

A boy and his family and friends introduced to war, and now with an awakened soul the fate of the universe is now in his hands. Chapters will be released every Wednesday

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40 Chs

Into The 'Room'

"Huh, who are you," Nate asked the figure

"Oh, I'm nobody really, my name is Gabriel Saito," the boy says. Nate looks over to see Joseph curled up in the corner of the alley unharmed, his eye reverts to its normal dark brown color. Gabriel's hair was mid-long with a dusty brown color, he wore a purple hoodie, blue shorts, black shoes, and a backpack.

"Saito as in 𝗧𝗛𝗘 Saito family?" Nate asks

"Yeah...That Saito family" he replied. Gabriel walked over to Joseph to pat his head. "Your brother is h-"

"He's not my brother" Joseph interrupted. He got up and ran to Nate, hiding behind him.

"My father is the CEO in the tech branch of [Soul]" Gabriel mentioned. Nate's eyes opened wide in amazement, as a huge grin grew across his face.

"So you're rich?" He asked grinning.

"Yup!" Gabriel replied.

"Hold up, before we continue talking I wanna bring this little guy back to the lab, wanna tag along?" Nate asked.

"I mean.... sure, it's only 2 pm and I've got time" Gabriel replied while nodding his head. Nate took Joseph and they all walked back towards the lab, they conversed about some of the things Gabriel does for a living and his adventures.

"Welp, this is it," he said

"Down this shady alleyway?" Gabriel asked, looking confused. Nate nodded his head and they proceeded to walk down the alley, reaching the door.

"You gonna come inside?" Nate asked, putting Joseph down.

"I mean... I guess" he replied. Gabriel's watch began to flash every 4 seconds. Nate scooted Joseph inside and turned around to talk to Gabriel.

"Hey, why's your watch flashing?" Nate questioned

"Oh yeah I forgot to explain, the 'watch' can detect monster energy and flashes to let me know when they're nearby." Gabriel states as they open up the door and enter. They walked to the back of the lab reaching the livingroom area and stood there.

"Hey, Gaster! We're back" Nate yelled. Gaster calmly emerged from a door beside the couch, locking eyes with the newcomer.

"I-Is that-" Gabriel stuttered. His Depression quickly shifts from calm to focused, and slowly the watch enveloped his arm in a matte black color, he lifts his arm at Gaster as energy forms in his hand. "I'll eradicate this monster... Just step back..." he mentions.

"WAIT!" Joseph yells. Gabriel shoots without hesitation. Gaster raised both of his hands, summoning two hands behind him. One hand glowing with the soul of kindness, shielding himself from the blast, the other hand glowing with patience whipping a sort of "rope" to restrain Gabriel.

"Calm down, kid" Gaster says.

"Gaster is the friend we mentioned," Nate said.

"All monsters deserve to die!" Gabriel shouts.

"How 'bout we take this to the 'room'?" Gaster asks. He then proceeds to lead Gabriel through the door beside the couch, they walked down the stairs leading into a giant empty room full of metal plating and a room on the other side. "This... is where we'll fight," Gaster said, smirking.