

That was all the answer I needed, I suppose I was right...

*Yes... I vowed to never directly interfere with my reincarnators affairs. It was a rule I set for myself, and I am a just god, I cannot go back on myself... However, I never vowed to indirectly interfere with you all*

Hearing his reasoning made sense. As a god, you must be the standard of morality and truth, and he just demonstrated how just he was. But equally clever too... But I get the gist of what he was implying.

'So that's why you called me. You want me to stop him, don't you?' I asked, but I was sure I was correct. It didn't take a genius to figure that out based on what he said and the way he spoke.

*Yes. I need you to be there to stop him...*

'I'll help you. I've been having some issues lately, and helping the person that helped me become what I am today is the least I could do.' I said, and I meant it. Sure, I've been lost in this reality, but at least it was vastly better than my previous reality...

I wasn't a hero or anything, but even I could tell I was softening up over the recent year alone... Maybe it's due to my bloodline affecting me... Either way, it wouldn't sit well with me to let people just die off if I could prevent it.

*Though, I should tell you this. The reality where you'll be going is Marvel.*

I took a minute to gather my bearings. Just to take in what he had just said...

He just said Marvel, the most insecure reality known to man/fiction, with a lot of mind-reading and raping mutants... Now I regret agreeing.










Shiver me timbers and deliver my power stones scallywag. The story is going to ramp up a bit with the new arc, stay tuned.

Aaron_Chong_6689creators' thoughts
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