
The legilimens

I was in front of McGonagall's office. I had to see the headmaster for the first time, and i would lie if i say that i wasn't nervous. I'm pretty sure this is about the troll and the gaps on the story Hermione and the others had to tell. But if there is something i'm nervous is that i don't know what is the objective of the headmaster. I mean, he's the most powerful wizard, does he not have any ulterior motive to be on this position? Or is he just enjoying his supremacy by teaching and training the new generation? This first visit will be very important to see if he can actually protect me from the death eaters or he won't interfere...

[Some time later]

Here we are, the office of the one i must surpass to be the most powerful. I was going to knock on the door but he said from inside ''come in'' before that, to my surprise. I entered and the office had a lot of weird artifacts, probably some are absurdly strong... but that's not why i'm here. I sat down on the chair in front of his desk, and he stared at me for a minute or so.

Rainy- so... you wanted to talk with me? If it's about the bathroom's wall, i'm sorry.

Albus- no, no, Ms. Lionheart. I'm just curious of how a first year was able to disintegrate the neck, head, and the wall behind, of a full-grown mountain troll. Your friends said that you used a, rapier? To do that.

Rainy- well, you see. I'm pretty special, and i'm really good with the rapier.

Albus- that was more than really good, Ms. Lionheart.

Rainy- hehe, thanks. I know i'm quite awesome, but i still need to learn a lot.

Albus- what is your objective after hogwarts Ms. Lionheart? You seem very fond of your strength.

Rainy- i don't know yet. I would like a job that let's me catch bad guys as the aurors, but i also would like to fight xxxxx class creatures. The final objective being be the strongest witch on the history!

Albus- quite the objective you've got there... i must advice you, Ms. Lionheart, to not let yourself to the dark arts in seek of power. That will only end on the creation of another dark lord.

Rainy- and i must say, headmaster, that the dark arts are neither the better, nor the smartest decision to be powerful. There are more 'ethic' ways. At least for me.

Albus- oh? If that's so, i'm glad. I can't let another dark lord raise, i hope you understand.

Rainy- of course, headmaster. I'll surpass you while in the light! Hehehe.

Albus- i'm looking forward to that day, Ms. Lionheart.

Rainy-(he really looks and feels as a good man, that has seen a lot) headmaster. Do you know how to read minds?

Albus- hum? Well the spell is Legilimens. Why?

Rainy- i would like to ask you to read mine. I can't remember where i'm from because i appeared in a forest when i was 4. so i hoped that with that you would be able to see before. Maybe my country, or my parents...

Albus- i see, but i must say that not many people would agree to let someone see their most inner thoughts.

Rainy- please. I'm a Gryffindor. I don't have anything to hide. Well, technically i did have something, but you seem really a good person. So i'll let you see it.

Albus- if you are so willing, i'll try. Try to focus on what you want me to see. Legilimens.

Just after that i felt him looking everything inside my mind and it really was uncomfortable. But i had to endure. Maybe all the questions i have about my parents will be answered here. I was looking forward to it. 2 or 3 minutes later he stopped it and i was really tired too.

Rainy- so. Could you see it? Headmaster?

Albus- ...i'm afraid not. Ms. Lionheart. It seems that before that light, your memory has been erased...

Rainy- erased!? that means someone did that knowingly no?

Albus- not necessarily. But i can say, that i don't think you are from this world, Ms. Lionheart.

Rainy- what? What does that mean?

Albus- it means what it means. That energy called mana, the Command Screen that stops the time and those powerful physical attacks. I'm afraid that they defy all logic on this world. Who transported you when you were four, did so from another world, or dimension. Magic that it's impossible for us.

Rainy- that's... well... why? I mean, why use magic so powerful on a four year old?

Albus- that, i don't know. But rest assured. You are still a witch and will be treated as one on hogwarts. And also don't worry about death eaters, they are pretty inactive lately and won't come close to me. It was a surprise to see they attacked an orphanage last year.

Rainy- well that's reassuring. And headmaster, can i ask permission to hunt on the forbidden forest?

Albus- i'm afraid i can't give you permission for that as i can't give privileges to some students only. But i'll tell you that there aren't creatures you would want to kill on that forest, as the bigger things you can find of your level of skill are giant acromantulas that are Hagrid's pets, unicorns that are pacifists and centaurs that are a magical race, not creatures.

Rainy- hmm, ok. Thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind. Do you need anything else headmaster?

Albus- anything i would need to ask you is already on my mind, so no, you can go. Good bye Ms. Lionheart. I hope you surpass me.

Rainy- Good bye headmaster, and rest assured, i will hehe.

After that pleasant talk i left the office and went to the common room to see my friends. They discovered that whatever it's behind Fluffy (it seems to be the doggy's name) i has something to do with Nicolas Flamel. And they told me that they saw Snape going to the 3rd floor corridor on the halloween day while they were coming to the bathroom. So after today, i'm pretty sure that Quirrell is after whatever is on that corridor and that Snape knows it, and is trying to find proof.

The next days they were searching all they could about Flamel, but i couldn't care less. I was sure that for christmas i would be able to conjure a rapier and i was always with that on my room.

The day Hermione was going to his home for christmas, rested from all the studying and passed the day with Ron and Harry. We were playing magical chess and i must say i'm pretty good at it. Or so i thought because i beated Harry, but when i was against Ron, oh boy... he destroyed me. How can someone so, so... Ron? be so good at chess? But whatever. I don't like to lose but he makes really beautiful plays. Like when he sacrificed the queen because he knew he would take mine on 2 turns and a rook.

Tomorrow it's christmas and i'm pretty sure i can use proper conjuration for my rapier. So i'm searching for a good unused classroom to try it on the seventh floor, and i must say that the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy is a quite suspicious spot for a secret passage. And i got a little distracted searching. I was between searching on the tapestry as the secret passages are another type of adventure and going to try my rapier. So imagine my surprise when a door appeared on the opposite side of the tapestry with a lot of dolls and things to train with.

When it was curfew i came back to my room having enjoyed a training session with my new weapon, a silver rapier i'll call Joyeuse. (i didn't knew that i wasn't going to find the training room again this year) It's really awesome put a name to a weapon. So with that i went to sleep as tomorrow will be christmas.

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