
Re-education of the aristocratic girl

A girl brought up in an aristocrat's family goes to another meeting on behalf of her family, but because of her behavior, an unpleasant fate befalls her... One of the representatives of the family sends her to another world in order for her to understand that her manners do not meet the necessary requirements for aristocrats. But the reason was stupid ... After that, the girl finds herself on her knees in front of a guy in strange clothes by her standards and he takes her to his for re-education.

FoxyAnd · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 4. The problem of Hina.

Chapter 4. The problem of Hina.

I ran as fast as I could from the store, later Larry caught up with me, together with him we broke away from Hina quite far, but at first it seemed so to us. But literally from the air she jumped right on Lari's neck. It was quite unexpected, because the height of the building near which we ran was about nine floors…

- I caught up with you... Lari… Well, why are you running away from me, I just wanted to talk to you in a good way… And now..." after these words, she stuck a pencil in Lari's hand.

I decided to help him, but he said the following:

- Run, she will attack you, if you try to stop her, I will live, and if you die, it will be a sad outcome.

- Yes, and you will be lively - a man's voice came from behind me.

- Matsu! What are you doing here? Did you really decide to help me?

- Hina made a big mistake by writing to our conversation that she was looking for you, I was able to determine where she was by the locator and came to save you, Lari. And you, Hina, are going to take it off now for crippling Lari.

- What are you talking about, Matsu? Aren't we for one thing? Aren't you supposed to be helping me? Larry betrayed us, and you stand up for him. He also got himself a girlfriend and lives with her. I completely forgot about my past..." Hina said with an angry expression on her face. After that, in addition, she started hitting Lari with her notebook

- Come on, stop it! You are involving people who are not involved in us! Otherwise, I'll have to take action…

- Come on, come on, attack, Matsu.

Watching this was very amazing for me. I have never seen such a showdown, even in the middle of the castle such proceedings did not occur, maximum discussions and constant cries about achieving greater power. But still, I wasn't happy with that. Cruelty towards the one who accepted me, the one who helped me. Well, no…

- Beat her, Matsu! I shouted in his support.

- Good! I'm attacking! - after these words, Hina was already lying on the ground and Larry kicked her for sticking a pencil in him. Well, you did the right thing.

- I'm sorry, Mika, I just wanted to take a walk with you, but we met with Hina, who was the head of the group in which I was previously a member. And yes, Matsu, thank you for helping me out. I didn't expect that it would come to the point that you would rush over.

— Yes, it's not surprising, you're still my friend, even though you left us, but I never considered you some kind of traitor, but Hina really got mad. You were not lucky enough to meet her when you were also on a date with a girl.

It wasn't a date! Lari and I said together. And after that we smiled brightly with laughter. A smile also appeared on Matsu's face and instantly disappeared as soon as he saw that Lari was bleeding.

— What's your name, little girl in a cute outfit?

- Ahem, my name is Mika.

- Mika, I take Lari and run to his house, you also catch up, you will need help with medicines.

Heck… I don't understand at all what these medications are… How else can I help with them…

- Matsu, only I know where I have everything stored, so she won't help you, I'll find it myself, don't worry about me. You can't leave Hina like that either, she's been out for a few minutes, call an ambulance for her at least, and I'll get there somehow. Forgive me for taking you off the spot and good luck.

After these words, Larry and I stomped home. It took us quite a long time to get to his house, and the reason for that is that because of the bleeding, Larry felt a little sick in his eyes. I tried to lead him and often confused the paths, but still we came home and Larry locked himself in a room and did not come out until the next day.

In the morning I decided to go to him myself, because the excitement did not leave me and I wanted to eat quite badly, but I could not find food.

- Mika! Don't come near me yet, I don't want you to see what a pathetic loser I am.

- What are you talking about? You can be said to be a savior for me. After all, you took me into your house, and this is no longer an easy act for a commoner. I think no one would have believed that I was from another world, but you... somehow managed to trust me and accept.

He opened the door and motioned for me to sit on the sofa. I refused his offer and said that I was fasting.

- Don't resist, I want to tell you something about my past and Hina's past. How has everything changed since that time…

I sat down anyway and started listening to his story.

- Hina was a very ordinary girl who liked to sit in class and draw things, I kept up conversations with her in every possible way, we talked about everything that came to mind, but most often the conversation turned to art. She drew very beautifully and even got to one of the major competitions of our country, but one of the days spoiled all her dreams. That day, when we were walking in the middle of the park, she decided to sit down and tell about the results of the contest in which she participated, but her plans were prevented by scum, which created a psychological trauma in her. They took and threw her into a tree and the award she received after the contest was broken and she herself was left in a rather difficult situation. And after she woke up in a hospital bed, she made the following speech for me: "Help me, let's organize a world without such ghouls as those who prevented us in the park." And that was her main mistake. We organized an organization where the same people gathered, whom we met in the park, or rather in their likeness. I was stupid myself, I wanted to protect my sister, but in the end I lost her because I just decided to abandon this stupid idea of Hina. She set up an accident that happened when we were driving to an amusement park and after that my condition worsened altogether and apparently this sparked Hina a greater desire to harm me. And so, when I accepted you, she will aim at you, well, or at me when I try to protect you. Matsu was the only one who understood the reason for my departure and still, he will protect us, but it's better to move out of this house and find a quiet place to start life from scratch. By the way, aren't you hungry?

It was at this moment that my stomach rumbled the loudest and Larry went to cook breakfast for us, but I stopped him and said that I would cook breakfast for him myself, only I asked him to tell me where the products were and still, when he reached the kitchen, he pointed out to me where everything was needed and I started cooking. It was the first time I was cooking and most likely the last…