
Ranging Desire

Even the surrounding will tremble with fear when the great Lioness and the mighty Alpha are in a cold war with none bowing to defeat... .... The business world being the battlefield and marriage ...the weapon.. What happens when the one you hate so much suddenly fills you with an unquenchable RAGING DESIRE... "Do you know the meaning of the letter 'H' in my name?" Crystal asked Xender while leaning dangerously close to him. Gently she whispered.. "It means Heaven.. I can take you there.." The sides of his mouth raised slightly "You can't take Hell to heaven Becca" ... IT'S SOO ON!

ArmyElla · Urbain
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: Unbelief II

Crystal and Xender haven't been on talking terms for as long as they can remember but lately it seems to have gotten intense. A knife could probably slice through it. Each of them were waging a cold war on each other. Xender was doing everything possible to get back the hospital Crystal tried to sell. That place was like a second home to him. He made good friends and family there so it wasn't something he'd just over look.

His mother had been worried but his father was so happy and proud that his son was finally going into the business world, but he wasn't so sure about his decision not to disclose his family background to the public. He guessed his son wanted to do it on his own without his family name paving way for him.

Crystal's mother, Mrs. Acadia, didn't really like Xender. In her view, he was too soft and because of this, he was not worthy of her daughter. She wanted a man that could protect her only child whenever the situation arises. Not forgetting that her fellow rich ladies who were close to her knew about her daughter's marriage and who she was married to although not all knows his background. It was the only thing they could use to ridicule her and it always got to her. Everyone had a tale of what their son in law achieved but like always she had none to tell. She could brag about her daughter's achievements but deep down she also wanted to say something about her son in law.

Speaking of the devil, she saw him walk in with a basket of fruits and a bouquet of flowers. She sighed as she could already hear some of the ladies giggling, obviously mocking her. She excused herself and went to the bathroom.

Mrs. Acadia gave a frustrated sigh. She didn't want to meet him in her angry state cos she was afraid of what she might say or do and the fact that his parents were also there wasn't helping matters. She still wondered what her husband saw in him. Of course the fact that he was a Rugard was already a big deal but what else??? It was for that one title that she was keeping her peace.

She couldn't stay here forever so she got ready to leave when she overhead the conversation of about three women whose voices were very familiar...

"Did you see Acadia's son in law?"

"Yes I did!"

Here we go again...

Acadia rolled her eyeballs as she waited for them to finish their mockery and gossip. With a pained expression she listened.

"He looked handsome!"

"Every lady in this place knows it."

"As much as it pains me... He's the most handsome out of all the son in laws here".

"I agree to that" they all said.

"Most of the times I wish I had a son in law like him".

"Me to".

"Same here".

Acadia's eyes flung open. What were these women saying? With her interest now intrigued she paid more attention.

"I mean... Have you seen the way he treats her? My son in law doesn't give a damn about me."

"I can relate to that, they're only concerned with work and don't really care about the women at home".

"They see us as just decorations. When they come to visit they buy just about anything that comes to mind. They have no idea what our preferences are! At worst, they just get us expensive jewels.. I mean it's not like we don't appreciate it but we can also afford them!" One said with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Why can't they be like Alexandra? Although I don't know his background but he's so loving towards his mother in law and am so jealous of her! I know he doesn't get her expensive things but anyone with an eye can tell that he puts so much consideration into what he gets her. She loves apples so much and that is what he usually gets her. Her favorite flower is Daisy and he keeps getting her different types, I mean what more could you ask for?"

"Not forgetting that his so down to earth. He greets us the way a son treats his mother. He even calls us ladies at times"

"And she still treats him like trash!"

They all laughed.

"She's so lucky but has no idea. She has no idea of what it is to sit in a room with your family and your son in law doesn't even bother to know how you're doing... Year in year out. It like you don't exist!"

"Once he's done greeting my husband and I initially the next time he speaks to me is when he's about to leave!"

"I can't even go over to my daughter's place cos it would be so awkward, I only see her once in a while".

"If I had a son in law like him, everyone will know about it! He'd always be on my social media page"

"I second that!"

"She's so lucky"

"Well I'd still be making fun of him to make her feel bad. It's the only thing we can use against her. Her daughter is already too successful".

"Well she's too blind to see, so I'll just have my fun".

They laughed and left for the party outside.

The door to the ladies room slowly opened and Acadia walked out. On her face was a guilty expression. She had let what people said about her son in law get to her that she failed to see the priceless treasure given to her. Despite the horrible way she has been treating him, he still remained positive and even smiled at her.

She vowed to be a better mother in law and mother to him not minding what others said about him. She has truly been blind.

Acadia stepped into the party and saw Xender standing there with a glass of wine in his hand. Truly, he stood out of every other male in there. She waved to get his attention and immediately he was there.

"You called ma'am"

"Would you mind dancing with me?"

To say Xender was shocked was an understatement cos he had to look around to make sure it was him she was referring to. She smiled sadly.

"You don't want to dance with this old lady?" She knew what she was doing.

"No...no... You're hardly old. You look a lot more like Crystal"

This made her laugh out happily.

"Where have you been learning that from? Well she does get her beauty from me".

They walked to the dance floor and she was the only one dancing with her son in law.

In the middle of the dance she spoke up.

"I haven't been a very good mother in law have I?"

Xender kept silent.

"Don't worry I mean no harm and I know better. I want to apologise for my initial behavior towards you and I'd like us to start afresh. What do you say?"

"Ok ma'am"

"Um.. please call me mum. Ma'am is too official, you're also my son".

"Yes mum"

She smiled, it really felt good to have a son.

"And if anyone messes with you even my daughter let me know, I'll deal with them". Xender chuckled and replied, "Yes mum, especially Crystal".

"She can be a pain in the ass not so?"

"You have no idea..." They both burst out laughing happy with there new relationship.

Meanwhile, a certain ice queen have been starring at the duo from afar.

"That's my husband! Why can't she stay with hers?"

Crystal murmured to herself.