
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Jeux vidéo
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43 Chs


just comment if you need a image for certain creatures as i can easily provide it


Upon awakening, Finn experienced a surge of boundless energy coursing through him, as though he possessed the capacity to vanquish a thousand lizards and yet remain prepared to engage a thousand more in battle'

Unfortunately, this fleeting sense of contentment proved short-lived, as the relentless grip of hunger swiftly encroached upon Finn's initial enthusiasm for embarking on an exploration. It left him feeling increasingly weary and devoid of energy.

'Breakfast first I guess' Finn thought as he With swift deliberation,he slid out from the cozy refuge, greeted by the sun's warm embrace. Its radiant light, though somewhat subdued by the heavy shroud of clouds above, still managed to cast a gentle, diffused glow upon the world below.

'Is it just me or does it seem like the sun is being covered more and more?' Finn wondered as he carefully accessed his inventory, a digital space meticulously designed with precisely 10 slots with 1 of them being gained from Each level he attained which granted him an additional slot, and now, with a sense of anticipation, he contemplated the array of items at his disposal. His objective: to decide on his next meal.

'Lets eat some blue lizard with a vulture follow up' Finn, driven by an insatiable hunger, swiftly withdrew both a lizard and a vulture corpse from his surroundings. With an almost primal urgency, he devoured them, hoping to quell the gnawing emptiness within. To his profound disappointment, the hunger persisted unabated, an unyielding force that refused to be silenced. Undeterred, he pressed on, consuming not just the lifeless remains of the vulture and lizard, but also ingesting 2 vibrant green lizards which finally quelled his hunger.

'Now that was nice, but where the heck is Echo' Finn found himself immersed in contemplation, his gaze sweeping the surroundings, yet failing to locate his friend. His worry remained relatively subdued, for he reasoned that he would likely have received a notification of Echo's demise had it occurred.


Suddenly, from above, a shadow materialized, sending a shiver down Finn's spine as he found himself caught off guard. When he glanced upward, his astonishment knew no bounds, for what he beheld was truly astounding: Echo had undergone a remarkable transformation. His once ebony skin had transformed into a pristine, ethereal white, while the very fabric comprising his wings had metamorphosed into a striking shade of crimson. But the metamorphosis did not cease there; Echo's dimensions had expanded, nearly doubling in size, rendering him an awe-inspiring sight to behold.

'HOLY SHIT ECHO YOU CHANGED' Finn screamed mentally as he gazed down at his diminutive companion, who had just alighted beside him, but was now unable to perch atop his head as it had done so effortlessly in the past.

{THANKS BRO} Suddenly, out of nowhere, Finn heard a voice resonate within his mind, causing him to startle and prompting a surge of curiosity about its origin. After a moment of initial bewilderment, Finn redirected his attention towards Echo, whose countenance appeared to be brimming with unmistakable joy.

{Echo?} Finn, gazing inwardly, silently communicated with his joyful companion, who swiftly shifted their attention towards him in response to his mental summons.

{Yeah bro?} Hearing the voice once again and witnessing Echo's response stirred a momentary shock within Finn. However, having prepared himself for this possibility, the initial shock swiftly transformed into excitement and curiosity. He pondered what had altered him so profoundly, as he harbored doubts that mere evolution could enhance his intelligence and enable him to employ colloquial terms such as "bro."

{Where did you learn the word bro?} Finn opted to inquire directly, harboring a sense of urgency to avoid any unnecessary delays, driven by the hope that Echo might possess the answer he sought. His anticipation did not go unrewarded, for he swiftly discovered that indeed, Echo held the key to his query.

{Well I learned it from you? a voice told me everything echo knows now came from you!} Echo's words left Finn in a state of profound astonishment, catching him entirely off guard. However, this unexpected revelation didn't incite any feelings of disappointment or resentment within him. On the contrary, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction and contentment, knowing that his friend had shown remarkable improvement.

{Wanna go hunting?} Finn inquired, his keen observation noting a gleam in Echo's eyes, accompanied by traces of drool escaping from his mouth. Echo responded shortly thereafter.

{LETS GO BRO I WANT TO EAT MEAT} Echo's response elicited a mental flinch from Finn, a momentary disturbance in his thoughts. However, he quickly overcame this reaction and decided to assess their current status before they departed.


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 6(147/600)

HP (Health Points): 157.5

MP (Magic Points): 55

STR: 15.75

AGI: 8.5

END: 15.75

WIS: 5.5

INT: 5.5

skill points: 0

stat points: 1.25


[Bone shield(LV 6/10)]- allows the user to create a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used.

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....



[Name: Echo]

[Relationship level: 90](Blood brothers)

[level: 10](57/200)

[Skills: vision share,stealth,High speed flight,Bash]

(Note: none)


'well thats nice~' Finn thought as he watched the blur that is echo zip around him as he moved to go on his normal hunts.