
Chapter 3- Status, Abilities, and Situation

"-this ceiling doesn't look familiar"

I really wanted to try saying that atleast once in my life. It seems like I'm inside a room, this must be the apartment that is included in the benefits that the self-proclaimed god has given me.

" This room isn't that bad, now how to check my skills?"

[Simply say "status open]


Suddenly, I heard a somewhat robotic but at the same time girlish voice out of nowhere.

" Are you my system?"


This feels like I'm in some sort of game."status open"

Name: Ende Amamiya

Level:1 Exp: 0/25

Race: Human

Age: 15

Occupation: Student

Class: None

HP(health points): 150/150

MP(mana points): 200/200

STR(strength): 13

VIT(vitality): 15

DEX(dexterity): 17

INT(intelligence): 20

LUK(luck): 200

SP(shop points)-0


[Skill Collector(S)]

allows the user to obtain skills much easier and faster compared to others.


summons a companion based on the memory of the user. Summoned companion will have all of their skills before being summoned and will have absolute loyalty to the user. The summoned companion will also have an easier time in obtaining skills.( Can only be used once)


That self-proclaimed god indeed say that my wishes will have some restrictions because of the laws of the world but isn't this too much? My supposedly ability to create skills became an ability to collect, well it isn't that bad and I can still work with that but my third wish...

" System,do you know anything about why my wishes became like this? And can you explain my stats since I don't really have anything to compare it with. Also explain my current situation and anything about this world"

[ The world you are currrently in is a mixture of different anime worlds called "Eden". In this world there are many different kinds of sentient species, such as humans,angels,devils,apparitions(youkai), elves,dwarves,fairies,dragons,beastmen,elementals, and many others that are only regarded as fantasy creatures or mythological creatures in your old world. Just think of this new world as a modern meets fantasy kind of world. In this world an average human adult has F+ in all stats.]

"So I'm stronger compared to an average human adult and much stronger for someone of my age?"

Finally a good news.

[That's correct, now about this world. There are four countries in this world,

United Federations: a country built by humans

Alfenheim: a country built by elves and fairies

Schmieden: an undergtound country built by dwarves

Bestia: a country built by beastmen

Currently, there are no kinds of war going on because of the existence called monsters,creatures that possesses mana but has no sentience, they are mostly controlled by their instinct and this monsters are a common enemy of all races.]

So i guess the monsters are the reason why that god said this world is relatively peaceful not entirely.

[Indeed, but it is also a fact that if it wasn't for the monsters existence, then the sentient races might already have declared war against each other.]

"You're probably right. Humans- no sentient races no matter what world will prioritoze them selves no matter what after all. Enough about that, how about my current situation?And what about my skills?"

[You're currently inside one of the cities of the United Federations, J City. You're currently in your summer vacation and will start highschool this coming September. This is also one of the benefits.]

Geh...so i still have to go to school?

[ Yes, it would be weird if your a jobless neet after all. Now for your skills, as you already know, the laws of the world restricted your wishes, but not because it is unreasonable but because you are currently too weak. If the skills were given to you as is,then there is a chance that your soul might have been destroyed. You're first wish is a sentient system to help you get stronger, and I am at your service. You're second wish was an ability to create skills, but it was restricted and became an ability to obtain skills easier. But you don't have to worry about it because once you raise your stats sufficiently then your ability skill collector will evolve to it's original form.]

I see, so my second wish was restricted because of my weakness." But what about my third wish?'

[You're third wish "A skill to summon a companion" was pretty vague and because of that the world itself modified it one way or another. Because of the modifications it became too powerful, after all you can summon any being based on your memories with all of their skills and abilities intact and with absolute loyalty and an ability pretty similar to your skill collector. With all of this factors the ability was restricted to a single use]

It would indeed be terrible if I can summon as many Cthulu as I want..." What about you system, aside from the status what are your other functions?"

[ The system has five primary functions.

Missions: the mission section is divided into two parts,the main mission which would be mainly related to your lifestyle and the side missions, missions related to your situation.

Status: here you can view your status and skills

Storage: you can store any non-living things in here, time does not pass for things insid eyhe storage

Shop: here you can exchange your shop points to get some items. Shop points can be obtained by doing missions.

Map: this feature will show you the general location of your mission. It also maps out all of the places that you've been to.

Is there anything else that you would like to know?]

This system is pretty convenient" Are there any missions currently available? And can I call you by something else? Saying system all the time doesn't just sound right to me"

[Yes, there is currently a mission available and yes, you could call by any name you like]

" Then from now on I'll call you Lyra and you can call me Ende. Lyra show me the mission."

[Yes, Ende~~~ ]

She sounded pretty different now that I gave her a name, is it because the name a gave her is a girls name? After Lyra's confirmation a window similar to those you find in MMORPG's appeared in front me.

[Main Mission]

If you want to live as you please in this world, you will need strength. Go to a nearby Monster Zone and defeat one slime.

Slime defeated 0/1



Beginner's weapon of your choice.

So this is a mission huh, defeating one slime shouldn't be that hard." Lyra can you tell me anything about slimes?"

[Slimes are considered as one of the weakest monsters in the world but at the same time, one of the most dangerous. Ordinary slimes only eats carcasses or dried leaves and poses only a slight danger to normal adults, once a slime evolves it get dangeous as it's resilience against physical attacks strengthens and it's acids used for breaking down it's food also becomes toxic. According to some legends there are even slimes capable of devouring a dragon alive.]


A slime that can devour dragons alive!? Is that suppose to be R*muru!? But really, it seems like this won't be as easy as I thought.

[Don't worry Ende, as I said only slimes that has evolved are considered dangerous. What you're going after is just an ordinary slime.]

"That's good then, but what about monster zones?"

[As the name implies, it is where monsters gather, a habitat of monsters you can say. The deeper you go inside a monster zone, the stronger the monsters are. Slimes can be found even at the outskirts of a monster zone.]

It seems like I have tons of thing to remember huh?

World building sucks, and I'm terrible when it comes to names. Also writing in a smartphone sucks, keyboard is so small.

EndeAnfangcreators' thoughts
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