1 | 1 | Regression

Again a monotonous day, nothing but watching videos on youtube and playing games on the phone.

It's been four years since my college life ended, but I still couldn't get my degree. Not because I'm weak at studying but pure laziness. And I'm now laminating on that right now.

My friends have graduated, some of them got jobs, some of them went for higher studies and stuff like that. Had a girlfriend, but she left me in our third year and started a relationship with one of the seniors in our college. And I didn't get mad about it at all, because I know that if she stayed with me her life would have also gone out of control. I didn't plan on revenge or things like that, because it's her life and she has the right to choose whom she should be with, in my opinion, and petty revenge is nothing at all.

Right now I don't have a stable job, my parents take care of me like they always do. They think that I have a degree certificate and I'm just waiting for my job hunt to succeed because that's what I've told them but in reality, I don't have a college degree at all. All I have is a High School certificate, with that I can get a job and that's what I've been searching for.

But the thing is nobody is willing to give a college failure any kind of job. And I've been doing odd jobs here and there and making some money so that I won't be that much of a burden to my mom and dad.

As I was thinking all of that, I slowly started to get drowsy and fell asleep quite earlier than I slept.


In the morning, I heard a knock on my door. Knowing that it was my mom I got up from my bed and opened the door groggily. Looking at her I said, "I'm awake."

"Good. It's almost time for you to go to school so freshen up first and foremost." Mom said that to me and went towards the kitchen.

Hearing her confusion was visible on my face as I thought 'What does she mean by its time for me to go to school? I have already finished it.' Thinking for a bit I said to myself "Ah... must be talking about that her time to go to school is up."

Thinking that I went to brush my teeth.

As I took the toothpaste and applied it to my brush I opened the tap to have running water and looked in the mirror.

At first, I was confused at why the reflection in the mirror shows a younger me, so I rubbed my eyes with my free hand thinking that it is because of my sleepiness.

But as I got a good look at the mirror again, I unconsciously took two steps backwards and asked mom "Mom, what day is it?"

"Monday." She replied from the kitchen.

"What month?" I asked her again.

"June." She replied to me.

"Okay,... but what year?" I asked her again.

This time it was my elder sister who spoke "It's 2016 What happened to you?"

Looking at her my eyes went wide because last month my sister went to Barcelona, Spain for her PhD in Physics.

Without saying anything else I brushed my teeth as fast as possible and went back to my room and closed it.

Then I searched for my phone, but there wasn't any phone in my room. And my room has less stuff in it, my weights for exercise are not here, my laptop is not here and I have a bed. Seeing all of this I started to know what was happening to me.

'Whatever happened to me, I think that I got regressed into the past for nine years. That means I've not joined any college, I have not fallen in love with her, I haven't met my best friend Nathan yet, I haven't taken my college entrance exam, or I haven't even gotten my drivers license.'

Then opening my door I went out of the house and looked up and thought 'I don't know who did this to me. But whoever you are, thanks for giving me a second chance in my life.'




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