
New Body

After the blade was inserted into my heart I felt a jolt and a searing pain as if my entire body was suddenly lit on fire from the inside out. Afterwards a powerful suction pulled me into the heart that was was being removed from my chest.

"I guess the need for a living sacrifices in demon summoning has is steeped in truth and I guess the reason why the heart is pulled from the body also has a purpose if my current predicament has anything to say about it."

I thought as my heart was then placed in a bag at Lucifer's waist, to my astonishment I could still clearly see the world around me and if it wasn't for my body currently laying on the ground looking like a meat grinder failed to finish the job and caught fire half way to completion. To my dismay however my would be murderers, classmate and father were also collected and placed in next to me.

I expected rage to consume me but instead a dreadful calm permeated my whole being. I started to logically deduce the problem like a robot without emotions, then it hit me. My emotions, aren't they usually caused my chemicals in the brain?

So no body no emotions but then how am I thinking? As I said that a voice rang in my head, it was very familiar and beyond all logic it filled me with such rage I nearly tried to rip it to pieces.

"Jack? Can you hear me? "

"Shut up" I replied. The fury in my voice carried a heavy weight as I silenced Arayeli from continuing.

"Look now that I had time to think I wanted to..."

"Nothing you say or do will change what you did to me, the fire that consumed your body is nothing compared to what I want to do to your soul. You used and betrayed me, pulling me along like cattle or slaughter"

My soul pulsed in response to another pressence in my head. I felt father full of fear and trepidation, not nearly as fearful as Arayeli and that enraged me further. This caused a noticeable reaction from all the souls in the bag with me, the fear was palpable, even the henchmen were quivering in their boots. I shrugged off my curiosity as I continued.

"If we ever cross paths again in this life or the next I will personally tear you limb from limb and send your souls to enteral torment"

Just then a hand slapped the bag and knocked us around. Lucifer's voice was menacing and powerful. It reminded me of the power I held over the other souls mere moments before but this was a thousand times worse. If I could have shit my self I would have, I could feel the terror envelop me like tar.

"One more word out of any of you and I will personally show you what eternal torment is really like"

After that we remained quiet, my soul regained its calm composure and we watched as the world around us faded away. The speed of the angels was too fast for us to see anything except blotches of color.

We slowed down a few hundred miles away from a grey beam of light emanating from what appeared to be the center of the Bermuda triangle. We were still flying faster then any man made creation but slow enough to at least see again.

We dove into the ocean at a blistering speed the water was boiling around us with how fast we were moving against the water. At the base of the grey beam of energy sat a large underwater dome with spiraling towers and city streets lined with various demons, angels, and mythical beasts.

They appeared to be living normal lives. Modern cars drove on ancient slabs of polish granite and electricity powered various lights along Greece inspired architecture as pristine as the day it was crafted.

There was only one thing filling my mind in that instance and that was a mythical name of a lost city, Atlantis. We landed on the outskirts of the city and passed through a gate where Lucifer and Gabriel were asked to place their belongings on an air port style conveyor belt. It passed through an X-ray machine engraved with various glowing symbols and Latin words.

As we passed through the scanner I felt a sharp pain in my soul as the beam past over us and it seemed to fluctuate for just a second before passing by harmlessly. I saw Lucifer and Gabriel give soft sighs that they quickly covered with fake yawns.

After we were through we made a be-line for the grey beam of energy that made my soul vibrate not in fear but in resonance with the energy it gave off. We passed threw more check points on the way each one more robust then the last.

At the last several military grade tanks glowing with insidious red symbols bared are path and only after several minutes of debating and swindling were the two arch angels allowed to pass through to the beam of grey power.

We were handed off to a guard along with a hefty bag of gold medallions. I'd say coins but these were way to large to be called coins, each was embossed with the face of an average man with the words praise be to the creator written on the sides. God looked like a fat peasant farmer compared to the art that depicted him in churches and the bible. Who knew.

The Angels left and the guard remained at his post hiding us in his pouch. Several minutes passed as we waited. When the other guards were an optimal distance away the patrolling guard holding us threw us into the grey void and immediately the world turned white.

I felt like my whole being was getting torn to shreds. The heart was immediately turned to ashes. After the heart vanished I felt much better the pain must have been from my soul separating from the vessel that held it .

Soon the world turned into lines of color and that color faded to white. My soul was pulled along by what I can only describe as a current. I felt several currents around me and I managed to transfer from one to another.

I felt many leave the steam and out towards the side of the powerful beam. I felt dread when I considered traveling towards one and decided to try and remain in the center of the steam as much as possible. As far as I know leaving the stream at the wrong time will just send me into a void of nothing.

I was eventually pulled towards one such current leading to the edge of the slipstream, I tried to change my coarse and jump to a different path but this current was fierce and powerful and no matter how much I struggled I was forced down the line and out into the open air.

What greeted me was an entire planet floating among the stars. I was spat out just on the edge of the planets influence. I was casually pulled towards the planets surface as gravity began to take hold. I was expecting to feel a searing pain as I entered the atmosphere but instead I felt a pleasant coolness envelope my soul as I drifted towards a small forest.

I thought it was small at least from a astronauts perspective it was barely a spec on the ground but as I got closer was astounded by just how large the forest was and I came to a realization. The planet is several times larger then that of earth. As matter of fact I would say this small forest would be the size of Europe, not that I would be an expert or anything.

Landing in the forest as soft as a falling snowflake I looked around carefully, Gabriel said to look for the brightest light and consume it to gain a new body. All around me was various lights of different colors and textures.

