
Rampager Of The Cosmos Lineage

What will happen when mortals unintentionally create a synthetic vampire? One which is invulnerable to half of the vampire's shortcomings? But there is a subtle issue with it, insanity, chaos, mentally unstable and beast behind it. Ready to be unleashed. Watch as Noah rises from the bottom of powers in the post-apocalypse world. "I do not come into this world to be a saviour, rather it is to do my heart desire!" This is a journey of a hybrid created by humans! A monster feared by many and worshipped by thousands! Watch an abomination strides the Earth!!!

Visionary001 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Abandon them.

Noah was a bit speechless.

_How can a cockroach be this powerful? I do notice they have strong will but to have strength... Tsk this mutation will definitely make humans no longer be the leading food chain bosses._

Looking at the 20 centimetres cockroach which just withstood his assault.

Noah lowered his axe and decides to try his martial fist.

Without wasting time he hurled himself right at the cockroach who also shot towards him.

As soon as they came into contact Noah punch it and it got tyrannized.


[Ding Dark armour cockroach has been killed. 50 EXP points awarded]

"It's weak?" Noah frown out of confusion, his axe wasn't able to kill it but his fist did it which baffled him. Without wasting time he visualize his hologram.

Name: Noah Oscar

Race: Unknown

Class: Non

Level: 3

EXP: 130/600

Health: 50/50

Strength: 20

Speed: 24

Endurance: 13

Stamina: 20

[1 stat left unused]


Berserk state- When activated, All host speed, endurance, strength and mental state will be directly doubled.

_Let's put the stat in strength shall we?_ With such idea he quickly put the stat in his strength.

Feeling more stronger he turn towards the people and announced sternly.

"We will stretch in the cafeteria for now. Firstly two boys should volunteer to enter and survey if there's any mutant or zombie hiding and after that the ladies can enter."

Although non of the boys wanted to take on such risky job but with Bernard telling them too, they had no choice but to grudgely enter the place. After 5 minutes of checking the others were allowed in.

Noah looked at the destroyed Ashley corpse closely and discovered how the head was sliced off. It was more likely to have been done by an exceptionally sharp object.

_Strange, but that cockroach didn't show such ability. Neither did the boys spot any other mutants or zombie._ He pondered inwardly as his eyes ricochet around in an alarm behavior.

He felt like a couple of cold illusionary eyes were lurking in the dark, peering at them and waiting just for them to drop their guard to strike. Noah who wasn't a warrior till a few hours back didn't know what crucial strategy to carry, could only pretend that nothing occurred.

_In such situation a hero will notify the others to be cautious of their surroundings but I'm not a hero. This will be the fairest time to flee, from the way it looks at me I can say it recognizes me as a threat.

If I leave I'm sure it won't chase after me, well it will but not until it kills everyone here. By then I will have gone far._ Noah speculated inwardly and without wasting time he let out.

"You guys should wait inside for a while since it's safe, I will go outside and kill some zombies to get stronger and also try checking if there's a phone in here and make a call, who knows. We might get save."

"You're right..."

"Be careful out there Noah, it's dangerous..."

"Is it necessary to go hunt? We can stay here and wait for the military to come rescue us...."

Noah didn't say a word as he heard some agreeing with his arrangement while others disapproved of it, fearing that something might attack him if he goes out and that will lower their groups power.

After reassuring the girls, Noah find another new axe and picked it then walked outside.


"Boss Bernard, do you think us too should level up outside?" One of the boys confided to Bernard after seeing Noah's action.

Bernard was first taken aback by the abrupt question before throwing a look of disdain at the guy and saying, "Tsk, what's there to level up for? I'm sure the military will soon come rescue us and by then we can hide in their mist while hunting zombies peacefully.

Tsk, Noah is just showing off and this will cost him his life, as for us, we can use this opportunity to once again have fun with the ladies.

Hehehe he never mentioned to not do so."

At the end of his sentence he shot the ladies a look filled with lust.

"Bernard, control yourself. We're in a dangerous environment and need to control ourselves and besides I feel like Noah left in a hurry manner. It's like he abandoned us and while we in here I keep feeling like death isn't far from us.

I suggest we leave here ASAP."

"But we don't have strength to survive outside." Bernard retort cowardly.

"If we don't have the strength." Jayden wavered a bit as a he made a decisive decision at that moment, "Then we level up and be strong to survive."

Without wasting time he called the other boys over and told them to choose. But unsurprisingly the boys whose to stay.

Jayden and Bernard had to walk away which excited the ladies.

6 minutes after they left...

"Hahaha, we are finally free from those demons. We are fre..." One of the girls in green pumped her fist as she let out excitedly.

"Yes we are free, we are fre... ahhhhhh!"

The others turn to find out the reasons for scream only for a look of horror to be plaster on their face.

A white bony hand pulled out a heart frm the green shirt girl's backside. It held her heart which was still pumping as blood gush out of the hole.

Dazedly she looked down at the hole in where her heart was suppose to be as horrow filled her and within some seconds her eyes lost its luster as she weakly collapsed.


The thought echoed in each of their head as they quickly dash for the door frantically while trying to shove each other and the chairs or table backward to stall for time.

The red eye zombie wasn't in a hurry to hunt as it munches on the heart with a faint smile on its bloody lip.