

[Time: 9:30 AM] [Morning]

The sun had fully risen, casting its warm golden light across the city. The mist from the early morning had lifted, revealing a clear and vibrant day. As I walked through the bustling streets towards Oakwood Apartments, a sense of anticipation coursed through me.

The apartment complex came into view, its exterior modest and inviting. I paused for a moment, taking in the scene before me. People were going about their day, walking their dogs, chatting with neighbors, and going in and out of the building. It was a scene of ordinary life, a stark contrast to the extraordinary circumstances that often occupied my thoughts.

I knew that somewhere within this complex, Sarah lived her life. The thought of seeing her again filled me with a mix of excitement and apprehension. I had changed so much since the last time we had been together, and I wondered how she would react after seeing me.

What should I say to her?

Now that I am so close, I... I can't muster up the courage to go and knock at her door.

As I stood there, my heart racing with a mixture of emotions, I found myself hesitating. The memories of our past flooded my mind—our laughter, our conversations, the way she had looked at me with those eyes that held a world of understanding.

"No more hesitating!" I slapped my cheeks after undoing the Mimic Quirk and returning back to my original face.

As I walked towards the apartment building, my footsteps felt heavier with each step. The closer I got, the more the reality of the situation sunk in. I was about to see Sarah again after all these years. A mix of excitement and nervousness coursed through me.

The entrance to the building was just a few steps away now. I could see the names on the mailboxes, the familiar buttons for each floor's buzzer. My gaze was fixed on the directory, searching for Sarah's name. And there it was, 'Sarah Winston' a confirmation that she was indeed a resident of this place.

With a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped into the building's lobby. The interior was clean and well-lit, and a sense of calm washed over me. The hustle and bustle of the city seemed distant here, replaced by a quiet atmosphere.

I glanced at the directory again, noting the floor number. Sarah's apartment was on the third floor. I briefly wondered if she was home at this hour. Would she be surprised to see me? Would she even remember me?

My heart was pounding as I approached the elevator. I pressed the button and waited, the seconds feeling like an eternity. The doors finally opened, revealing an empty compartment. I stepped inside and pressed the button for the third floor.

As the elevator ascended, I tried to calm my racing thoughts. I needed to be composed when I saw her. I needed to convey the mixture of emotions that had brought me here—gratitude, longing, and an inexplicable need to reconnect.

I was angry at her first for bringing me back to life from my new world, but after knowing that my people back home are safe for now, I decided not to throw my anger at her. It just wouldn't be fair. She did wait for me for the past five long years.

There is this funny feeling in my heart that I can not explain right now...

The elevator chimed softly, signaling my arrival on the third floor. The doors slid open, revealing a hallway with several apartment doors. I walked down the corridor, my steps measured, my heart still racing.

And then, I was standing in front of her door. The door that led to her world, her space, her life. The door that held the possibility of reuniting with someone who had once meant so much to me.

I raised my hand to knock, my knuckles hovering just above the wood. But I hesitated, my hand frozen in mid-air.

Damn! Why is it so hard to knock at this door and meet her? I have fought countless deadly villains and I never felt this way... To think that I am actually nervous...

I shook my head and finally knocked on the door.

The knock echoed in the hallway, each second stretching out as I waited for a response. My heart seemed to beat in time with the passing moments, my anticipation mounting with each passing heartbeat.

I can hear someone approaching the door.

The door creaked open, revealing a figure framed by the warm light from within. Time seemed to slow as our eyes met, and the world around me faded into the background. Standing before me was Sarah, her features illuminated by a mixture of surprise and recognition.

Her appearance had changed over the years, but her essence remained the same. Her eyes still held that familiar spark of curiosity and kindness, and her smile held the same warmth that I remembered. Her hair was shorter now, cascading in gentle waves around her face. She wore a simple yet comfortable outfit, a reflection of her down-to-earth nature.

I took out the choco lava cake and the bucket of chicken wings from the bag.

I waited, my heart pounding, for her reaction. Sarah's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at me. Her lips parted as if she wanted to say something, but for a moment, she seemed speechless.

"Hey," I managed to say, my voice softer than I intended. "I brought... choco lava cake and chicken wings. Well, the wings are cold by now..."

A mixture of emotions flickered across her face—surprise, confusion, and then a smile that started to form at the corners of her lips. It was a smile that held a familiarity, as if she recognized the gesture and the connection it held.

Sarah pinched my arm.

"Oouch! What was that for?" I asked, confused.

She rubbed her eyes and then pinched her own cheeks. Then she pocked my cheek.

"Is this real?" Sarah's voice was a mixture of disbelief and astonishment. She reached out and gently touched my face, as if confirming that I was actually standing in front of her. Her touch was warm, and the look in her eyes was a mixture of joy and disbelief.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her actions, her pinch on my cheek surprising me.

"You... You came back! It worked!? Wait! You... You aren't a ghost, are you?" She seemed to have snapped out of her surprise as her hands continued to examine me, as if checking that I was in fact, not a ghost.

"For five long years, you babbled nonstop on my grave," I took a step forward and she took a step backward, "So, what did you expect? Even ghosts need some peace..." I took another step forward.

Sarah's eyes were wide with a mix of emotions—shock, disbelief, and now a touch of humor. She let out a nervous laugh, her hand dropping from my face. "I... I just can't believe it. It's really you, right? You're not some illusion or my imagination?"

"Imagination?" I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to my chest. I touched her chin and looked into her eyes, "You tell me..."

A few moments passed before she leaned forward, her eyes closing as we met in a kiss. Her lips were soft and warm, and the softness of her body against mine felt so right. The familiar scent of her hair filled my nose, and the gentle sensation of her breath on my face sent a shiver down my spine.

I held her close, my arms enveloping her. It was the second time I had kissed her, and the realization of being able to hold her in my arms again sent a warm wave of emotion through me.

It felt like time had stopped, as if the rest of the world had ceased to exist. Our bodies remained locked together, our lips caressing and exploring.

We finally parted, and she rested her head on my forehead. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. I wiped away her tears and gave her a gentle smile.

"How was that for an illusion?" I asked.

She chuckled and gave me a warm smile. "That was the best illusion ever."

I looked into her eyes and my heart leaped. There was so much longing there, a longing that I felt myself. My fingers gently brushed her hair as I spoke. "You... you really missed me, didn't you?"

Sarah bit her lip, and I could see a mixture of emotions on her face. After a moment, she nodded and took a step back, looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

"Yes, I missed you," her voice was barely above a whisper. She is weeping, her body shaking ever so slightly. "You have no idea how much I missed you!"

I felt my own throat tighten. Her words felt like a knife through my heart, and my chest seemed to constrict.

"I'm so sorry, Sarah. I'm sorry I left you alone."

"It wasn't your fault. I told you; you didn't abandon me."

Damn, cancer can be an ass.

She buried her face in my chest, her arms wrapping around my body. "God, I... I missed you so, so much."

I could feel the heat of her body through her clothes, and her words struck a chord in me. She had been waiting for me for years, believing in me. And now, I had returned to her.

"I'm back, and I won't leave you again," I replied. I leaned my head against hers, my hand caressing her hair.

I felt her grip tighten and she sniffed. I waited patiently, letting her recover from her emotions.


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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 13 chapters ahead⭐

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