I couldn't make out the details of the creatures too well as they appeared to be made of a grey fog like substance. If I focused I could tell that most of these creatures where quadrupedal in nature and as someone who grew up as a bipedal species I wasn't willing to make that transition unless I was forced too.

I was working on very little info with the only clue was to search for the brightest light and consume it to gain a new body. I translated that into find a suitable host consume their soul and replace them, a horrible fate I was sure but with my lack of emotions to make me doubt my actions I could care less. If I still felt remorse after the ordeal then I'll deal with it then.

Glancing around I couldn't find anything I would call bright, I tried to scale a tree and found that as a soul I was nearly weightless and soon I was throwing my self from tree to tree like a monkey on steroids. After several minutes I felt a sharp pain in my soul, I dropped from the tree suddenly exhausted. It was only for a few moments but the second half of the clue I received came to mind.

The longer you take the greater the chance of fading away. I cursed and got back to climbing the trees. Soon I found a bright light shining from the trees like a beacon of green power. I wondered why I didn't see it before and it got brighter as I got closer. The closer I got the more energized I felt. I reached a clearing in the forest next to what appeared to be a river or lake. It was hard to see water for some reason as a ghost so I couldn't be sure.

At the edge of the water was a being completely encased in the brightest emerald light I have ever seen. The being was a bipedal thankfully and it looked to be holding something out away from its chest region. Before I could react the thing plunged the object into its body and it fell over.

Soon after the brightest and most powerful light I have ever seen erupted from the body. It was even brighter then the slipstream in brightness alone although the power was considerably less. The power curved vaguely towards me and I felt a deep hunger building in my spirit.

Acting on instinct I opened my mouth and commanded the energy to fill my soul. It hesitated for an instant before the entirety of the beam of energy curved and changed its course. The beam of emerald energy that reached for the heavens came crashing back down into my soul.

I was driven to my knees as the torrent of power drilled into my being. I felt hot like I was going to burst. I attempted to stop the process fearful that I may die again but not matter what I tried the energy forced its way into my soul.

As the last of of the power was entering my soul I felt the my body being dragged towards the other now deceased being on the floor. Exhausted and full to the brim I could do noting to resist. I was pulled into the body and darkness permeated everything soon after.

I woke up gasping for air my lungs burned with the pain of a thousand suns. My throat felt parched and my body heavy, trying to roll over I fell off a small overhang landing heavily in soft mud.

The sound of water running tickled my ears and I looked up to see a crystal clear river running along the forest floor. Using my hands I slowly but surely dragged myself to the waters edge and dipped my mouth in the water.

It tasted fresh and clean and with out hesitation I drunk deeply of the forests bounty. After I drank my fill I shoved my aching body over to the side, rolling heavily on my back.

I closed my eyes as the sun was extremely bright and laid there feeling the warm rays cover my mud soaked body. Soon enough I fell asleep and the next time I opened my eyes I was greeted by the sight of three moons hovering in the nigh sky.

Two large moons sat in the center of the sky while the third circled the largest of the two at a noticeable rate. I sat there for the longest time wondering where I was and why I was sleeping outside instead of in the dorm room.

Then like a wrecking ball it all came rushing back to me, the sudden shock of emotion made me roll over and throw up all the water I drank earlier that day. When it was over I dragged myself upstream to drink some fresh water and to get the taste of bile from my mouth.

I sat up and tried to stand up, this time I had the energy to do so and I took the time to glance at my new body. My hands where a flawless tan color with well kept fingernails, my arms where slender and thin with a surprising amount of muscle.

In curiosity I grabbed a stone and threw it as hard as I could at a near by tree and to my surprise it was lodged in the side of the tree. The sound of the rock breaking the bark echoed off the trees and threw the forest. I winced as I clearly wasn't thinking.

The sound of howls in the distance only enforced the feeling of stupidity. I ran my hands over my body knowing I had some kind of weapon as that's how my previous body died. A suicide of all things jeez.

As I ran my hands over my body I stopped at my chest and froze, closing my hands I felt two soft mounds where pectoral muscles where supposed to be and in a rush I checked down below and paled.

"Oh no no no no no. This is not happening." I mumbled in dismay.

Why didn't it occur to me sooner, I just assumed my next body would be male as my last one was male. I was so sure of this fact that I never even thought to check whether or not the body I was claiming was my preferred gender.

As I was checking my lower half I noticed that the hair around my nether region continued on past the normal limit. Looking down I realized that my entire lower half was covered in a wool coat and my feet didn't have shoes rather they were hooves.

Sitting down on the ledge I fell off of during the day I ran my hands threw my hair finding a set of curved horns on both sides of my head. With that I was certain, I was reborn as a Satyr of all things.

Even worse a female Satyr, not that I'm against female Satyr's but I'd rather be the one looking not the one getting looked at. I was about to collapse to my knees when the sound of a beasts howl echoed off the trees closer this time.

Wiping my eyes of tears that I didn't even realize I was shedding I quickly looked around for the weapon I killed myself with. My hand eventually wrapped around a small hilt with a sharp obsidian blade jutting from the cross guard.

Seeing the blade sent shivers down my spin but I swallowed my apprehension and readied myself for combat. My nose twitched as I picked up the scent of the wolves, instinctively I determined there was three distinct smells.

One male and two females, the male is be-lining and the females are circling to the sides. I knew I was surrounded and pushed myself against the cliff face to limit the direction of attack and readied myself for combat.

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