
Raptured Heart

Broken by tragedy, Isla is forced to move to Texas and live with her Aunt. Will her new school’s sexy hometown football hero be able to mend her raptured heart?

Hipsy_Dipsy · Sports, voyage et activités
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Ok. Now where did I park my car?

Is that a dog?


Hmm now where did I park my truck? Is that Isla? Wow she seem so different with that dog...


ISLA: Well aren't you the cutest thing. Where is your family, little guy? Are they gone too? I guess you and I are both strays, huh? I'm going to call you Ham.


Is she going to adopt the stray dog? Maybe this city slicker has a heart after all...

ISLA: You and I are never going to be strays as long as we have each other Ham! Ok Ham let's get you to a shelter so you can find yourself a forever home.

* * *

DAISY: Good work everybody. We're totes ready for the game tonight!

CADENCE: Also don't forget are next Monday so if you know anyone who wants to join our squad tell them to drop by.

DANE: You two are killing it as co-captains

DAISY: Coming from you Dane, that means a lot.

DANE: Willow was just too much about the drama and not about the fun like the two of you. I think she watched way too many cheerleader movies.

CADENCE: Her whole jazz routine. (Duncan waves at Cadence) Ok. I'll se you two at the game. (Walks to Duncan) what's up? We don't usually hang before a game?

DUNCAN: Yeah, that actually what I'm here about...

CADENCE: Did you need help with Pre Calc homework again D?

DUNCAN: No, I actually wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

CADENCE: Same page about what?

DUNCAN: About us.

CADENCE: Oh, uh sure.

DUNCAN: I just don't want you to think that it's anything more than what it is. I'd hate for you to think I was leading you on, ya know? (Cadence laughs) what's so funny?

CADENCE: I appreciate you trying to clear that up. But I was already aware.

DUNCAN: You were?

CADENCE: D, you're a good kisser. But it's senior year, I have college admission essay to write, I'm co-captain of the cheer squad, president of Computer Club and treasurer for National Honor Society. I don't have time for something serious. And I know you don't either. What I do have time for, is what we have. Something fun. If that's what you want.

DUNCAN: Thank you.

CADENCE: For what?

DUNCAN: For not getting upset. I was worried you were gonna throw a Willow-esque tantrum when I told you and be pissed with me.

CADENCE: D, I could never be angry with you. (Exchange kisses) See you at the game tonight D.

* * *


Someone Knocks

ISLA: Come in.

REECE: Well if it isn't my most favorite sister in the world...

ISLA: What's up?

REECE: Can you do me a favor?

ISLA: What is it?

REECE: So I asked aunt Jolene if she could take me to the football game tonight. But she has to work, so could you take me?

ISLA: A football game, really?

REECE: Come on Isla, pleeeeeease!

ISLA: Sure, why not. It's not like I have anything else to do.

REECE: Thank you Isla. You're the best.


Sure, football wasn't really my jam, but how could I say no to my little sister? It was the first time she looked genuinely happy since the funeral. It was the least I could do plus she wasn't the only one who was going to have friends at the game.

* * *


REECE: Hi guys.

KENZIE: Hi Reece.

REECE: This is my big sister Isla.

LILY: Nice to meet you.

ISLA: You too.


Back in Manhattan, I had never attended my school's football games. It just wasn't really something that had ever piqued my interest. But for some reason, I had begun to be intrigued by this game. I simply could not take my eyes off the field. One player in specific. Why that is, I'm not sure. There was just something that was so captivating about him on the field.

SAWYER: Alright boys. There's 20 seconds left and we're tied. Luckily for us, we are on offense. So there's still time for us to win this and avoid goin' into overtime.

HUNTER: And how do we do that?

SAWYER: We're gonna fake 'em out.

FOSTER: What do you mean?

SAWYER: I'm goin' to act like I'm passin' the ball to Dunc. Then I'm goin' to cut through the middle and bolt to the end zone. And y'all are gonna get the defense out of the way. Got it?

DEACON: Yeah, cap.

SAWYER: Perfect. Now let's go out there and win this thing! (Thinking) {Come on guys don't let me down.} Hike!

VINNY: That was a sneaky play, Davenport.

SAWYER: But it got the job done.

VINNY: Whatever. We're still gonna demolish you next time.

SAWYER: That's what you said last year, man. If you could beat us when we sucked I highly doubt you could beat us when we're good.

VINNY: That's where you're mistaken. I'm our captain this year. And s**t is gonna change.

SAWYER: Wow, I'm so scared.

VINNY: You should be.

CADENCE: I told you they'd do good!

DAISY: Okay, you were right.

CADENCE: I always am, boo.


The crowd was going wild. The roar of everybody's praises towards the team was almost deafening. The way they screamed, you'd think these boys were superstars. But I guess to the small town of Fortner, Texas, they were.



SAWYER: I didn't know you were comin' to the game.

ISLA: I wasn't planning on it.

SAWYER: Then why did you?

ISLA: My little sister wanted to hang out with her new friends and this was where they were.

SAWYER: Did you enjoy it at least?

ISLA: It wasn't bad, Davenport.

SAWYER: How is that you know my last name and I don't know yours?

(Isla turns and walk away)

Are you seriously walking away right now?

ISLA: I guess that was a bit rude. I just have a hard time opening up to people is all.

SAWYER: Sorry, I didn't mean to pry darlin'. Was just trying to learn a bit about you is all.

ISLA: And you just wanna know my last name?

SAWYER: That's all. If you don't mind sharing it that is...

ISLA: My last name is Woodrich.

SAWYER: Woodrich. Noted. I'm sorry if I was botherin' you in class earlier.

ISLA: You weren't. I've just been on edge all day. You know new school and all.

SAWYER: If you don't mind me askin'. How come you moved to Fortner? You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable.

ISLA: I'm sorry, it's just kind of personal.

SAWYER: You don't need to apologize.


I couldn't help but feel as though I had rubbed salt in her wound. And I felt awful for it. I don't know what happened to make her have to move here. Whatever it was, was clearly a sensitive subject. It wasn't her helpless, vulnerable demeanor that gave it away, it was the breaking of her voice, and her evident attempt to hold back her tears. The Isla standin' in front of me, is a completely different woman than the one I had met this morning. Her confident yet standoffish attitude had completely vanished. It transformed into a dejected, melancholic, and almost broken one. I didn't know what to do to console her. But I did know for some reason, I couldn't stand seein' her like this. She needed a friend right now. So that's what I will be.

To be continued.....

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