
Ranging Desire

Even the surrounding will tremble with fear when the great Lioness and the mighty Alpha are in a cold war with none bowing to defeat... .... The business world being the battlefield and marriage ...the weapon.. What happens when the one you hate so much suddenly fills you with an unquenchable RAGING DESIRE... "Do you know the meaning of the letter 'H' in my name?" Crystal asked Xender while leaning dangerously close to him. Gently she whispered.. "It means Heaven.. I can take you there.." The sides of his mouth raised slightly "You can't take Hell to heaven Becca" ... IT'S SOO ON!

ArmyElla · Urbain
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: Unbelief

Alexandra walked through the hallway furious with a scary calm expression but a vein could be seen threatening to pop any time soon on his temple. This was the reason no one dared to stop him on his way to the CEO's office.

A starring competition or so.. none bowed to defeat. Even the bodyguards were finding the situation life threatening and they tried to not make it obvious that they were trying to access him because it wasn't normal for an ordinary person to emit this type of chocking icy Aura. It made one to be conscious and tread carefully around him or risk being bitten.

"Why did you do it?" They were simple.. just a sentence... A question .. but the weight of these words...

"Why did I do what?"

"Are you gonna play dumb with me?" He said as calmly as he could although the Aura around him spoke differently.. quite the opposite.

"As much as I really want to know why you're acting like this.. I don't particularly have the time for this childish attitude."

Xender smiled, of course it was beautiful but even the bodyguards felt the hair at the back of their hands stand as they detected a threat before them.

"So that's how you wanna play it?

Well. Game on.. " and with that he simply left. Meanwhile Crystal was doing a lot of calculations in her head. For a long time now she can't remember feeling threatened like this. So she took her time to find out what the problem was. But if she was being honest this side of him... Excited her... And she was really looking forward to what he would do.

Three weeks later...

Crystal stood before the TV with an unreadable expression with her arms crossed. The news headline was practically griping her attention as she watched a particular man take over a project she has been trying to get for the past six months in a matter of weeks! She watched him smile at the camera and for some reason she felt that it didn't reach his eyes. Was he tired? Crystal was shocked at her own thoughts! Since when did she ever think of him like that??

Something else was disturbing her... The female reporter was being unnecessarily touchy. Why was she touching him randomly and can't he tell her to stop? This was business not a get together and it's not that she was his wife and why is he not wearing his wedding band?

Crystal pintched the bridge of her nose. When has she ever cared for their wedding band on either of them. But the next thing she saw made her re think her decision.

"Are you married?"

Thunderstorms surrounded the ice queen as she death stared at the reporter while secretly waiting to hear what he will say.

"We would like to hear your answer next time you're here... So this is us inviting you to our next show. And hopefully you won't turn us down. The public would really like to hear your answer, especially the ladies.."

Xender smiled even though he was exhausted and his body kept screaming rest. He badly needed one since the past few weeks have been a lot. He understood that the TV station was trying to get him for another interview soon and they were making sure that he doesn't refuse by using the public. That was clever and he was relieved that he didn't have to answer that question on air ..yet.

Blaze walked into the house and the smell of an ointment hit him. It smelt nice but it reminded him of the hospital and he wasn't really a big fan of hospitals. However it was quite intriguing and pleasant to say the least. He was already having a headache from the constant nagging of Bea who keeps looking for everyway possible to come into his home and he was running out of excuses.

Suddenly he heard the door to Soraya's room open and she walked out clad with barely zipped up gown with her right hand to her neck and the other keeping her dress from falling off her body. She painted the picture of a princess in distress only that this lady here had a serious expression instead of pity. She was frantically looking for something that she didn't notice him besides the wall. He watched as she picked up a pain relief medicine from the table while sighing in relief and in that moment she took her hand off her neck and a terrible mark came in view... It was obviously a handprint from a man! He must have grabbed her neck and that looked painful.

For some reason it just didn't sit well with him. Another man actually laid his filthy hands on a woman? That was his property?

Ok... That just came out but... The part of her neck that had that ugly mark was darker than every other part of her skin. Just as she turned around the left hand of her gown fell down to her shoulder exposing the pale silk skin on her shoulders. Blaze's eyes moved on their own as they trailed the exposed surface. It was his first time seeing this much skin from her and he couldn't deny that he was actually pleased with the view although he'd never say it out. Suddenly he saw her smile as she inspected the container of the pills.


This was the only word that rang in his head and for another weird reason it made him smile as well, a small smile tugged at his lips, barely visible.

Suddenly she raised her face and saw Blaze and immediately her smile disappeared. Blaze was confused but also acted non challan even though he kept asking himself if he was that scary. It was a first time for him and he didn't like the feeling. He made it obvious and let her know that he was staring at the ugly mark on her neck but she immediately covered it with her hair and greeted him before briskly walking into her room while adjusting her clothes.

"Find out what happened today at RAY'S restaurant. I want the report on my table tomorrow morning". Blaze got off the phone with his secretary, he was determined to teach the animal who dared to lay his hands on a lady that belonged to him a lesson he'd never forget. No one else had the right to hurt her except him even though he'd never stoup so low to lay his hands on a lady.